About Project

Advanced Photonic Materials

At OSON we synthesize, grow, nanostructure, study and characterize a variety of materials with advanced functionalities for nanophotonics applications. Nanophotonics has experienced a revolution in the last few years, fueled by the discovery of novel material platforms, the development of ad-hoc nanofabrication processes, and the engineering of nanoscale interaction between photons and nanopatterned media. Our current focus is on the development of highly efficient, functional nanomaterials for light emission and detection.

Novel high-refractive index media for metasurfaces
At OSON we synthesize, grow, nanostructure, study and characterize a variety of materials with advanced functionalities for nanophotonics applications. Nanophotonics has experienced a revolution in the last few years, fueled by the discovery of novel material platforms, the development of ad-hoc nanofabrication processes, and the engineering of nanoscale interaction between photons and nanopatterned media. Our current focus is on the development of highly efficient, functional nanomaterials for light emission and detection.

Functional materials for light emission
Our team is pushing the frontiers of research in the realization of optically and electrically pumped light-emitting metasurfaces based on monolithic perovskite films. We demonstrated metasurface lasers with tunable topological polarization singularities, light-emitting metatransitors, metasurfaces with selective chiral emission underpinned by the optical and polaritonic Rasbha effect.

Our team is leading research in the hybridization of nano-emitters with photonic nanostructures. We have demonstrated the first topological lasers in the visible based on composition and size -tunable perovskite quantum dots, color tunable perovskite quantum dots for single-photon emission, and started looking into superradiant emission properties of molecular aggregates coupled to resonant metasurfaces.

Functional materials for light detection
Our team pioneers the study of nanostructured electronic topological insulators metasurfaces as polarization dependent photodetectors. We have demonstrated that structuring of topological insulator flakes can bring multifold enhancement of the circular photogalvanic effect, control over the surface transport and are have started investigating the nanoscale optical interactions underpinning these phenomena.

Our team develops has developed the capabilities to grow superconducting films and fabricate superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs), a leading technology for single photon detection and counting, with performances on par with commercial devices. We have also interest in new high-Tc superconducting materials like MgB2, which hold the potential to advance quantum detector technologies.


We are a spectroscopy group in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University.
As part of the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, we contribute to a vibrant scientific community advancing the synthesis and characterization of molecular and nanoscale materials. We have also strong ties with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, where we focus on fabrication and modeling of nanoscale devices.

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