Optical Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials  Cesare Soci  SitesGo OSON Research


Ruixiang Guo received her Ph.D. degrees in Optics in 2000 from Shanxi University, China.  He was awarded JSPSFellowships in 2001 and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at NationalInstitute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) (2001-2003). She is a Research Scientist at Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry (RIKEN)(2003-2009),Senior Research Fellow at Institute for Infocomm Research, A*Star,Singapore(2009-2011), Center of Quantum Technologies,  National University of Singapore (2011-2015), and Centre for Disruptive Photonic Technologies, NTU from 2016.

Invited Presentations

1.    A. N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, S. Dong, F. Martinelli, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev.Nontrivial application of coherent quantum absorption. META 2023, Paris, France.

2.       A. N. Vetlugin, F. Martinelli, R. Guo, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci.  From coherent absorption to coherent detection of quantum light. IPS Meeting2022, Singapore.

3.       A. N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, F. Martinelli, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci. Coherent light absorption and photon number discrimination. SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, California, USA.

4.    Ruixiang Guo, Hiroaki Minamide, Jun Zhang, Hiromsa Ito, "Monochromatic, wide tunable THz-wave generation and detection system running at room temperature", the 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2009 Busan), Invited Presentation.

5.    Ruixiang Guo, “Developing a frequency-agile terahertz wave generation and detection system for real-time THz-wave spectral imaging”, The 3rd Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2010),Wuhan, China. Invited Presentation.

6.    Ruixiang Guo, Tomofumi Ikari, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromsa Ito, "High sensitive detection of THz-wave at room temperature using of stimulated polariton scattering in MgO:LiNbO3" CLEO/QELS 2007 QPDA7 , Baltimore, USA(May 10, 2007), Post deadline presentation.

Journal Papers

1.     Anton N. Vetlugin Ruixiang Guo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev. “Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel interference by coherentperfect absorption of entangled photons”. New J. Phys. 24, 122001(2022)

2.  Anton N. Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Cesare Soci, NikolayI. Zheludev. (2022). Deterministic generation of entanglement in a quantum network by coherent absorption of a single photon. Phys. Rev. A 106, 012402(2022).

3.  Salih Yanikgonul, Ruixiang Guo, Angelos Xomalis, Anton N. Vetlugin, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci,Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Phase stabilization of a coherent fibre network by single-photon counting”, Optics Letter 45, 2740 (2020).

4. Anton N.Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Angelos Xomalis,Salih Yanikgonul, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “CoherentPerfect Absorption of Single Photons in a Fibre Network”, Applied physics letter 115,191101 (2019).

5.  Jinshan. Han, Tibout Vogt, M. Manjappa, Ruixiang Guo, M. Kiffner, Wenhui Li,  “Lensing effect ofelectromagnetically induced transparency involving a Rydberg state.” Phys. Rev. A 92 063824(2015).

6. Ruixiang Guo, Tomofumi Ikari,Jun Zhang, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito, “Frequency-agile THz-wave generationand detection system using nonlinear frequency conversion at room temperature”, Optics express, 18, 16430 (2010).

7. Hiroaki Minamide, Jun Zhang, Ruixiang Guo, Katsuhiko Miyamoto, Seigo Ohno, Hiromasa Ito, “High-sensitivity detection of terahertz waves using nonlinear up-conversion in an organic DAST crystal” , Applied physics letter, 97, 121106(2010).

8. Ruixiang Guo,Seigo Ohno, Hiroaki Minamide, T. Ikari, Hiromasa Ito, “Highly sensitive coherent detection of terahertz waves at room temperature using a parametric process”, Applied physics letter, 93, 021106 (2008).

9.Ruixiang Guo,Koichi Akiyama, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito, “A frequency-agile terahertz wavespectrometer for high-resolution gas sensing”, Applied physics letter, 90,121127 (2007).

10. RuixiangGuo, Koichi Akiyama, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito, “An all-solid-state,narrow line width, wavelength-agile terahertz-wave generator”, Applied physics letter, 88, 091120 (2006).

11. Ruixiang Guo, Hiroaki Minamide,Ikari Tomofumi, Youichi Ishikawa, Hiromasa Ito, “THz-wave spectrometer based ona coherent THz-wave parametric generator”, Optical engineering, 45(11),(2006).

12. RuixiangGuo, Feng-Lei Hong, Atsushi Onae , Zhi-Yi Bi, Hirokazu Matsumoto,“Frequency stabilization of a 1319-nm Nd : YAG laser by saturation spectroscopyof molecular iodine”, Opt.Lett. 29, 1733 (2004).

13. Fenglei Hong,Atsushi Onae, Jie Jiang, Ruixiang Guo, Hajime Inaba, Jun Ishikawa,Thomas R. Schibi, Hirokazu Matsumoto, “Absolute Frequency measurements of anAcetylene-stabilized laser at 1542 nm”, Opt.Lett. 28, 2324 (2004).

14. Fenglei Hong,Scott Diddams, Ruixiang Guo, Zhiyi Bi, Atsushi Onae, Hajime Inaba, JunIshikawa, Hirokazu Matsumoto, Daigo Katsuragi, Junji Hirata, Tadao Shimizu,Takayuki Kurosu, Yasuki Kogo “Frequency measurements and hyperfine structure ofthe R(85)33-0 transition of molecular iodine with a femtosecond optical comb”,J. Opt.Soc A.B, 21, 88 (2004).

15. Ruixiang Guo, Xiaojun Jia, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng, “Application of an all-solid-state frequency-doubled Nd:YAP laser to the generation of twin beams at 1080 nm”, APPLIED OPTICS , 41, 2304 ( 2002).

16. Ruixiang Guo, Julien Laurat, Jiangrui Gao, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng, “Aportable multi-purpose non-classical light source”, OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 211,243(2002).


1.    Letian Yu, Haoran Xue, Yun YongTerh, Ruixiang Guo, Eng Aik Chan, Cesare Soci, Baile Zhang, "Dirac MassGap Induced by Optical Gain and Loss" META 2024 | 14th Conference onMetamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics  to be held in Toyama from19 to 22 July 2024.

2.     A.N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev. Non-local quantum metrologywith entangled photons and geometric phase. CLEO 2023, San Jose, CA, USA.

‍3.    Ruixiang Guo, Anton N. Vetlugin, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Pancharatnam-Berry Phase and Non-Local Control of LightDissipation”. FTh1N.1, CLEO 2021, San Jose, CA, USA.

4.    Anton N. Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I.Zheludev, “Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel Interference on a Lossy Beam splitter”. FF2I.8, CLEO 2021, San Jose, CA, USA.

‍5.    Anton N. Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I.Zheludev, “Deterministic Generation ofEntanglement in Quantum Networks by Distributed Coherent Absorption”, STh1D.1,CLEO 2021, San Jose, CA, USA.

6.    Ruixiang Guo, Anton N. Vetlugin, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Non-Local Control of Light Dissipation”, CLEO Europ2021-EB-P.23

‍7.    Ruixiang Guo, Anton N. Vetlugin, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, "Quantum Light Control by DissipativeInterference", Materials for Humanity (MH 21) Symposium J: Quantummaterials, Singapore, 2021.

8.    Anton N. Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I.Zheludev, “Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel effect forbosons and fermions”, CLEO Europe-EQEC 2021.

‍9.     Anton N.Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Distributed Coherent Absorption in Quantum Networks forDeterministic Entanglement Generation”, CLEO Europe-EQEC 2021

10. AntonVetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay Zheludev" Manipulation of single photon quantum states by coherent perfectabsorption in a fiber network ", SPIE optics and photonics 2020.

11.  AntonVetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, NikolayZheludev, “Manipulation of single photon quantum states by coherent perfectabsorption in a fiber network”, IPS meeting 2020.

12. Salih Yanikgonul, Guo Ruixiang, AngelosXomalis, Anton N. Vetlugin, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci and Nikolay I.Zheludev, “Phase stabilization of a coherent fibre network by single-photoncounting”, IPS meeting 2020.

13.  AntonVetlugin, SalihYanikgonul, Guo Ruixiang, AngelosXomalis, GiorgioAdamo, Cesare Soci and Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Filtering of quantum stateswith plasmonic metamaterial absorber”, in the 7th International Topical Meetingon Nanophotonics and Metamaterials: Nanometa 2019, Austria.

14.  SalihYanıkgönül, Anton N. Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Angelos Xomalis, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Quantum StateFiltering of Dual-rail Photons with Fiberized Plasmonic Metamaterial”, CLEO2019, SanJose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA.

15. Ruixiang Guo, Anton N. Vetlugin, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Quantum StateFiltering of Dual-rail Photons withFiberized Plasmonic Metamaterial”, 3rd internationalworkshorp on Quantum &Topological Nanophotonics 2019.

16. Salih Yanıkgönül, Ruixiang Guo, Angelos Xomalis, Anton N. Vetlugin, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Phasestabilization of a coherent fiber network by single-photon counting”, 3rdinternational workshorp on Quantum &Topological Nanophotonics 2019.17.   Anton N. Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Angelos Xomalis, Salih Yanıkgönül, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I.Zheludev, “Filtering of quantum stateswith plasmonic metamaterial absorber”, The 7th International TopicalMeeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, 3 - 6 January, 2019, Seefeld(Tirol), Austria

18. Salih Yanıkgönül, Ruixiang Guo, Angelos Xomalis, Anton N.Vetlugin, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “StabilizedDissipative Single-photon Switch for Fiberized Quantum Networks”, 1st Advances in Quantum Engineering International Meeting(AQE2018), Singapore, 2018.

19. Anton N. Vetlugin, Ruixiang Guo, Angelos Xomalis, SalihYanıkgönül, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Coherent Perfect Absorption and Switching in a Fiberized Quantum Networkwith Plasmonic Metadevice”, 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel WavePhenomena – Metamaterials 2018 Espoo, Finland, 2018.

20. Ruixiang Guo, Salih Yanıkgönül, Angelos Xomalis, Anton N. Vetlugin, Giorgio Adamo, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “The fiberized quantum toolkit: dissipativesingle-photon switch”, TPI-LUX photonics@SG2018 conference, Nov.26, 2018.

21. RuixiangGuo,Charles M. X. Altuzarra, Angelos Xomalis, Cesare Soci, and Nikolay Zheludev, “Fibre-integrated quantumswitch”, SPIE optics andphotonics 2017

22. Ruixiang Guo, Anton N. Vetlugin, Mikhail V.Shestakov, SalihYanıkgönül, Venkatram Nalla, Cesare Soci, Nikolay I. Zheludev, “Nanophotonic Quantum Devices Realized in Fibers and on Chips”. IPS2008,Singapore

23.  Jinshan. Han, Tibout Vogt,M. Manjappa, Ruixiang Guo, M. Kiffner, Wenhui Li, “Lensing effect ofelectromagnetically induced transparency involving a Rydberg state.” Phys. Rev.A 92 063824(2015).

24. Jingshan Han, Ruixiang Guo, Thibault Vogt, and Wenhui Li, “Towards a lattics of Rydberg atom”, The OCPA8 International Conference onPhysics Education and Frontier Physics, Singapore, 2014.

25. Ruixiang Guo, Junlong Lim, Varghese Paulose, Yandong Gong, Hiroaki Minamide,Hiromasa Ito, “Monochromatic, Wide Tunable Terahertz-wave Spectrometer Workingat Room Temperature” the 34th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter,and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2010).

26. Tomofumi Ikari, Ruixiang Guo, Hiroaki Minamide, HiromasaIto, “Energy scalable terahertz-wave parametric oscillator usingsurface-emitted configuration”, European Optical Society – Rapidpublications 5,10054 (2009).

27. Hiroaki Minamide, Jun Zhang, Ruixiang Guo, Seigo Ohno, K.Miyamoto, Hiromsa Ito, "Terahertz-wave detection using an organic DASTcrystal covering ultra-wide frequency-range at room temperature"Conference on Lasers and Electro Optics 2009(CLEO) 2009.

29. Ruixiang Guo, Seigo Ohno, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromsa Ito, "Phase detectionof pulsed narrowband THz-wave with high sensitivity" Conference on Lasersand Electro Optics 2008(CLEO 2008), CThD2, San Jose, USA, 2008.

30. Ruixiang Guo, Seigo Ohno, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromsa Ito, "Phase detectionof pulsed narrowband THz-wave with high sensitivity" Conference on Lasersand Electro Optics 2008(CLEO 2008), CThD2, San Jose, USA, 2008.

31. Ruixiang Guo, Hiroaki Minamide, Seigo Ohno, Hiromsa Ito,"Pressure-broadening coefficient of water vapor measured with a highresolution, coherent tunable THz-wave Spectrometer”, Conference on Lasers andElectro Optics 2007 (CLEO 2007), JWA111, Baltimore, USA (May 10, 2007).

32. Ruixiang Guo, Tomofumi Ikari, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromsa Ito,"Detection ofcoherent tunable THz-wave Using of stimulated polariton scattering inMgO:LiNbO3 ", SPIE Europe Optics and Optoelectronics, Prague, CzechRepublic, 2007.

33. Ruixiang Guo, Koichi Akiyama, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito, " An highresolution, wavelength-scanning, fast-data-acquisition terahertz-wavespectrometer for trace gas " The joint 31th international conference oninfrared and millimeter waves & 14th international conference on terahertzelectronics. (IRMMW-THz 2006) Shanghai (China), 18-22, September 2006.

34. Ruixiang Guo, Koichi Akiyama, Hiroaki Minamide and Hiromasa Ito,"High-resolution spectroscopy based on a narrow linewidth,wavelength-agile terahertz-wave generator", Conference on Lasers andElectro-Optics (CLEO 2006), CTuGG3, Long Beach, USA (May 23, 2006).

35. Ruixiang Guo, Koichi Akiyama, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito, "Variablepressure THz-wave spectroscopy based on an all-solid-state coherent tunableTHz-wave source" 9th International Symposium on Contemporary PhotonicsTechnology (CPT 2006), Tokyo, Japan (Jan. 11-13, 2006).

36. Ruixiang Guo, Koichi Akiyama, Hiroaki Minamide, Hiromasa Ito,"Injection-seeded terahertz-wave generator pumped by an all-solid-statesingle-mode Q-switch YAG laser" The joint 30th international conference oninfrared and millimeter waves & 13th international conference on terahertzelectronics. (IRMMW-THZ 2005) Williamsburg, Virginia, USA, September 2005.

37. Hiroaki Minamide, Tomofumi Ikari, Ruixiang Guo, YoichiIshikawa, Hiromasa Ito, “ Afrequency-agile ring-cavity Thz-wave parametricoscillator pumped by a 200 Hz Q-sw Nd:YAG laser”, Conf. on laser and QuantumElectro-optics/Int. Quantum Electronics Conf. (CLEO/IQEC 2004), PhotonicApplications, Systems and Technologies (PHAST 2004), American Physical Societyand others, San Francisco, USA, May (2004).

38. Ruixiang Guo, Yoichi Ishikawa,Hiroaki Minamide, Tomofumi Ikari, Hiromasa Ito,“A compact, narrow-linewidth, fast-data-acquiring, ais-TPG spectrometer”,Nonlinear Optics Topical Meet., Materials, Fundamentals and Application,Optical Society of America, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 2004.

39. Ruixiang Guo, Zhi-Yi Bi, Jun Ishikawa, Atsushi Onae, Hirokazu Matsumoto,Feng-Lei Hong, Ken’ich i Nakagawa “Absolute Frequency Stabilization of a Nd:YAGlaser at 660 nm” CLEO/QELS 2003, Bartimore, Maryland, U.S.A.

40. Ruixiang Guo, Zhi-Yi Bi, Jun Ishikawa, Atsushi Onae, Hirokazu Matsumoto,Feng-Lei Hong, Ken’ichi Nakagawa , “Absolute Frequency Stabilization of aNd:YAG laser at 1319 nm” The Third Asian Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2002), 2002 ,Osaka, Japan.

41. Ruixiang Guo,Xiaojun Jia, Changde Xie, Kunchi Peng,“Multi-purpose Nonclassical Light Source”, 2002 International QuantumElectronics Conference, in Moscow.

42. Feng-Lei Hong, Zhi-YiBi, Ruixiang Guo, Jun Ishikawa, Takayuki Kurosu, Takayuki Kurosu,Atsushi Onae, Hirokazu Matsumoto, “Optical Frequency Standard at 1.3um and659nm based on an Iodine-stabilized a Nd:YAG laser ”, CPEM 2002, Canada.


We are a spectroscopy group in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University.
As part of the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, we contribute to a vibrant scientific community advancing the synthesis and characterization of molecular and nanoscale materials. We have also strong ties with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, where we focus on fabrication and modeling of nanoscale devices.

Optical Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials  Cesare Soci  SitesGo OSON Research