Optical Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials  Cesare Soci  SitesGo OSON Research


Dr Giorgio Adamo is the Research Manager of the Centres for Disruptive Photonic Technologies (CDPT) and a Senior Principal Research Fellow at the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS),Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Giorgio’s area of research is nanophotonics, where he has been lucky to work with some of the most influential groups in the world and provided important contributions to the discipline, particularly in the areas of free-electron driven nanoscale light sources, quantum and topological nanophotonics, metasurfaes and novel materials for nanophotonics, super resolution optical imaging.

Giorgio received his MSc from both the Polytechnic University of Milan (Italy) and the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, (Sweden) within the T.I.M.E. double degree European programme, and worked for two years as a researcher for Pirelli Labs(@CoreCom), before starting is PhD at the Optoelectronic Research Centre,University of Southampton (UK), where he was awarded the EPSRC Doctoral Prizefor his PhD research. In 2012, he moved to NTU to help establishing CDPT, today one of the largest photonics research centre in Singapore. Giorgio received theMistletoe Research Fellowship, to work with Boundary Layers Technologies Inc,to develop AI-based solutions for detection and prediction of ocean waves and debris. Giorgio serves as an Editorial Board Member for Journal of Physics:Photonics (IOP), and is a Senior Member of OPTICA (formerly OSA).

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Aw-HKdcAAAAJ&hl=en

Journal Publications

1.   B. Wang, R. An, E. A. Chan, G. Adamo,J.-K. So, Y.  Li, Z. Shen, B. An, N.Zheludev, “Retrieving positions of closely packed sub-wavelength nanoparticlesfrom their diffraction patterns”, arXiv. 2311.10441 (2024) DOI: https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2311.10441

2.   Y. Wang, J. Tian, M. Klein, G. Adamo,S. T. Ha, C.  Soci, “Directional emissionfrom electrically injected exciton polaritons in perovskite metasurfaces”, NanoLett. (2023) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00727

3.   H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, A. M.Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, C. Soci, “Topological Insulator Metamaterials”, Chem.Rev. 123, 4416 (2023) DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00594

4.   J. Tian, Q. Y. Tan, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, G.Yuan, G. Adamo, C. Soci, “Perovskite quantum dot one-dimensionaltopological laser”, Nat. Commun. 14, 1433 (2023) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-36963-6

5.   C. Soci†, G. Adamo†, D.Cortecchia†, et al., “Roadmap on perovskite nanophotonics”, OpticalMaterials: X 17, 100214 (2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.omx.2022.100214

6.   E. A. Chan, C. Rendón-Barraza, B. Wang,T. Pu, J.-Y. Ou, H. Wei, G. Adamo, B. An, N. I. Zheludev, “Counting andmapping of subwavelength nanoparticles from a single shot scattering pattern”, Nanophotonics,(2023) DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2022-0612

7.   J. Tian*, G. Adamo*, H. Liu, M.Wu, M. Klein, J. Deng, N. S. S. Ang, R. Paniagua-Domínguez, H. Liu, A. I.Kuznetsov, C. Soci, “Phase‐Change Perovskite Microlaser with TunablePolarization Vortex”, Adv. Mater. 35, 2207430 (2023) DOI: 10.1002/adma.202207430

8.   M. Klein, Y. Wang, J. Tian, S. T. Ha, R.Paniagua‐Domínguez, A. I. Kuznetsov, G. Adamo, C. Soci,“Polarization‐tunable perovskite light‐emitting metatransistor”, Adv. Mater.35, 2207317 (2023) DOI: 10.1002/adma.202207317

9.   A Maity, S Perotto, M Moschetta, H Hua,S Sardar, GM Paternò, J Tian, M Klein, G. Adamo, G. Lanzani, C. Soci, “ResonantEnhancement of Polymer–Cell Optostimulation by a Plasmonic Metasurface” ACSOmega 7, 42674 (2022) DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.2c04812

10. J. Tian, D.Cortecchia, Y. Wang, H. Liu, E. Feltri, H. Liu, G. Adamo†, C. Soci†,“Phase-change perovskite metasurfaces for dynamic color tuning” Nanophotonics11, 3961 (2022) DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2022-0143

11. D. Chen, J. Froech, S.Ru, H. Cai, N. Wang, G. Adamo, J. Scott, F. Li, N. Zheludev, I.Aharonovich, W.-B. Gao,” Quantum interference of resonance fluorescence from Germanium-vacancy color centers in diamond”, Nano Lett. 22, 6306 (2022)DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01959

12. G. Long*, G. Adamo*,J. Tian, M. Klein, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, E. Feltri, H. Wang and C. Soci,“Perovskite metasurfaces with large super structural chirality” Nat. Commun. 13,1551 (2022) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-29253-0

13. J. Tian*, G. Adamo*,H. Liu, M. Klein, S. Han, H. Liu and C. Soci,“Optical Rashba effect in a monolithic light-emitting perovskite metasurface”, Adv. Mater. 34,2109157 (2022) DOI: 10.1002/adma.202109157

14. A. Nussupbekov, G. Adamo, J.-K. So, L. Wu, Y. D. Chong and L. J. Wong, “Enhanced photonemission from free electron excitation of a nanowell”, APL Photonics,6, 096101 (2021) DOI: 10.1063/5.0054456

15. X. X. Sun*, G. Adamo*, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, M. Eginligil, N. I. Zheludev and C. Soci,“Topological Insulator Metamaterial with Giant Circular Photogalvanic Effect”, ScienceAdvances, 7, eabe5748 (2021) DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abe5748

16. D. Wang, S. K. Sahoo,X. Zhu, G. Adamo and C. Dang, “Non-invasive super-resolution imaging through dynamic scattering media”, Nat. Commun. 12, 1 (2021) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-23421-4

17. C. Rendón-Barraza, E.A. Chan, G. Yuan, G. Adamo, T. Pu, and N. I Zheludev, “Deeplysub-wavelength non-contact optical metrology of sub-wavelength objects”, APLPhotonics, 6, 066107 (2021) DOI: 10.1063/5.0048139

18. M. Tomczyk, P.Osewski, M.-H. Berger, R. Diduszko, I. Jóźwik, G. Adamo and D. A.Pawlak, “Bulk nanocomposite made of ZnO lamellae embedded in the ZnWO 4 matrix:growth from the melt”, J. Mater. Sci., 56, 11219 (2021) DOI: 10.1007/s10853-021-06020-y

19. G. Adamo, B. Chaudhary, D.Cortecchia, V. Nalla, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I. Zheludev and C. Soci,“Metamaterial enhancement of metal-halide perovskite luminescence”, NanoLett., 20, 7906 (2020) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.0c02571

20. Z. Wang, G. H. Yuan,M. Yang, J. Chai, Q. Y. Wu Steve, T. Wang, S. Wang, D. Chi, G. Adamo, C.Soci, H. Sun, N. Zheludev, K. Huang and J. Teng,“High-performance10 nm-thickness meta-optics with transition-metal dichalcogenides”, NanoLett., 20, 7964 (2020)

21. H. N. S.Krishnamoorthy*, G. Adamo*, J. Yin,N. I. Zheludev and C. Soci, “Dielectric metamaterials from high refractive index Bi2Te3topological insulator”, Nat.Commun. 11, 1692 (2020) DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-15444-0

22. E. A. Chan*, G.Adamo*, S. A. Aljunid, M. Ducloy, N. I. Zheludev and D. Wilkowski,“Plasmono-AtomicInteractions on a Fiber Tip”, App. Phys. Lett. 116, 183101 (2020) DOI: 10.1063/1.5142411

23. S. Yanikgonul, R. Guo,A. Xosmalis, A. N. Vetlugin, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Phasestabilization of a coherent fibre network by single-photon counting”, Opt. Lett., 45, 2740 (2020) DOI: 10.1364/ol.381388

24. A. N. Vetlugin, R.Guo, A. Xosmalis, S. Yanikgonul, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Coherentperfect absorption of a single photons in a fibre network”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 115, 191101 (2019) DOI:10.1063/1.5118838

25. E. A. Chan, S. A.Aljunid, G. Adamo, N. I. Zheludev M. Ducloy, and D.Wilkowski, “Coupling of atomic quadrupole transitions withresonant surface plasmons” Phys.Rev. A,99, 063801 (2019) DOI: 10.1103/physreva.99.063801

26.Y. Wang, Z. Gu, Y. Ren, Z. Wang, B. Yao,Z. Dong, G. Adamo, H. Zeng, H. D. Sun, “Perovskite–Ion BeamInteractions: Toward Controllable Light Emission and Lasing”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 15756(2019) DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b01592

27. Z. Wang, Y. Wang, G.Adamo, J. Teng and H. D. Sun, ”Induced optical chirality and circularlypolarized emission from achiral CdSe/ZnS quantum dots via resonant couplingwith plasmonic chiral metasurfaces”, Laser Photonics Rev., 13, 1800276(2019) DOI: 10.1002/lpor.201800276

28. Y. Zhou, Z. Mu, G.Adamo, S. Bauerdick, A. Rudzinski, I. Aharonovich, and W.-B. Gao,“Direct writing of single germanium vacancy center arrays in diamond” New Journ Phys. 20, 125004 (2018) DOI:10.1088/1367-2630/aaf2ac

29. Y. Zhou, Z. Wang, A.Rasmita, S. Kim, A. Berhane, Z. Bodrog, G. Adamo, A. Gali, I.Aharonovich, and W.-B. Gao, “Room-temperaturesolid state quantum emitters in the telecom range” Science Advances 4, 3, aar3580 (2018) DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aar3580

30.  E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, A.Laliotis, M. Ducloy, and D. Wilkowski, “Tailoring opticalmetamaterials to tune the atom-surface Casimir-Polder interaction” Science Advances 4, eaao4223 (2018) DOI:10.1126/sciadv.aao4223

31.  Z. Wang, Y. Wang, B. H. Teh, G. Adamo,J. Teng and H. D. Sun, ”Enhancing circulardichroism by super chiral hot spots from a chiral metasurface with apexes”App. Phys. Lett. 110, 221108 (2017) DOI:10.1063/1.4984920

32.  J. Yin, H. N. S.Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, A. M. Dubrovkin, Y. D. Chong, N.I. Zheludev and C. Soci, “Plasmonic of topologicalinsulators at optical frequencies”, NPGAsia Mater. 9, e425 (2017) DOI: 10.1038/am.2017.149

33.  B. Gholipour*, G. Adamo*, D.Cortecchia, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, J. Yin, N. I. Zheludev and C. Soci,“Organometallic perovskite metasurfaces”, Adv.Mater. 29, 1604268 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201604268

34.  A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev,Q. J. Wang, L. Wand and N. I. Zheludev , “Visible rangeplasmonic modes on topological insulator nanostructures”, Adv. Opt.Mat. 5, 1600768 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/adom.201600768

35.  S. A. Aljunid*, E. A. Chan*, G. Adamo*,M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski and N. I. Zheludev,“Atomic response in the near-field of nanostructured plasmonic metamaterial”, Nano Lett. 16, 3137 (2016) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00446

36.  Z. Wang, Y. Wang, G. Adamo, B. H. Teh,Q. Y. Steve Wu, J. Teng and H. D. Sun, “A novel chiral metasurface withcontrollable giant circular dichroism induced by coupling localized andpropagating modes” Adv. Opt.Mat. 4,883 (2016) DOI: 10.1002/adom.201600063

37.  Z. Wang, J. Zhao, B. Frank, Q.Ran, G. Adamo,H. Giessen, C. Soci, “Plasmon-polaron couplingin conjugated polymer on infrared nanoantennas”, NanoLett.15, 5382 (2015) DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b01760

38.  J. Y. Ou, J. K. So, G. Adamo, A.Sulaev, L. Wang, and N. I. Zheludev, “Ultravioletand visible range plasmonics of a topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2”,Nat. Commun. 5, 5139 (2014) DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6139

39.  G. H. Yuan, E. T. F. Rogers, T. Roy, G.Adamo, Z. X. Shen, and N. I. Zheludev, “Planar super-oscillatory lens for sub-diffraction optical needles atviolet wavelengths”, NPG Scientific Reports 4, 6333 (2014) DOI: 10.1038/srep06333

40.  X. Dai, S. Zhang, Z. Wang, G. Adamo, H.Liu, Y. Huang, C. Couteau, C. Soci, “GaAs/AlGaAsnanowire photodetector”, NanoLett. 14, 2688 (2014) DOI: 10.1021/nl5006004

41.  M. Liu, R. Chen, G. Adamo, K. F.MacDonald, E. J. Sie, T. C. Sum, N. I. Zheludev, H. Sun, and H. J. Fan, “Tuning the influence of metal nanoparticles on ZnO photoluminescence byatomic-layer-deposited dielectric spacer”,Nanophotonics 2, 153 (2013) DOI: 10.1515/nanoph-2012-0040

42.  G. Adamo, J. Y. Ou, J. K. So, S. D.Jenkins, F. De Angelis, K. F. MacDonald, E. Di Fabrizio, J. Ruostekoski, and N.I. Zheludev, “Electron-beam-driven collective-mode metamateriallight source”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 217401 (2012) DOI:10.1103/physrevlett.109.217401

43. V. Myroshnychenko, J.Nelayah, G. Adamo, N. Geuquet, J. Rodrìguez-Fernandez, I.Pastoriza-Santos, K. F. MacDonald, L. Henrard, L. M. Liz- Marzàn, N. I.Zheludev, M. Kociak and J. F. Garcìa de Abajo,“Plasmon spectroscopy and imaging of individual gold nanodecahedra: a combinedoptical microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and electron energy-loss spectroscopystudy”,Nano Lett. 12, 4172 (2012) DOI: 10.1021/nl301742h

44.  A. I. Denisyuk, G. Adamo, K. F.MacDonald, J. Edgar, M. D. Arnold, V.Myroshnychenko, M. J. Ford, F. J. Garcìade Abajo, and N. I. Zheludev, “TransmittingHertzian optical nanoantenna with free-electron feed”, Nano Lett. 10, 3250 (2010) DOI: 10.1021/nl1002813

45.  V. K. Tikhomirov, G.Adamo, A. E.Nikolaenko, V. D. Rodriguez, P. Gredin, M. Mortier, N.I.Zheludev, and V. V.Moshchalkov, “Cathodo- and photoluminescence in Yb3+-Er3+co-doped PbF2 nanoparticles”, Opt. Exp. 18, 8836 (2010) DOI: 10.1364/oe.18.008836

46.  G.Adamo, K.F.MacDonald,Y.H.Fu, D.P.Tsai, F.J.Garcia de Abajo, and N.I.Zheludev, “Tuneableelectron-beam-driven nanoscale light source”, J. Opt. 12, 024012 (2010) DOI:10.1088/2040-8978/12/2/024012

47.  G.Adamo, K.F.MacDonald,Y.H.Fu, C.M.Wang, D.P.Tsai, F.J.Garcia de Abajo, and N.I.Zheludev, “Light well:a tuneable free-electron light source on a chip”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 093901 (2009) DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.103.113901- Nat. Nanotech News and Views, 4, 707 (2009)

Conference Contributions

1.    (INVITED) A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci “Photogalvanicsof chiral topological insulator metamaterials”, META 2023 Paris, France, 18-21 Jul2023

2.    (INVITED) G. Adamo, “Monolithic halide perovskites metasurfaces”,Nanophotonics for Metrology Workshop, Chamonix, France, 6-9 Mar 2023  

3.   (INVITED) G.Adamo, “Monolithic BIC metasurfaces in halide perovskites”, Metamaterials3.1, Cetraro, Italy, 1-5 Aug 2022

4.    (KEYNOTE) G. Adamo,E. A. Chan, J. Li, T. Liu, S. Kurdiumov, K. F. MacDonald, J. Y. Ou, N.Papasimakis, E. Plum, T. Pu, C. Rendon-Barraza, Y. Wang, and N. I. Zheludev,“Picophotonics: visible invisible”, SPIE Photonics Europe 2022, Strasbourg,France, 3-8 Apr 2022

5.    (INVITED) G. Adamo, J. Tian, G. Long, H. Liu, M. Klein, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, J. Deng,N. S. S. Ang, H. Wang, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, H. Liu. A. I. Kuznetsov and C.Soci,“Active halide perovskite metadevices”, Metanano 2021, Tiblisi, 13-17 Sept 2021

6.    (INVITED) J. Tian, G. Adamo, G.Long, H. Liu, M. Klein, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, J. Deng, N. S. S. Ang, H.Wang, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, H. Liu. A. I. Kuznetsov and C. Soci, “Active halideperovskite metadevices”, SPIE Optics andPhotonics, San Diego, 1-5 Aug 2021

7.    (INVITED) X. Sun, G. Adamo, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, M.Eginligil, N. I. Zheludev and C. Soci,“Giant circular photogalvanic effect in topological insulator metamaterials”, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, 24-28 Aug 2020

8.   (INVITED) A.N. Vetlugin, S. Yanikgönül, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G.Adamo, C. Soci and N. I. Zheludev,“Quantum light manipulation with fiberized metamaterial perfect absorber”, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, 11-15 Aug 2019

9.   (INVITED) A.N. Vetlugin, S. Yanikgönül, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G.Adamo, C. Soci and N. I. Zheludev,“Coherent processing of quantum light with plasmonic metamaterial”, ICMAT 2019, Singapore, 23-28 Jun 20191

10. (INVITED) E. A. Chan, G. Adamo, S. A. Aljunid, A. Laliotis, M.Ducloy, N. I. Zheludev, and D. Wilkowski, “Tuning the surfaceCasimir-Polder interaction”, SPIE PhotonicsWest (OPTO) 2019, San Francisco, 2-7 Feb 2019

11. (INVITED) G. Adamo, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy,B. Gholipour, D. Cortecchia, J. K. So, M. D. Birowosuto, N. I. Zheludev, and C.Soci,“Control of perovskite luminescence with metamaterials”, SPIE Photonics Europe2018, Strasbourg, France, 22-26 Apr 2018

12. (INVITED) G. Adamo, B. Chaudhary, D. Cortecchia, H. N. S.Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, A. Bruno, J. K. So, M. D. Birowosuto, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Metamaterial platform for hybridperovskitesmetasurfaces”,KSIEC Fall Meeting 2017, Busan, South Korea, 8-10Nov 2017

13. (INVITED) G. Adamo, D. Cortecchia, B.Chaudhary, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, A. Bruno, J. K. So, M. D.Birowosuto, N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Control of lightemission in nanostructured perovskites metamaterials”, ISOM 2017 International Symposium, Shimane, Japan, 22-25 Oct 2017

14. (INVITED) J. Yin, G. Adamo, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, J. So, A. M.Dubrovkin, Y. Chong, N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Plasmonics inTopological Insulators” 8thInternational Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei, Taiwan,22-26 May 2017

15. (INVITED) G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, K. C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, A.Bruno, J. K. So, M. D. Birowosuto, N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Control ofluminescence in perovskite metamaterials”, IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 Feb 2017

16. (INVITED) C. Y. Liao, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J. Y. Ou, C. Huang, G.Adamo, E. Plum, K. F. MacDonald, Y. D. Chong, C. Soci, F. V. Kusmartsev, D.P. Tsai, and N. I. Zheludev, “Optical plasmonic response of niobiumaround the superconducting transition temperature”, IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 Feb 2017

17. (INVITED) J. Yin, G. Adamo, H. Krishnamoorthy, J. So, A. Dubrovkin, Y.Chong, N. Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Plasmonics of topological insulators”,Nanometa 2017, Seefeld, Austria, 4-7 Jan 2017

18. (INVITED) Z. Wang, J.Zhao, B. Frank, Q. Ruan, G. Adamo, H. Giessen, and C. Soci,“Plasmonic enhancement of charge carrier photogeneration in conjugatedpolymer”, SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, USA, 17-21 Aug 2014

19. (KEYNOTE) J-Y Ou, J-KSo, G. Adamo, Z. Wang, J. Yin, V. Nalla, S. Vezzoli, A. Sulaev, L. Wang,H. Sun, C. Soci and N. Zheludev, “Topological insulator for broadband switchable metamaterials”, SPIE Optics & Photonics,San Diego, USA, 17-21 Aug 2014

20. (INVITED) J. Y. Ou, J. K. So, G. Adamo, A.Sulaev, L. Wang, and N. I. Zheludev, “Plasmonics of topologicalInsulators at UV-Visible frequencies”, META'14,Singapore, 20-23 May 2014

21. (INVITED) J. K. So, J. Y. Ou, G. Adamo, F. J. G. de Abajo, K. F. MacDonald,and N. I. Zheludev, “Amplifying free-electron evanescentfields”, SPP6,Ottawa, Canada, 26-31 May 2013

22.(INVITED) H. Yasuda, J. Zhang, G. Adamo, S. Hakuta, K. F. MacDonald, and N.I. Zheludev, “Fishing for carbon nanotubes with a plasmonic metamaterialnet”, JSAP Spring Meeting 2013,Kanagawa, Japan, 27 - 30 Mar 2013

23.(INVITED) J. K. So, J. Y. Ou, G. Adamo, F. J. G. de Abajo, K. F. MacDonald,and N. I. Zheludev, “Plasmonic amplification of free-electron evanescentfields”, IPS Meeting 2013 Singapore, Singapore 4-6 Mar 2013

24. (INVITED)G. Adamo, J. -Y. Ou, J. K. So, M. Ren, E. Plum, E. T. F. Rogers, K. F.MacDonald, J. Xu and N. I. Zheludev, “Coherent light emission fromplanar plasmonic metamaterials”,CLEO/QELS 2012, San Jose, 6-11 May 2012

25. (KEYNOTE) N. I. Zheludev, A. E. Nikolaenko, K. F. MacDonald, V. A. Fedotov, D. W.Hewak, G. Adamo, Z. L. Samson, E. Plum, D. P. Tsai, E. Di Fabrizio, andF. De Angelis, “Nonlinear and switchable plasmonic metamaterials”, PIERS 2010 Xi’an China 22-26 Mar 2010

26. (INVITED)V. Myroshnychenko, J. Nelayah, M. Kociak, O. Stephan, C. Colliex, G. Adamo,K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, J. Rodriguez-Fernandez, E. Carbo-Argibay, L.M. Liz-Marzan, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, “Plasmon modes in individual noble metalnanoparticles”, SPIE Optics & Photonics 2009 San Diego 2-6 Aug 2009

27. (INVITED)N. I. Zheludev, G. Adamo, Y. H. Fu, K. F. MacDonald, C. M. Wang, D. P.Tsai, and F. J. García de Abajo, “Nanoscale tuneable light source”, SPIE Optics& Photonics 2009 San Diego 2-6 Aug 2009

28. (INVITED)G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, Y. H. Fu, C. M. Wang, D. P.Tsai, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, “The 'Light-well': A tuneable nanoscalefree-electron light source on-a-chip”, MRS Spring Meeting San Francisco 13-17Apr 20

29.  A. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q. J. Wang, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci“Interplay between optical electronic chiralities in topological insulatormetamaterials”, Metamaterials 2023, Crete, Greece, 11 - 14 September 2023

30. A. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, L. Wang, Q. J. Wang, N. I. Zheludev, C.Soci “Photocurrent nanoimaging of structural and spin-momentum locking chiralities in topological insulators”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich, Germany,26 - 30 June 2023

31. Y. Wang, J. Tian, M. Klein, G. Adamo, H. S. Tung, C. Soci, “Halideperovskite metasurfaces with tunable exciton-polariton electroluminescence”,CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich, Germany, 26 - 30 June 2023

32. J. Tian, Q. Y. Tan, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, G. Yuan, G. Adamo, C. Soci,“Perovskite quantum dot topological laser based on a one-dimensional cavity”,CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich, Germany, 26 - 30 June 2023

33. T. Chang, J.-K. So, E. A. Chan, G. Adamo, N. Papasimakis, Y. Shen,N. I. Zheludev, “Super-Resolution Multipole Decomposition TomographicMicroscopy”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich, Germany, 26 - 30 June 2023

34. Y. Wang, J.-K. So, E. A. Chan, C. Rendón-Barraza, B. Wang, G. Adamo,E. Plum, K. MacDonald, J. Y. Ou, N. I. Zheludev, “Deeply sub-wavelength 2doptical metrology with superoscillatory light”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich,Germany, 26 - 30 June 2023

35. B. Wang, Y. Li, E. A. Chan, G. Adamo, B. An, Z. Shen, N. I.Zheludev, “Optical Localization of Nanoparticles in Sub-Rayleigh Clusters”,CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, Munich, Germany, 26 - 30 June 2023

36. A. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, L. Wang, Q. J. Wang, N. I. Zheludev,“Visualization of Structural and Spin-Momentum Locking Chiralities inPhotocurrent on Topological Insulators”, CLEO 2023, San Jose, USA, 7 - 12 May2023

37. 1Y. Wang, J. Tian, M. Klein, G. Adamo, H. S. Tung, C. Soci,“Exciton-Polariton Electroluminescence From Electrically Driven HalidePerovskite Metatransistors”, CLEO 2023, San Jose, USA, 7 - 12 May 202338. J. Tian, Q. Y. Tan, Y. Wang, Y. Yang, G. Yuan, G. Adamo, C. Soci,“Perovskite Quantum dot Topological Laser in the Visible”, CLEO 2023, San Jose,USA, 7 - 12 May 2023

39. G. Adamo, J. Tian, G. Long, H. Liu,M. Wu, M. Klein, J. Deng, N. S. S. Ang, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, H. Liu. A. I.Kuznetsov and C. Soci, “All-dielectric Perovskite Metasurfaces with GiantChirality”, Metamaterials 2021, 20-25 September 2021

40. J. Tian, G. Adamo, G. Long, H. Liu, M. Klein, H. N. S.Krishnamoorthy, J. Deng, N. S. S. Ang, H. Wang, H. Liu and C. Soci,“Phase-change Tunable Perovskite Metasurface Laser”, Metamaterials 2021, 20-25September 2021

41. G. Long, G. Adamo, J. Tian, E. Feltri, H. Krishnamoorthy, M.Klein, and C. Soci, “Giant Optical Chirality in All-dielectric HalidePerovskite Metasurfaces”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Virtual Conference, 21-25 June2021

42. J. Tian, G. Adamo, B. K. Lakshmi, M.Wu, M. Klein, J. Deng, Norman S. S Ang, R. Paniagua-Domínguez, H. Liu, A.I.  Kuznetsov, and C.  Soci, “Phase-ChangeTunable Laser”, CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021 Virtual Conference, 21-25 June 2021 

43. X. Sun, G. Adamo, M. Eginligil, H. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Mirror-Symmetric Patterning of Topological InsulatorReverses Photogalvanic Currents”, CLEO 2021 Virtual Conference, 9-14 May 2021

44. G. Long, G. Adamo, J. Tian, E. Feltri, H. Krishnamoorthy, M.Klein, and C. Soci, “Control of Photogalvanic Currents in Topological InsulatorMetamaterials”, CLEO 2021 Virtual Conference, 9-14 May 2021

45. C. Rendón-Barraza, E. A. Chan, G. Yuan, G. Adamo, T. Pu, andN. I. Zheludev, “Optical Nano-Metrology of Sub-Wavelength Objects Enabled byArtificial Intelligence”, CLEO 2021 Virtual Conference, 9-14 May 2021

46. X. Sun, G. Adamo, M. Eginligil, H. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Mirror-Symmetric Patterning of Topological InsulatorReverses Photogalvanic Currents”, CLEO 2021 Virtual Conference, 9-14 May 2021

47. X. X. Sun, G. Adamo, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, M. Eginligil, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Giant circular photogalvanic effect in topologicalinsulator metamaterials”, SPIE Optics & Photonics 2020, Digital Forum,23-27 Aug 2020

48. A. N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Quantum light control by dissipative interference, SPIE Optics & Photonics2020, Digital Forum, 23-27 Aug 2020

49. G. Adamo, J. Tian, M. Degani, H. N SKrishnamoorthy, D. Cortecchia, M. Klein, and C. Soci “Phase ChangePerovskite Metasurfaces”, CLEO 2020,Virtual Conference, 10-15 May 2020

50. H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, J. Yin, V. Savinov, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci “Topological Insulator Chalcogenides for InfraredDielectric Metamaterials”, CLEO 2020, Virtual Conference, 10-15 May 2020

51. A. Vetlugin, R. Guo, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. Zheludev“Manipulation of single photon quantum states by coherent perfect absorption ina fiber network”, IPS Meeting 2020, (conference postponed)

52. G. Adamo, J. Tian, M. Degani, B.Chaudhary, H. N S Krishnamoorthy, D. Cortecchia, M. Klein, and C. Soci“Spectral Control of Perovskite Optical Properties with Metasurfaces”, IPSMeeting 2020, (conference postponed)

53. H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, J. Yin, A. Dubrovkin, V.Savinov, N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci “Exploiting the Rich Dielectric Functionof Chalcogenide Topological Insulators for Nanophotonics”, IPS Meeting 2020,(conference postponed)

54. A.N. Vetlugin, A. Xomalis, S. Yanıkgonul, R. Guo, G. Adamo, I. Demirtzioglou, Y.Jung, E. Plum, C. Lacava, P. Petropoulos, D. Richardson, C. Soci, and N. I.Zheludev “Metamaterials for classical and quantumdata processing in all-optical fiber information networks”, Metamaterials'2019,Rome, Italy, 16 - 21 Sep 2019

55. A.N. Vetlugin, S. Yanıkgonul, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C.Soci and N. I. Zheludev “Quantum light manipulationwith fiberized metamaterial perfect absorber”, SPIEOptics & Photonics, San Diego, USA, 11-15 Aug 2019

56. A.N. Vetlugin, S. Yanıkgonul, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C.Soci and N. I. Zheludev “Coherent Processing of Quantum Light with Plasmonic Metamaterial”, ICMAT, Singapore, 23-28 June 2019

57. S. Yanikgonul, A. N.Vetlugin, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N. I. Zheludev “QuantumState Filtering of Dual-rail Photons with Fiberized Plasmonic Metamaterial”, CLEO 2019, San Jose, CA, USA, 5-10 May 2019

58. H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci “Chalcogenide topological insulator, a broadband platform for metamaterials in theinfrared”, IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 Mar 2019

59. S. Yanikgonul, R. Guo,A. N. Vetlugin, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Coherent fibre network stabilized with single-photons”, IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 Mar 2019

60. A. Vetlugin, S.Yanikgonul, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Metamaterial absorber for dual-rail photonic qubit filtering”, IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 Mar 2019

61. E. A. Chan, G. Adamo, S. A. Aljunid, M. Ducloy, N. I. Zheludev,and D. Wilkowski, “Plasmono-Atomic Interactions on a Fiber Tip”, IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 Mar 2019

62. G. Adamo, D. Cortecchia, B.Chaudhary, M. D. Birowosuto, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Spectral control inmetal halide perovskites metasurfaces”, Nanometa 2019, Seefeld, Austria, 3 - 6Jan 2019

63. H. Hedayat, S.Vezzoli, X. Sun, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Cerullo, C. Dallera, E. Carpene,N. I. Zheludev, G. Adamo, and C. Soci,“Ultrafast surface state dynamics of topological insulators metamaterials atoptical frequencies”, Nanometa 2019, Seefeld, Austria, 3 - 6 Jan 2019

64. A. N. Vetlugin, S.Yanikgonul, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I.Zheludev, “Filtering of quantum states withplasmonic metamaterial absorber”, Nanometa 2019, Seefeld, Austria, 3 - 6 Jan2019

65. A. Vetlugin, S.Yanikgonul, A. Xomalis, R. Guo, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Plasmonic coherent perfect absorption and switching in a fiberized quantumnetwork”, Quantum Technology International Conference (QTech), Paris, France,5-7 Sept 2018

66. A. Vetlugin, R. Guo,A. Xomalis, S. Yanikgonul, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Coherent perfect absorption and switching in a fiberized quantum network withplasmonic metadevice”, Metamaterials 2018, Finland, 27 Aug - 1 Sept 2018

67. E. A. Chan, G. Adamo, S. A. Aljunid, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski, andN. I. Zheludev, “Plasmono-Atomic Interactions at a Fiber Tip”, CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, Hong Kong, 29 Jul-3 Aug 201868. S. Yanikgonul, R. Guo,A. Xomalis, A. Vetlugin, G. Adamo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev,“Stabilized dissipative single-photon switch for fiberized quantum networks”,1st Advances in Quantum Engineering International Meeting (AQE2018), Singapore,25-27 June 2018

69. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, A. Laliotis, M. Ducloy, N. I.Zheludev, and D. Wilkowski, “A dipole forbidden atomic transitionclose to surfaces”, IPS Meeting 2018,Singapore, 7-9 Mar 2018

70. H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, F. Hutt, H. Giessen, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci “Topological insulator metamaterials”, IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore, 7-9 Mar 2018

71. G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, K. C. Lew,D. Cortecchia, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, A. Bruno, J. K. So, M. D. Birowosuto,N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Luminescence control in color tunableperovskites”, Metamaterials'2017, Marseille, France, 28-31 Aug 2017

72. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, A. Laliotis, M. Ducloy, N. I.Zheludev, and D. Wilkowski, “Engineering Casimir-Polderinteractions on atom-metamaterials hybrid devices”, CLEO-PR, OECC & PGC 2017, Singapore 31 Jul - 4 Aug 2017

73. J. Yin, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, A. M. Dubrovkin, J. K.So, Y. Chong, N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Plasmonics oftopological insulators at optical frequencies”, CLEO Europe - EQEC 2017 , Munich, Germany 25-29 Jun 2017

74. G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, K. C. Lew,D. Cortecchia, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, A. Bruno, J. K. So, M. D. Birowosuto,N. I. Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Nanopatterning-enhanced perovskiteluminophores”, CLEO Europe - EQEC 2017 ,Munich, Germany 25-29 Jun 2017

75. C. Y. Liao, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J. Y. Ou, C. Huang, G.Adamo, E. Plum, K. F. MacDonald, Y. D. Chong, O. L. Muskens, C. Soci, F. V.Kusmartsev, D. P. Tsai, and N. I. Zheludev, “Plasmonic propertiesof superconducting niobium in the optical spectral range”, CLEO Europe - EQEC 2017 , Munich, Germany 25-29 Jun 2017

76. C. Y. Liao, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J. Y. Ou, C. Huang, G.Adamo, E. Plum, K. F. MacDonald, Y. D. Chong, O. L. Muskens, C. Soci, F. V.Kusmartsev, D. P. Tsai, and N. I. Zheludev, “Plasmonic responseof superconducting niobium in the optical spectral range”, ICMAT2017, Singapore, 18-23 Jun 2017

77. G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, K. C. Lew,D. Cortecchia, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, J. K. So, M. D. Birowosuto, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Color tunable perovskitemetamaterials”, 8th International Conferenceon Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei, Taiwan, 22-26 May 2017

78. C. Y. Liao, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J. Y. Ou, C. Huang, G.Adamo, E. Plum, K. F. MacDonald, Y. D. Chong, O. L. Muskens, C. Soci, F. V.Kusmartsev, D. P. Tsai, N. I. Zheludev, “Optical rangeplasmonics around superconducting transition temperature of niobiummetamaterial”, 8th International Conferenceon Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei, Taiwan, 22-26 May 2017

79. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski, andN. I. Zheludev, “Towards atom-metamaterial interaction on fibretips”, IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 Feb 2017

80. C. Y. Liao, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J. Y. Ou, C. Huang, G.Adamo, E. Plum, K. F. MacDonald, Y. D. Chong, C. Soci, F. V. Kusmartsev, D.P. Tsai, and N. I. Zheludev, “Optical range plasmonics of niobiumaround the superconducting transition temperature”, Nanometa 2017, Seefeld, Austria, 4-7 Jan 2017

81. G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, M. D.Birowosuto, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, D. Cortecchia, K. C. Lew, J. K. So, N. I.Zheludev, and C. Soci, “Luminescence of all-dielectricsolution-processed perovskite metamaterials”, Nanometa 2017, Seefeld, Austria, 4-7 Jan 2017

82. A. Dubrovkin, J.Yin, G. Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, Q. J. Wang, C.Soci, L. Wang and N.I. Zheludev, “Visible range plasmons in chalcogenidetopological insulators”, NFO-14,Hamamatsu, Japan, 4-8 Sep 2016

83. G. Adamo, B. Gholipour,D.Cortecchia, H. N.S. Krishnamoorthy, J.Yin, N.I. Zheludev and C. Soci, “All DielectricPerovskite Metamaterials”, Gordon ResearchConference: Plasmonics & Nanophotonics, Sunday River, Maine, USA, 10-15 Jul2016

84. B. Gholipour, G. Adamo, D. Cortecchia, H. S. Krishnamoorthy, J.Yin, and N. I. Zheludev, “Perovskite metamaterials”, CLEO 2016, San Jose, CA, USA, 5-10 June 2016

85. C.Soci, G. Adamo, J. Y. Ou, J. K. So, Z. Wang, S. Vezzoli, L.Wang, N. I. Zheludev, “Plasmonic toplogical insualtors: anemerging platform for broadband tunable metamterials”, Nanophotonicsin Asia, Osaka, Japan, 10-11 Dec 2015

86. A. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, Q. J. Wang, L. Wang, N. I.Zheludev,“Localization and propagation of visible range plasmons in Bi1.5 Sb0.5 Te1.8Se1.2 topological insulator”, Nanophotonics inAsia, Osaka, Japan, 10-11 Dec 2015

87. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski, N.I. Zheludev,“Control of caesium atomic spectrum with a 2D plasmono-atomic metamaterial” Nanophotonicsin Asia, Osaka, Japan, 10-11 Dec 2015

88. J. Yin, G. Adamo, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci, “Electronic andOptical Properties on Toplogical Insulators for Plasmonics and Metamaterials”, Nanophotonicsin Asia, Osaka, Japan, 10-11 Dec 2015

89. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski,N.Zheludev,“Control of caesium atomic spectra with 2D plasmono-atomic metamaterial”, Metamaterials 2015, Oxford, 7-12 Sep 2015

90. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski,N.Zheludev,“A2D plasmono-atomic metamaterial”, ICMAT 2015, Singapore, 28 Jun - 3 Jul 2015

91. Z. Wang, J. Zhao, B. Frank, Q. Ran, G. Adamo, H. Giessen, C. Soci, “Mid-infraredplasmon-polaron coupling in organic semiconductors”, ICMAT 2015, Singapore, 28 Jun - 3 Jul 2015

92. A. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, Q. Wang, L. Wang, N. I.Zheludev,“Near-fieldnano-imaging of visible plasmons in topological insulator”, ICMAT 2015, Singapore, 28 Jun - 3 Jul 2015

93. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski,N.Zheludev,“Electronicand plasmonic properties of topological insulator”, ICMAT 2015, Singapore, 28 Jun - 3 Jul 2015

94. J. So, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, and N. I. Zheludev, “Free-electron emissionfrom photonic metasurfaces”, CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2015, Munich,Germany, 21-25 Jun 2015

95. J. Yin, Z. Wang, W. Wu, G. Adamo, N. I. Zheludev, C Soci, “Electronic and opticalproperties of plasmonic topological insulators”, CLEO/Europe - EQEC2015, Munich, Germany, 21-25 Jun 2015

96. D. Wilkowski, S. A. Aljunid, E. A. Chan, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, N.Zheludev,“Tuning Casimir-Polder Interactions in anAtom/Metamaterial Hybrid System”, SPP 7, Jerusalem, Israel, 31 May - 5 Jun2015

97. E. A. Chan, S. A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski,N.Zheludev,“Plasmono-AtomicQuantum Metamaterial”, SPP 7, Jerusalem, Israel, 31 May - 5 Jun2015

98. C. Soci, S. Vezzoli, G. Adamo, J. Ou, J.-K. So, Z. Wang, J. Yin,Z. Wang, V. Nalla, H. Sun, L. W.ang, N. Zheludev, “Topological InsulatorMetamaterials for Ultrafast, Broadband Optical Switching”, SPP 7, Jerusalem, Israel,31 May - 5 Jun 2015

99. J. Yin, Z. Wang, W. Wu, G. Adamo, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci, “Plasmonic Properties ofTopological Insulator Crystals by First Principle”, IPS Meeting 2015, Singapore, 4-6 Mar 2015

100.        Z. Wang, J.Zhao, B. Frank, Q. Ran, G. Adamo, H. Giessen, C. Soci, “Coupling of polarons inconjugated polymers to resonant IR”, IPS Meeting 2015, Singapore, 4-6 Mar 2015

101.        E. A. Chan, S.A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski, N.Zheludev, “Controlling atoms withplasmons: a novel 2D metamaterial interface”, IPS Meeting 2015, Singapore, 4-6 Mar 2015

102.        E. A. Chan, S.A. Aljunid, G. Adamo, M. Ducloy, D. Wilkowski, N. I. Zheludev, “Van der Waalsinteractions in atom-metamaterial hybrid system”, NanoMeta 2015Seefeld, Austria 5-8 Jan 2015

103.        J. K. So, G. Adamo, K. F.MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, “Purcell enhancement of free-electronspontaneous light emission using meta-surfaces”, NanoMeta 2015Seefeld, Austria 5-8 Jan 2015

104.        S. Vezzoli, G.Adamo, Z. Wang, V. Nalla, A. Sulaev, H. Sun, L. Wang, C. Soci, N. Zheludev, “Ultrafast OpticalSwitching of Topological Insulator Plasmonic Metamaterial”, NanoMeta 2015Seefeld, Austria 5-8 Jan 2015

105.        J. Y. Ou, J. K.So, G. Adamo, Z. Wang, J. Yin, S. Vezzoli, V. Nalla, L. Wang, K.F.MacDonald, C. Soci and N. I. Zheludev, ”Topological InsulatorBSTS as a Broadband Switchable Metamaterial”, MRS Fall Meeting,Boston, USA, 30 Nov - 5 Dec 2014

106.        J. Y. Ou, J. K.So, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, L. Wang, and N. I. Zheludev, “Ultraviolet and visibleplasmonic metamaterials made of topological insulator”, Photon 14, London, UK, 1-4 Sep 2014

107.        J. Y. Ou, J. K.So, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, L. Wang, and N. I. Zheludev, “UV & VisiblePlasmonic Metamaterials Made of Topological Insulator”, CLEO/QELS 2014, San Jose, CA,USA, 8-13 Jun 2014

108.        Z. Wang, J. Yin,G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, L. Wang, N. I. Zheludev and C. Soci, “PlasmonicProperties and Photoinduced Reflectance of Topological Insulator”, CLEO/QELS2014, San Jose, CA, USA, 8-13Jun 2014

109.        G. Adamo, Z. Wang, J. Yin, V. Nalla, S. Vezzoli, A. Sulaev, L. Wang, H. Sun, C.Soci, and N. I. Zheludev, “Ultrafast broadband modulation ofplasmonic topological insulator”, META'14, Singapore, 20-23 May 2014

110.        X. Dai, S.Zhang, Z. Wang, G. Adamo, H. Liu, Y. Huang, C. Couteau, C. Soci, “III-V core-shellnanowire photodetector”, IPS Meeting 2013, Singapore, 26-28 Feb 2014

111.        Z. Wang, J. Yin,G. Adamo, V. Nalla, S. Vezzoli, A. Sulaev, L. Wang, H. Sun, N. Zheludev,C. Soci,“Opticalproperties of topological insulator”, IPS Meeting 2013, Singapore, 26-28 Feb 2014

112.        X. Dai, S.Zhang, Z. Wang, G. Adamo, H. Liu, Y. Huang, C. Couteau, C. Soci, “Photocurrentspectroscopy of a core-shell GaAs/AlGaAs nanowire heterostructure”, 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC 2013), Singapore, 15-18 Dec 2013

113.        G. Adamo, W. T. Chen, E. Plum, J. Y. Ou, J. So, D. P. Tsai, and N. I. Zheludev, “Tunable light emissionin reconfigurable plasmonic metamaterials”, CLEO/Europe - IQEC2013, Munich, Germany, 12-16 May 2013

114.        J. K. So, J. Y.Ou, G. Adamo, F. J. Garcıa de Abajo, K.F. MacDonald, and N. I. Zheludev, “Plasmonic amplifier ofthe evanescent field of free electrons”, CLEO/Europe - IQEC2013, Munich, Germany, 12-16 May 2013

115.        J. K. So, J. Y.Ou, G. Adamo, F. J. G. de Abajo, K. F. MacDonald, and N. I. Zheludev, “Amplifying the evanescent field of freeelectrons”, NanoMeta 2013 Seefeld,Austria 3-6 Jan 2013

116.        H. Yasuda, J. Zhang, G. Adamo, K.F. MacDonald, and N. Zheludev, “Fishing for carbon nanotubes with aphotonic metamaterial net”, NanoMeta 2013 Seefeld,Austria 3-6 Jan 2013

117.        G. Adamo, W. T. Chen, E. Plum,J. So, J. Valente, D. P. Tsai, and N. Zheludev, “Tunable plasmonicluminescence in reconfigurable metamaterials”, NanoMeta2013 Seefeld, Austria 3-6 Jan 2013

118.        V. Myroshnychenko, J. Nelayah, G.Adamo, N. Geuquet, J. Rodríguez-Fernández, I. Pastoriza-Santos, K.MacDonald, L. Henrard, L. M. Liz-Marzán, N. I. Zheludev, M. Kociak, and J. F.García de Abajo, “Plasmonspectroscopy and imaging of gold nanodecahedra”, 2012 Gordon Research Conference on Plasmonics, Waterville, 10-15 Jun2012

119.        J. K. So, J. -Y.Ou, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, F. J. Garcia de Abajo and N. I. Zheludev,“Amplification of theevanescent field of free electrons”,CLEO/QELS 2012, San Jose, 6-11 May 2012

120.        V. Myroshnychenko, F. J. Garcia deAbajo, G. Boudarham, J. Nelayah, O. Stephan, M. Kociak, C. Colliex, A. I.Denisyuk, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, J.Rodriguez-Fernandez, E. Carbo-Argibay and L. M. Liz-Marzan, “Optical spectroscopy cathodoluminescence andelectron energy loss spectroscopy on metal nanoparticles”, META 12, PAris,19-22 Apr 2012

121.        M. Ren, G. Adamo, E. Plum, J. K.So, K. MacDonald, J. Xu and N. I. Zheludev, “Metamaterial engineering of plasmonic metalluminescence”, SPIEPhotonics Europe2012, Brussels, 16-20 Apr 2012

122.        G. Adamo, J. -Y. Ou, J. K. So,S. D. Jenkins, K. F. MacDonald, F. De Angelis, E. Di Fabrizio, J. Ruostekoskiand N. I. Zheludev, “Coherent emission from plasmonic metamaterials”, SPIEPhotonics Europe2012, Brussels, 16-20 Apr 2012

123.        J. K. So, J. -Y.Ou, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, F. J. Garcia de Abajo and N. I. Zheludev,”Amplification of theevanescent field of free electrons”, SPIEPhotonics Europe2012, Brussels, 16-20 Apr 2012

124.        V. Myroshnychenko, F. J. Garcia deAbajo, G. Boudarham, J. Nelayah, O. Stephan, M. Kociak, C. Colliex, A. I.Denisyuk, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, J.Rodriguez-Fernandez, E. Carbo-Argibay and L. M. Liz-Marzan, “Mapping localized plasmon modes in metalnanoparticles via electron energy loss spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence”, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, 24 Aug 2011

125.        V. Myroshnychenko, F. J. Garcia deAbajo, G. Boudarham, J. Nelayah, O. Stephan, M. Kociak, C. Colliex, A. I.Denisyuk, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, J.Rodriguez-Fernandez, E. Carbo-Argibay and L. M. Liz-Marzan, “Probing plasmon modes in metal nanoparticles”, 5thInternational Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, South Korea, 15-20 May 2011

126.        G. Adamo, J. Y. Ou, K. F. MacDonald, F. De Angelis, E. Di Fabrizio, and N. I.Zheludev, “Electron-beam-drivennanoscale metamaterial light source”, CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2011, Munich, Germany, 22-26 May 2011

127.        E. Plum, J. Y.Ou, K. Tanaka, G. Adamo, A. Nikolaenko, and N. I. Zheludev, “Metamaterials: novelfunctionalities and meta-molecular interactions”, UKIERI Workshop, Aurangabad, Maharashtra,India, 14-16 Apr 2011128.        G. Adamo, K. MacDonald, F. DeAngelis, E. Di Fabrizio and N. I. Zheludev, “Metamaterial Light Sources Driven by ElectronBeams”, NANOMETA2011, Seefeld, Austria, 3 - 6 Jan 2011

129.        G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, F.De Angelis, E. Di Fabrizio, and N. I. Zheludev, “Nanoscale electron-beam-driven metamateriallight sources”, IEEE Photonic Society 23rd Annual Meeting Denver 7-11 Nov 2010

130.        V. Myroshnychenko, J. Nelayah, O.Stephan, M. Kociak, C. Colliex, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I.Zheludev, E. Carbo-Argibay, J. Rodriguez-Fernandez, L. M. Liz-Marzan, and F. J.Garcia de Abajo,“Electron energy loss spectroscopy and cathodoluminescence as powerful toolsfor studying surface-plasmon modes in metal nanostructures”, SPIEPhotonic Europe 2010 Brussels 12-16 Apr 2010

131.        Z. L. Samson, K. F. MacDonald, F. DeAngelis, G. Adamo, K. Knight, C. C. Huang, D. W. Hewak, E. Di Fabrizio,and N. I. Zheludev,“Switching metamaterials with electronic signals and electron-beam excitations”, SPIEPhotonic Europe Brussels 2010 12-16 Apr 2010

132.        Z. L. Samson, J.Zhang, G. Adamo, T. Uchino, B. Gholipour, K. Knight, C. C. Huang, F. DeAngelis, K. F. MacDonald, P. Ashburn, E. Di Fabrizio, D. W. Hewak, and N. I.Zheludev, “Chalcogenide plasmonic metamaterial switches”, SPIE Optics & Photonics 2010 San Diego 1-5 Aug 2010

133.        V. Myroshnychenko,J. Nelayah, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I. Zheludev, J.Rodriguez-Fernandez, E. Carbo-Argibay, I. Pastoriza-Santos, J. Perez-Juste, L.M. Liz-Marzan, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, “Probing surface-plasmon modes in noblemetal nanoparticles using an electron beams”, META ‘10 Cairo 22-25 Feb 2010

134.        Z. L. Samson, K. F. MacDonald, F. DeAngelis, G. Adamo, K. Knight, C. C. Huang, D. W. Hewak, E. Di Fabrizio,and N. I. Zheludev, “Chalcogenide glass metamaterial optical switch”, Frontiersin Optics San José 11-15 Oct 2009

135.        G. Adamo, Y. H. Fu, K. F.MacDonald, C. M. Wang, D. P. Tsai, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, N. I. Zheludev,“Free-electron pumped tunable nanoscale light-source: the 'light-well'”, SPP4Amsterdam 21-26 Jun 2009

136.        G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N.I. Zheludev, Y. H. Fu, C. M. Wang, D. P. Tsai, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, “Tunablenanoscale free-electron source of photons and plasmons”, CLEO/IQEC 2009Baltimore 31 May - 5 Jun 2009

137.        V. Myroshnychenko, J. Nelayah, M.Kociak, O. Stéphan, C. Colliex, G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I.Zheludev, J. Rodrìguez-Fernandez, E. Carbò- Argibay, L. M. Liz-Marzàn, and J.F. Garcìa de Abajo, “Plasmon modes in individual noble metal nanoparticles”, ETOPIM 8, Crete,Greece, 7-12 Jun 2009

138.         G. Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, N. I.Zheludev, Y. H. Fu, C. M. Wang, D. P. Tsai, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, “The'Light-Well': A tuneable free-electron light source on-a-chip”, NanoMeta 2009Seefeld, Austria 5-8 Jan 2009

139.        A. I. Denisyuk, G.Adamo, K. F. MacDonald, B. Rodrìguez-Gonzàlez, I. Pastoriza-Santos, M.Spuch-Calvar, L. M. Liz-Marzàn, M. D. Arnold, M. J. Ford, J. F. Garcìa deAbajo, and N. I. Zheludev, “Emission hotspots in complex metal nanostructures”, NANOMETA2009, Seefeld, Austria, 5-8 Jan 2009

140.        K. F. MacDonald, G.Adamo, N. I. Zheludev, F. J. Garcia de Abajo, Y. H. Fu, C. M. Wang, D. P.Tsai, “Nano 'Light Well': a free-electron light source on-a-chip”, OSAPlasmonics and Metamaterials (META) Topical Meeting Rochester 21-24 Oct 2008


We are a spectroscopy group in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University.
As part of the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, we contribute to a vibrant scientific community advancing the synthesis and characterization of molecular and nanoscale materials. We have also strong ties with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, where we focus on fabrication and modeling of nanoscale devices.

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