Optical Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials  Cesare Soci  SitesGo OSON Research

Plenary and Keynote Presentations

1. 7th “Journées Pérovskites Halogénées” Meeting (JPH 2022),Lyon, 16-17-18 March 2022: From halide perovskite metamaterials to metadevices(plenary talk).
2.  The International Society forOptical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 6-10 August 2017: Quantum devices (TechnologyHot Topics, plenary talk).
3.  9th International Conference on Materials for AdvancedTechnologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Plasmonics in topologicalinsulators (keynote talk).
4.  The International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM 2016),Singapore, 4-8 July 2016: New materials for metamaterials: topologicalinsulators, perovskites and phase change chalcogenides, N.I. Zheludev, K.MacDonald, C. Soci (keynote talk).
5.  SPIE Optics+Photonics 2014, San Diego, 17-21 August 2014: Topologicalinsulator for broadband switchable metamaterials (keynote talk).
6.  2nd Annual International Conference on Optoelectronics,Photonics & Applied Physics (OPAP 2014), Singapore, 3-4 February 2014:Cognitive photonic networks (keynote talk).

Invited Presentations

1.       Excitonics and PolaritonicsInternational Conference 2023 (EPIC 2023), Singapore, 27 November-1 December2023, Exciton-polariton emission control by dielectric metasurfaces (invitedtalk).
2.       7th InternationalCongress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (2023 MetamaterialsCongress), Crete, Greece, 11-16 September 2023, Halide perovskitelight-emitting metadevices (invited talk).
3.       META 2023, Paris, 18-21 July 2023: Photogalvanics ofchiral topological insulator metamaterials (invited talk).
4.       11th InternationalConference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2023), Singapore, 26-30June 2023, Active perovskite nanophotonics: from optically to electricallydriven devices (invited talk).
5.       Nanophotonics for MetrologyWorkshop, Chamonix, France, 6-9 March 2023, Optical metrology of topologicalinsulator materials and metamaterials (invited talk).
6.       The International Society forOptical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 21-25 August 2022:Perovskite light-emitting metatransistors (invited talk).
7.       EPS Symposium on the ThirdGeneration Metamaterials (Metamaterials 3.1), Cetraro, Italy, 1-5 August 2022: Topologicalinsulator metamaterials (invited talk).
8.       LUX Photonics Consortium 2ndQuarter Members Meeting, Singapore, 8 June 2022: Superconducting single photondetectors for quantum photonics (technical talk).
9.       School of Materials Science andEngineering, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 6 May 2022: Perovskitelight-emitting metatransitors (invited online seminar).
10.    4th InternationalWorkshop on Quantum and Topological Nanophotonics (QTN 2022), Singapore 28-30April 2022: Quantum and topological perovskite photonics (invited talk).
11.    SPIE Photonics Europe 2022Metamaterials Conference, Strasbourg, France, 3-7 April 2022: Monolithic halideperovskite metamaterials and metadevices (invited talk).
12.    PERSEPHONe Webinar Series, Centerfor Nano Science and Technology (CNST), Milano, Italy, 19 December 2021: Monolithichalide perovskite metamaterials and metadevices (invited seminar).13.   Quantum Engineering Programme (QEP 1.0) Symposium, Singapore, 30 September-1October 2021: Superconducting single photon detectors for quantum photonics, M.Petrovic, L. Shen, S. Dong, F. Martinelli, A. Vetlugin, H. Krishnamoorthy, C.Kurtsiefer, C. Soci (invited talk).
14.    15th InternationalCongress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2021,New York, 20-25 September 2021: Circular photogalvanic effect in 2D-chiral topologicalinsulator metamaterials (invited talk).
15.    The International Society forOptical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 1-5 August 2021:Active halide perovskite metadevices (invited talk).
16.    SPIE Optics & PhotonicsDigital Forum, 24-28 August 2020: Giant circular photogalvanic effect intopological insulator metamaterials (invitedtalk).
17.    The International Society forOptical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 11-15 August2019: Quantum light manipulation with fiberized metamaterial perfect absorber (invited talk).
18.    10th InternationalConference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28June 2019: Coherent processing of quantum light with plasmonic metamaterial,A.N. Vetlugin, S. Yanikgönül, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N. I.Zheludev (invited talk).
19.   Optoelectronic ResearchCentre, University of Southampton, 21 June 2019: Metal-halide perovskites as anew nanophotonic material platform (invited seminar).
20.   15thInternational Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (IWANN2019), 12-14June 2019, Gran Canaria, Spain: Optical fibre and waveguide-based neuromorphicnetworks (invited talk).
21.   MRS Spring Meeting2019, Phoenix, Arizona, 22-26 April 2019: Small and Large Polarons in 2D and 3DHybrid Perovskites (invited talk).
22.   12thIndia-Singapore Physics Symposium (ISPS 2019), 2-4 March 2019, Puri, India:Chalcogenide Metamaterials (invited talk).
23.   7thInternational Topical meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa2019), 3-6 January 2019, Seefeld, Austria: Coherent single-photon processingwith dissipative fiberized metadevices (invitedtalk).
24.   CNST Winter Workshop,17-19 December 2018, Bormio, Italy: We need to talk: evaluating science andeducation (invited talk).
25.   CNST Winter Workshop,17-19 December 2018, Bormio, Italy: Coherent perfect absorption: controllinglight with light at single photon level (invitedtalk).
26.   HUJ-NTU Workshop onQuantum Technologies and Engineering, Singapore, 28 November 2018: TopologicalInsulator Plasmonics (invited talk).
27.   The InternationalSociety for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 19-23August 2018: Tunable and Reconfigurable Metasurfaces (invited talk delivered on behalf of J. Teng).
28.   Photonic, Quantum andNonlinear Optics, Nice, France, 18-20 June 2018: Topological InsulatorPlasmonics: Harnessing the Devil’s Surface (invitedtalk).
29.   11thIndia-Singapore Physics Symposium (ISPS 2018), Singapore, 6 March 2018: Activeplasmonics with chalcogenides (invitedtalk).
30.   Quantum & NonlinearOptics, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, February 2-5, 2018: Chalcogenide metamaterials(invited talk).
31.   CNST Winter Workshop,18-20 December 2017, Bormio, Italy: Chalcogenide & perovskite metamaterials(invited talk).32.   Global Nanophotonics2017, Palawan, Philippines, 6-8 December 2017: Chalcogenide metamaterials (invited talk).33.   The InternationalSociety for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 6-10August 2017: Hybrid perovskite metamaterials (invited talk).
34.   8thInternational Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei, Taiwan,22-26 May 2017: Topological insulator plasmonics at optical frequencies (invited talk).
35.   6thInternational Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA),Seefeld, Austria, 4-7 January 2017: Plasmonics of topological insulators (invited talk).
36.   Quantum and TopologicalNanophotonics (QTN) Workshop, Singapore 7-9 December 2016: Plasmonics oftopological insulators (invited talk).
37.   9th AsianPhotochemistry Conference (APC2016), Singapore 4-8 December 2016:Lattice-induced exciton localization in 2D organometallic perovskites (invited talk).
38.   The InternationalSociety for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 28August-1 September 2016: New materials for metamaterials: phase changechalcogenides, topological insulators, perovskites, and memory alloys (invited talk).
39.   Integrated PhotonicsResearch (IPR), Vancouver, Canada, 18-20 July 2016: Topological insulatorplasmonics (invited talk).
40.   The InternationalSociety for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Photonics Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7April 2016: Perovskite and topological insulator metamaterials, C. Soci, N. I.Zheludev (invited talk).
41.   TPI Conference 2016 -Photonics Technologies for Today and Tomorrow, Singapore, 16 February 2016:Fibre-drawing nanomanufacturing (invitedtalk).
42.   Nanophotonics in Asia2015 Conference, Nakanoshima Center, Osaka University, Japan, 10-11 December2015: Plasmonic topological insulators: an emerging platform for broadbandtunable metamaterials (invited talk).
43.   IEEE Photonics SocietySummer Topicals on On-chip Optical Interconnects, Nassau, Bahamas, 13-15 July2015: Cognitive photonic networks and decision oracles (invited talk).
44.   4thPhotonics Global Conference (PGC 2015), Singapore, 28 June-3 July 2015:Planar-fiber nanomanufacturing (invitedtalk).
45.   TPI-ORC Workshop onFibre Technologies, Singapore, 5-6 February 2015: Fibre nanomanufacturing forcognitive networks (invited talk).
46.   2nd IASSchool on Particle Physics & Cosmology and Implications for Technology,Singapore, 2-6 February 2015: Implications for Technology Seminar:Nanotechnology (invited talk).
47.   Japan-SingaporeInternational Workshop on Nanophotonics, Plasmonics, and Metamaterials,Singapore, 11-12 December 2014: Cognitive photonics @CDPT (invited talk).
48.   3rd HYU-NTUJoint Symposium in Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul, 8 December 2014:Tunable, switchable, and cognitive photonics (invited talk).
49.   SPIE Optics+Photonics2014, San Diego, 17-21 August 2014: Plasmonic enhancement of charge carrierphotogeneration in conjugated polymers (invitedtalk).
50.   SPIE Optics+Photonics2014, San Diego, 17-21 August 2014: Natural computing with “cognitive” photonicnetworks (invited talk).
51.   Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego, 12August 2014: Cognitive photonic networks (invitedseminar).
52.   InternationalConference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA ‘14), Aruba, 3-9August 2014: Computing with complex optical networks (invited talk).
53.   King AbdullahUniversity of Science and Technology (KAUST), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, 15 July2014: Multimaterial fiber nanomanufacturing (invited seminar).
54.   Thales Research &Technology Campus Polytechnique, Paris, 27 June 2014: III-V nanowires: MOCVDgrowth and applications for lasers and photodetectors (invited talk).
55.   16thPhotonics North Conference (SPIE Photonics North 2014), Montreal, 28-30 May2014: Multimaterial fiber nanomanufacturing: from photodetectors to nonlinearlight sources (invited talk).
56.   5thInternational Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics(META’14), Singapore, 20-23 May 2014: Natural computing with optical fibrenetworks (invited talk).
57.   NTU-Technion Workshopon “Advanced photonics and nanophotonics” (APN), Singapore, 18-19 May 2014:Cognitive photonics (invited talk).
58.   44th WinterColloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE 2014), Snowbird, Utah,January 5-9, 2014: Cognitive photonic networks (invited talk).
59.   Optoelectronic ResearchCentre, University of Southampton, 25 September 2013: Cognitive photonicnetworks (invited seminar).
60.   ECOC 2013 SpecialSymposium on Nanophotonics & Metamaterials, Ideas for Telecoms and DataProcessing, London, 24 September 2013: Computing with fiber networks (invited talk).
61.   9thSingapore-China Joint Symposium on Research Frontiers in Physics, NanyangTechnological University, Singapore, 28-29 June 2013: Nanowire lasers (invited talk).
62.   IMRE-NTU Joint Workshopon “New Chemistry & Materials”, Institute of Materials ResearchEngineering, Singapore, 10 May 2013: Life and death of charge carriers inconjugated polymers and hybrid organic-inorganic systems (invited talk).
63.   2013 French GdRWorkshop on Semiconductor Nanowires, Le Hameau de l'Etoile, France, April 2-5,2013: Nanowire lasers (invited talk).
64.   6thInternational Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology(IWAMSN2012), Ha Long City, Vietnam, 30 October-2 November 2012: III-Vnanowires for electronics and photonics (invitedtalk).
65.   IPS (Institute ofPhysics Singapore) Meeting 2012, Singapore, 23-24 February 2012: Enhancing theradiative properties of a semiconductor nanowire coupled to a photonic crystalmicrocavity (invited talk).
66.   SPIE OPTO - PhotonicsWest 2012, Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IX, San Francisco(California), 21-26 January 2012: III-V nanowires in photonic crystalmicrocavities: toward vertical emitting nanolasers (invited talk).67.   Center for Nano Scienceand Technolology (CNST), Milano, Italy, July 22, 2011: III-V nanowire synthesisand devices: challenges and opportunities (invitedseminar).
68.   Nanomeeting 2011,Minsk, Belarus, May 24-27, 2011: Nanowire kissing and twining: addingcomplexity to the VLS growth (invitedtalk).
69.   ProSPER.Net-ScopusYoung Scientist Awards Symposium, Tongji University, Shanghai, July 5, 2010:Third generation photovoltaics (invitedtalk).
70.   University of SouthFlorida, Tampa (Florida), December 16, 2008: Advances in the synthesis of III-Vnanowires and their optoelectronic applications (invited seminar).
71.   Nanowire GrowthWorkshop (NGW) 2008, Duisburg (Germany), September 15-16, 2008: Advances in understandingthe synthesis of InAs and GaAs nanowires using MOCVD (invited talk).

Selected Publications

1. Wang, Y., Tian, J., ***Klein, M., ***Adamo, G., ^Ha, S.T., ^Soci, C. (2023). Directional emission from electrically injected exciton-polaritons in perovskite metasurfaces. Nano Letters, 23, 4431.
2. ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., ***Adamo, G., ***Dubrovkin, A.M., ^Soci, C. (2023). Topological insulator metamaterials. Chemical Reviews, 123, 4416.
3. ***,§,^Tian, J., **,§Tan, Q.Y., **Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Yuan, G., ***Adamo, G., ^Soci, C. (2023). Perovskite quantum dot topological laser. Nature Communications, 14, 1433.
4. ***Klein, M., Cheng, B.W.H, Li, J., ***Bruno, A., ^Soci, C. (2023). Asynchronous charge carrier injection in perovskite light-emitting transistors. ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 8, 4416.
5. §D'Amato, M., **,§Tan, Q.Y., Glorieux, Q., ^Bramati, A., ^Soci, C. (2023). Color-tunable mixed-cation perovskite single photon emitters. ACS Photonics, 10, 197.
6. **Nuber, M., ***Tan, Q.Y., Sandner, D., Yin, J., Kienberger, R., ^Soci, C., ^Iglev, H. (2023). Accelerated polaron formation in perovskite quantum dots monitored via picosecond infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11, 3581.
7. Xiao, X., Cheng, L., Bao, D., **Tan, Q.Y., Salim, T., Soci, C., ^Chia, E.E.M., ^Lam Y.M. (2023). Unveiling charge-transfer dynamics at singlet fission layer/hybrid perovskite interface, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15, 38049.

8. ^Soci, C., ***,^Adamo, G., ^Cortecchia, D., Wang, K., Xiao, S., Song, Q., Giesecke, A.L., Cegielski, P.J., Lemme, M.C., Gerace, D., Sanvitto, D., ***Tian, J., Tonkaev, P.A., Makarov, S.V., Kivshar, Y.S., Jimenez Gordillo, O.A., Melloni, A., Pushkarev, A.P., D’Amato, M., Lhuillier, E., Bramati, A. (2022). Roadmap on perovskite nanophotonics. Optical Materials: X, 100214.
9. ***Klein, M., **Wang, Y., ***Tian, J., Ha, S.T., Paniagua-Domínguez, R., Kuznetsov, A.I., ***Adamo, G., ^Soci, C. (2022). Polarization-tunable perovskite light-emitting metatransistor. Advanced Materials, 2207317.
10. ***Tian, J., ***Adamo, G., Liu, H., Wu, M., ***Klein, M., Deng, J., Ang, N.S.S., Paniagua-Domínguez, R., Liu, H., Kuznetsov, A.I., ^Soci, C. (2022). Phase-change perovskite microlaser with tunable polarization vortex. Advanced Materials, 2207430.
11. ***Long, G., ***Adamo, G., ***Tian, J., ***Klein, M., ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., *Feltri, E., Wang, H., ^Soci, C. (2022). Perovskite metasurfaces with large superstructural chirality, Nature Communications, 13, 1551.
12. ***Tian, J., ***,^Adamo, G., Liu, H., ***Klein, M., Han, S., Liu, H., ^Soci, C. (2022). Optical Rashba effect in a monolithic light-emitting perovskite metasurface. Advanced Materials, e2109157.
13. ***,^Vetlugin, A.N., **Martinelli, F., **Dong, S., ^Soci, C. (2022). Photon number resolution without optical mode multiplication. Published online, Nanophotonics.
14. ***Tian, J., ***Cortecchia, D., **Wang, Y., Liu, H., *Feltri, E., Liu, H., ***Adamo, G., ^Soci, C. (2022). Phase-change perovskite metasurfaces for dynamic color tuning. Nanophotonics, 11, 3961.
15. ***Maity, A., Perotto, S., Moschetta, M., Hua, H., Sardar, S., Paternò, G.M., ***Tian, J., ***Klein, M., ***Adamo, G., ^Lanzani, G., ^Soci, C. (2022). Resonant enhancement of polymer-cell optostimulation by a plasmonic metasurface. ACS Omega, 7, 42674.
16. ***,^Vetlugin, A.N., ***Guo, R., ^Soci, C., Zheludev, N.I. (2022). Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel interference by coherent perfect absorption of entangled photons. New Journal of Physics, 24, 122001.
17. ***,^Vetlugin, A.N., ^Soci, C., Zheludev, N.I. (2022). Modelling quantum photonics on a quantum computer. Applied Physics Letters, 121, 104001.
18. ***,^Vetlugin, A.N., ***Guo, R., ^Soci, C., Zheludev, N.I. (2022). Deterministic generation of entanglement in quantum network by coupling of single photon standing wave. Physical Review A, 106, 012402.

19. ***,§Sun, X., ***,§Adamo, G., Eginligil, M., ***Krishnamoorthy, H., Zheludev, N.I., ^Soci, C. (2021). Topological insulator metamaterial with giant circular photogalvanic effect. Science Advances, 7, eabe5748.
20. ***,§,^Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., ***,§Adamo, G., **Yin, Savinov, V., Zheludev, N., ^Soci, C. (2021). Infrared dielectric metamaterials from high  refractive index chalcogenides. Nature Communications, 11, 1692.
21. ***,^Adamo, G., ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., **Cortecchia, D., **Chaudhary, B., Nalla, V., Zheludev, N., ^Soci, C. (2021). Metamaterial enhancement of metal-halide perovskite luminescence. Nano Letters, 20, 7906.
22. **,^Ramos, M., Bharadwaj, V., Sotillo, B., ***Gholipour, B., Giakoumaki, A.N., Ramponi, R., Eaton, S.M., Soci, C. (2021). Photonic implementation of artificial synapses in ultrafast laser inscribed waveguides in chalcogenide glass. Applied Physics Letters, 119, 031104.
23. ***Klein, M., Li, J., ***,^Bruno, A., ^Soci, C. (2021). Co-evaporated perovskite light-emitting transistor operating at room temperature. Advanced Electronic Materials, 7, 2100403.
24. **,^Lova, P., ^Soci, C. (2021). Black GaAs: Gold-assisted chemical etching for light trapping and photon recycling. Micromachines, 11, 573.
25. **,^Yanikgonul, S., ***Guo, R., Xomalis, A., ***Vetlugin, A., ***Adamo, G., ^Soci, C., Zheludev, N.I. (2021). Phase stabilization of a coherent fibre network by single-photon counting, Optics Letters, 45, 2740.
26. **Stallhofer, K., Nuber, M., **Cortecchia, D., ***Bruno, A., Kienberger, R., Deschler, F., ^Soci, C., ^Iglev, H. (2021). Picosecond charge localization dynamics in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite probed by infrared-activated vibrations. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 12, 4428.
27. Zhu, C., ***Chan, E.A., Wang, Y., Peng, W., ***Guo, R., ^Zhang, B., ^Soci, C., ^Chong, Y. (2021). Image reconstruction through a multimode fiber with a simple neural network architecture. Scientific Reports, 11, 896.
28. Ghosh, A., Budanovic, M., Li, T., Liang, C., ***Klein, M., Soci, C., Webster, R.D., ^Gurzadyan, G.G., ^Grimsdale, A.C. (2021). Synthesis of 5-azatetracene and comparison of its optical and electrochemical properties with tetracene. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 10, 2571.
29. George, J.K., Soci, C., Miscuglio, M., ^Sorger, V.J. (2021). Symmetry perception with spiking neural networks. Scientific Reports, 11, 5776.

30. **,§Wong, W.P.D., **,§Yin, J., **Chaudhary, B., **Chin, X.-Y., **Cortecchia, D., ***Lo, S-Z.A., Grimsdale, A.C., Lanzani, G., ^Soci, C. (2020). Large polaron self-trapped states in three-dimensional metal-halide perovskites. ACS Materials Letters, 2, 20.
31. **Chaudhary, B., Koh, T.M., Febriansyah, B., **,^Bruno, A., Mathews, N., ^Mhaisalkar, S.G., ^Soci, C. (2020). Mixed-dimensional naphthylmethylammoinium-methylammonium lead iodide perovskites with improved thermal stability. Scientific Reports, 10, 429.
32. ***,^So, J.K., Yuan, G.H., Soci, C., Zheludev, N.I. (2020). Enhancement of luminescence of quantum emitters in epsilon-near-zero waveguides. Applied Physics Letters, 117, 181104.
33. ^De Giorgi, M.L., Lippolis, T., **Jamaludin, N.F., Soci, C., ***Bruno, A., Anni, M. (2020). Origin of amplified spontaneous emission degradation in MAPbBr3 thin films under nanosecond-UV laser irradiation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124, 10696.
34. §Yantara, N., **,§Jamaludin, N.F., Febriansyah, B., Giovanni, D., ***Bruno, A., Soci, C., Sum, T.C., ^Mhaisalkar, S., ^Mathews, N. (2020). Designing the perovskite structural landscape for efficient blue emission. ACS Energy Letters, 5, 1593.
35. Li, J., Wang, H., Chin, X.Y., Dewi, H.A., Vergeer, K., Goh, T.W., Soci, C., Sum, T.C., Bolink, H., ^Mathews, N., ^Mhaisalkar, S., ***,^Bruno, A. (2020). Highly efficient thermally co-evaporated perovskite solar cells and mini-modules. Joule, 4, 967.
36. Wang, Z., ***Yuan, G.H., Yang, M., Chai, J., Wu, Q.Y.S., Wang, T., Sebek, M., Wang, D., Wang, L., Wang, S., Chi, D., ***Adamo, G., Soci, C., Sun, H., ^Huang, K., ^Teng, J. (2020). Exciton-enabled meta-optics in two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides. Nano Letters, 20, 7964.

37. **,^Cortecchia, D., ***Yin, J., Petrozza, A., ^Soci, C. (2019). White light emission in low-dimensional perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 4956.
38. **Ramos Vázquez, M., Sotillo, B., Rampini, S., Bharadwaj, V., ***Gholipour, B., Fernández, P., Ramponi, R., Soci, C., ^Eaton, S.M. (2019). Femtosecond laser inscription of nonlinear photonic circuits in gallium lanthanum sulphide glass. Journal of Physics: Photonics, 1, 015006.
39. ***,^Vetlugin, A., ***Guo, R., Xomalis, A., **Yanikgonul, S., ***Adamo, G., ^Soci, C., N.I. Zheludev. (2019). Coherent perfect absorption of single photons in a fibre network. Applied Physics Letters, 115, 191101.
40. **Lova, P., **Cortecchia, D., ^Soci, C., ^Comoretto, D. (2019). Solution processed polymer-ABX4 perovskite-like microcavities. Applied Sciences, 9, 5203.
41. **Lova, P., **Cortecchia, D., Soci, C., ^Comoretto, D. (2019). All-polymer methylammonium lead iodide perovskite microcavities. Nanoscale, 11, 8978.
42. Qiang, B., Dubrovkin, A.M., ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., Wang, Q., Soci, C., ^Wang,  Q.J. (2019). High Q-factor controllable phononic modes in hybrid phononic–dielectric structures. Advanced Photonics, 1, 026001.
43. Alonzo, M., Soci, C., Chauvet, M., ^Fazio, E. (2019). Solitonic waveguide reflection at an electric interface. Optics Express, 27, 20273.
44. Bargigia, I., *Zucchetti, E., Kandada, A.R.S., Moreira, M., Bossio, C., **Wong, W., Miranda, P., Decuzzi, P., Soci, C., D'Andrea, C., ^Lanzani, G. (2019). The photophysics of polythiophene nanoparticles for biological applications. ChemBioChem, 20, 532.
45. Saeed, S., **Yin, J., Khalid, M.A., Channar, P.A., Shabir, G., Saeed, A., Nadeem, M.A., Soci, C., ***,^Iqbalab, A. (2019). Photoresponsive azobenzene ligand as an efficient electron acceptor for luminous CdTe quantum dots. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 375, 48.

46. **Cortecchia, D., Neutzner, S., **Yin, J., Salim, T., Kandada, A.R.S., **Bruno, A., Lam, Y.M., Martí-Rujas, J., ^Petrozza, A., ^Soci, C. (2018). Structure-controlled optical thermoresponse in Ruddlesden-Popper layered perovskites. APL Materials, 6, 114207.
47. ***Maddalena, F., **Chin, X.Y., **Cortecchia, D., ***Bruno, A., ^Soci, C. (2018). Brightness enhancement in pulsed-operated perovskite light-emitting transistors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 37316.
48. **Lova, P., Robbiano, V., Cacialli, F., Comoretto, D., ^Soci, C. (2018). Black GaAs by metal-assisted chemical etching. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 33434.
49. ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., ***Gholipour, B., Zheludev, N.I., ^Soci, C. (2018). A non-volatile chalcogenide switchable hyperbolic metamaterial. Advanced Optical Materials, 6, 1870074.
50. **Lova, P., **Cortecchia,D., ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., *Giusto, P., Bastianini, C., **Bruno, A., ^Comoretto, D., ^Soci, C. (2018). Engineering the emission of broadband 2D perovskites by polymer distributed Bragg reflectors. ACS Photonics, 5, 867.
51. **Vazquez, M.R., Bharadwaj, V., Sotillo, B., ***Lo, S.-Z.A., Ramponi, R., Zheludev, N.I., Lanzani, G., Eaton, S.M., ^Soci, C. (2018). Optical NP problem solver on laser-written waveguide platform. Optics Express, 26, 702.
52. Alonzo, M., *Moscatelli, D., Bastiani, L., Belardini, A., Soci, C., ^Fazio, E. (2018). All-optical reinforcement learning in solitonic X-junctions. Scientific Reports, 8, 5716.
53. **,§Jamaludin, N.F., §Yantara, N., Ng, Y.F., **Bruno, A., Chandran, B.K., Chin, X.Y., Thirumal, K., Mathews, N., Soci, C., ^Mhaisalkar, S. (2018). Perovskite templating via a bathophenanthroline additive for efficient light-emitting devices. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6 , 2295.
54. **Jamaludin, N.F., Yantara, N., Ng, Y.F., Li, M., Goh, T.W., Thirumal, K., Sum, T.C., Mathews, N., Soci, C., ^Mhaisalkar, S. (2018). Grain size modulation and interfacial engineering of CH3NH3PbBr3 emitter films through incorporation of tetraethylammonium bromide. ChemPhysChem, 19, 1075.
55. Thouin, F., Neutzner, S., **Cortecchia, D., Dragomir, V.A., Soci, C., Salim, T., Lam, Y.M., Leonelli, R., Petrozza, A., ^Kandada, A.R.S., ^Silva, C. (2018). Stable biexcitons in two-dimensional metal-halide perovskites with strong dynamic lattice disorder. Physical Review Materials, 2, 034001;# arXiv:1712.04733.
56. ^Gholipour, B., Karvounis, A., **Yin, J., Soci, C., ^MacDonald, K., Zheludev, N.I., (2018). Phase-change-driven dielectric-plasmonic transitions in chalcogenide metasurfaces. NPG Asia Materials, 10, 533.
57. Stockman, M., Kneipp, K., Bozhevolnyi, S., Saha, S., Dutta, A., Ndukaife, J., Kinsey, N., Reddy, H., Guler, U., Shalaev, V., Boltasseva, A., Gholipour, B., ***Krishnamoorthy, H., MacDonald, K., Soci, C., Zheludev, N., Savinov, V., Singh, R., Gross, P., Lienau, C., Vadai, M., Solomon, M., Barton, D.R., Lawrence, M., Dionne, J., Boriskina, S., Esteban, R., Aizpurua, J., Zhang, X., Yang, S., Wang, D., Wang, W., Odom, T., Accanto, N., Roque, P.M., Hancu, I., Piatkowski, L., van Hulst, N., and Kling, M. (2018). Roadmap on plasmonics. Journal of Optics, 20, 043001.
58. Qian, X., Cao, B., Wang, Z., Shen, X., Soci, C., ^Eginligil, M., ^Yu, T. (2018). Carrier density and light helicity dependence of photocurrent in mono- and bilayer graphene. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 33, 114008.
59. Prakoso, A., Lu, C., Rusli, E., **Cortecchia, D., Soci, C., Berthe, M., Deresmes, D., Ayachi, B., Vilcot, J.-P., ^Diesinger, H. (2018). Voltage transient analysis as a generic tool for solar junction characterization. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 51, 345501.
60. Yantara, N., ***,^Bruno, A., ***Iqbal, A., **Jamaludin, N.F., Soci, C., Mhaisalkar, S., ^Mathews, N. (2018). Designing fast energy cascading kinetics in Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite for high performance light emitting diode. Advanced Materials, 30, 1800818.
61. §Han, G., §Du, W.H., An, B.-L., **Bruno, A., Leow, S.W., Soci, C., Zhang, S., Mhaisalkar, S.G., ^Mathews, N. (2018). Nitrogen doped amorphous cuprous oxide as low cost hole-transporting material for perovskite solar cells. Scripta Materialia, 153, 104.#62. Ye, T., **Bruno, A., Han, G., Koh, T.M., Li, J., Soci, C., Mhaisalkar, S.G., ^Leong, W.L. (2018). Efficient and ambient-air-stable solar cell with highly oriented 2D@3D perovskites. Advanced Functional Materials, 1801654.
63. Han, G., Hadi, H.D., ***Bruno, A., Kulkarni, S.A., Koh, T.M., Wong, L.H., Soci, C., ^Mathews, N., ^Zhang, S., ^Mhaisalkar, S.G. (2018). Additive selection strategy for high performance perovskite photovoltaics. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122, 13884.
64. ***Chin, X.Y., Perumal, A., ***Bruno, A., Yantara, N., Veldhuis, S., Martinez-Sarti, L., Chandran B., Chirvony, V.S., ***Lo, Alencious S.-Z., ***So, J., Soci, C., Grätzel, M., Bolink, H.J., ^Mathews, N., ^Mhaisalkar, S.G. (2018). Self-assembled hierarchical nanostructured perovskites enable highly efficient LEDs via energy cascades. Energy & Environmental Science, 11, 1770.

65. **Cortecchia, D., *Lew, K.C., ***So, J.-K., ***Bruno, A., ^Soci, C. (2017). Cathodoluminescence of self-organized heterogeneous phases in multidimensional perovskite thin films. Chemistry of Materials, 29, 10088.
66. ^Sotillo, B., Chiappini, A., Bharadwaj, V., **Vazquez, M.R., Fernandez, T.T., Rampini, S., Ferrari, M., Ramponi, R., Fernández, P., ***Gholipour, B., Soci, C., Eaton, S.M. (2017). Raman spectroscopy of femtosecond laser written low propagation loss optical waveguides in Schott N-SF8 glass. Optical Materials, 72, 626.
67. **Wilhelm, C.E., Utama, M.I.B., Xiong, Q., Soci, C., Lehoucq, G., Dolfi, D., De Rossi, A., ^Combrié, S. (2017). Broadband tunable hybrid photonic crystal-nanowire light emitter. Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 23, 4900308.
68. ***,^Bruno, A., **Cortecchia, D., **Chin, X.Y., Fu, K., Boix, P.P., Mhaisalkar, S., Soci, C. (2017). Temperature and electrical poling effects on ionic motion in MAPbI3 photovoltaic cells. Advanced Energy Materials, 1700265.
69. **Cortecchia, D., **Yin, J., ***Bruno, A., ***Lo, S.-Z. A., ***Gurzadyan, G.G., Mhaisalkar, S., Bredas, J.L., ^Soci, C. (2017). Polaron self-localization in white-light emitting hybrid perovskites. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5, 2771.
70. ***Gholipour, B., ***Adamo, G., **Cortecchia, D., ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., ***Birowosuto, M.D., Zheludev, N.I., ^Soci, C. (2017). Organometallic perovskite metasurfaces. Advanced Materials, 1604268.
71. **Cortecchia, D., Neutzner, S., Neutzner, Srimath, K., Ajay, R., Mosconi, E., Meggiolaro, D., ^De Angelis, F., Soci, C., ^Petrozza, A. (2017). Broadband emission in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites: the role of structural deformation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139, 39.
72. **Chin, X.Y., ^Pace, G., Soci, C., ^Caironi, M. (2017). Ambipolar charge distribution in donor-acceptor polymer field-effect transistors. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 5, 754.
73. **Yin, J., ***Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S., ***Adamo, G., Dubrovkin, A.M., Chong, Y.D., Zheludev, N.I., ^Soci, C. (2017). Plasmonics of topological insulators at optical frequencies. NPG Asia Materials, 9, e425.
74. **Altuzarra, C., ***Vezzoli, S., Valente, J., Gao, W., Soci, C., Faccio, D., ^Couteau, C. (2017). Coherent perfect absorption in metamaterials with entangled photons. ACS Photonics, 4, 2124.
75. *,^Tahersima, M.H., ***Birowosuto, M.D., Ma, Z., Sarpkaya, I., Coley, W.C., Valentin, M.D., Lu, I-H., Liu, K., Zhou, Y., Martinez, A., Liao, I., Davis, B.N., Martinez, J., Alvillar, S.N., Martinez-Ta, D., Guan, A., Nguyen, A.E., Soci, C., Reed, E., Bartels, L., Sorger, V.J. (2017). Testbeds for transition metal dichalcogenide photonics: efficacy of light emission enhancement in monomer vs. dimer nanoscale antennae. ACS Photonics, 4, 1713.
76. **Yin, J., Li, H., **Cortecchia, D., Soci, C., ^Bredas, J.L. (2017). Excitonic and polaronic properties of 2D hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. ACS Energy Letters, 2, 417.
77. **Yin, J., Zhang, Y., ***Bruno, A., Soci, C., Bakr, O., ^Bredas, J.-L., ^Mohammed, O. (2017). Intrinsic lead ion emissions in zero-dimensional Cs4PbBr6 nanocrystals. ACS Energy Letters, 2, 2805.
78. ^Dubrovkin, A.M., ***Adamo, G., **Yin, J., Wang, L., Soci, C., Wang, Q.J., ^Zheludev, N.I. (2017). Visible range plasmonic modes on topological insulator nanostructures. Advanced Optical Materials, 5, 1600768.
79. Dayal, G., **Chin, X.Y., Soci, C., ^Singh, R. (2017). High-Q plasmonic Fano resonance enhanced multiband SEIRA of molecular vibrational sensing. Advanced Optical Materials, 5, 1600559.
80. Dayal, G., Solanki, A., **Chin, X.Y., Sum, T.C., Soci, C., ^Singh, R. (2017). High-Q plasmonic infrared absorber: Ultrathin film sensing of vibrational modes in hybrid lead halide perovskites. Journal of Applied Physics, 122, 073101.
81. Shang, J., Cong, C., **Wang, Z., Peimyoo, N., Wu, L., Zou, C., Chen, Y., **Chin, X.Y., Wang, J., Soci, C., ^Huang, W., ^Yu, T. (2017). Room-temperature 2D semiconductor activated vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Nature Communications, 8, 543.
82. Ng, Y.F., Kulkarni, S.A., Parida, S., **Jamaludin, N.F., Yantara, N., **Bruno, A., Soci, C., Mhaisalkar, S.G., ^Mathews, N. (2017). Highly efficient Cs-based perovskite light-emitting diodes enabled by energy funneling. Chemical Communications, 53, 12004.
83. Neogi, I., **,^Bruno, A., Bahulayan, D., Goh, T.W., Ghosh, B., Ganguly, R., **Cortecchia, D., Sum, T.C., Soci, C., ^Mathews, N., ^Mhaisalkar, S. (2017). Broadband emitting 2D-hybrid organic inorganic perovskite based on cyclohexane-bis(methylamonium) cation. ChemSusChem, 10, 3765.
84. **Abe, Y., Savikhin, V., **Yin, J., Grimsdale, A., Soci, C., Toney, M., ^Lam, Y.M. (2017). Unique reversible crystal-to-crystal phase transition – structural and functional properties of fused ladder thienoarenes. Chemistry of Materials, 29, 7686.
85. ^Gläske, M., Kumar, M., Bißwanger, T., Vaitiekenas, S., Soci, C., Narula, R., ***,^Bruno, A.,^Setaro, A. (2017). Relaxation lifetimes of plasmonically enhanced hybrid gold-carbon nanotubes systems. Nanotechnology, 28, 255202.
86. **Cortecchia, D., Soci, C., Cametti, M., ^Petrozza, A., ^Martí-Rujas, J. (2017). Crystal engineering of a 2D lead-free perovskite with functional organic cation by second sphere coordination. ChemPlusChem, 82, 681.
87. Liu, R., Chen, R., Elthakeb, A.T., Lee, S.H., Hinckley, S., Khraiche, M.L., Scott, J., Pre, D., Hwang, Y., Tanaka, A., Ro, Y.G., Matsushita, A.K., **Dai, X., Soci, C., Biesmans, S., James, A., Nogan, J., Jungjohann, K.L., Pete, D.V., Webb, D.B., Zou, Y., Bang, A.G., ^Dayeh, S.A. (2017). High density individually addressable nanowire arrays record intracellular activity from primary rodent and human stem cell derived neurons. Nano Letters, 17, 2757.
88. Ravikiran, L., R., Radhakrishnan, K., Nethaji, D., Agrawal, M., **Wang, Z., **Bruno, A., Soci, C., Tng, L., Ang, K.S. (2017). GaN Schottky metal–semiconductor–metal UV photodetectors on Si(111) grown by ammonia-MBE. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17, 72.

89. ***,^Birowosuto, M.D., **Cortecchia, D., Drozdowski, W., Brylew, K., Lachmanski, W., ***Bruno, A., ^Soci, C. (2016). X-ray scintillation in lead halide perovskite crystals. Scientific Reports, 6, 37254.
90. **Kumar, M., Vezzoli, S., **Wang, Z., Chaudhary, V., Ramanujan, R.V., ***Gurzadyan, G.G., ***,^Bruno, A., ^Soci, C. (2016). Hot exciton cooling and multiple exciton generation in PbSe quantum dots. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18, 31107.
91. ***,^Gholipour, B., Bastock, P., *Cui, L., Craig, C., Khan, K., Hewak, D.W., Soci, C. (2016). Lithography assisted fiber-drawing nanomanufacturing. Scientific Reports, 6, 35409.
92. **Hu, W., ***Wu, K., Shum, P.P., Zheludev, N., ^Soci, C. (2016). All-optical implementation of the ant colony optimization algorithm. Scientific Reports, 6, 26283.
93. **Yin, J., ^Fazzi, D., **Wang, Z., **Chin, X.Y., ^Soci, C. (2016). First principles study of the nuclear dynamics of doped conjugated polymers. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 199.
94. **,^Lova, P., Bastianini, C., *Giusto, P., Patrini, M., Rizzo, P., Guerra, G., Iodice, M., Soci, C., ^Comoretto, D. (2016). Label-free vapor selectivity in poly(p-phenylene oxide) photonic crystal sensors. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, 31941.
95. ***Nguyen, D.M., Soci, C., ^Ooi, C.H.R. (2016). Coherently tunable triangular trefoil phaseonium metamaterial. Scientific Reports, 6, 21083.
96. **Cortecchia, D., Dewi, H.A., **Yin, J., Chen, S., Baikie, T., Boix, P.P., Graetzel, M., Maisalkar, S., Soci, C., ^Mathews, N. (2016). Lead-free MA2CuClxBr4-x hybrid perovskites. Inorganic Chemistry, 55, 1044.
97. **Abe, Y., Lia, H., **Jun, Y., Soci, C., Grimsdale, A.C., ^Lam, Y.M. (2016). Fused thieno[3,2-b]thiophene-dithiophene based donor material for molecular photovoltaics: structural comparative study with Indacenodithiophene. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 4, 9656.
98. Dayal, G., **Chin, X.Y., Soci, C., ^Singh, R. (2016). Independent tailoring of super-radiant and sub-radiant modes in high-Q plasmonic Fano resonant metamaterials. Advanced Optical Materials, 4, 1860.
99. Dayal, G., **Chin, X.Y., Soci, C., ^Singh, R. (2016). High-Q whispering gallery mode based plamonic Fano resonances in coupled metallic metasurfaces at near infrared frequencies. Advanced Optical Materials, 4, 1295.
100. ^Dong, W., Krbal, M., Kalikka, J., **Chin, X.Y., Gholipour, B., Soci, C., Fons, P., Mitrofanov, K.V., Chen, L., Simpson, R.E. (2016). Enhanced Sb2S3 crystallisation by electric field induced sliver doping. Thin Solid Films, 616, 80.
101. Yuan, G., ***Vezzoli, S., **Altuzarra, C., Rogers, E.T.F., ***Couteau, C., Soci, C., ^Zheludev, N.I. (2016). Quantum super-oscillation of a single photon. Light: Science & Applications, 5, e16127.
102. Ma, L., Hu, P., Jiang, H., Kloc, C., Sun, H., Soci, C., Voityuk, A., Michel-Beyerle, M.-E., and ***Gurzadyan, G. (2016). Single photon triggered dianion formation of TCNQ and F4TCNQ. Scientific Reports, 6, 28510.
103. Krishna, A., Sabba, D., **Yin, J., **Bruno, A., Antila, L.J., Soci, C., ^Mhaisalkar, S., ^Grimsdale, A.C. (2016). Facile synthesis of hole transporting material with silafluorene core for efficient mesoscopic, CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite solar cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 4, 8750.
104. Ravikiran, L., ^Radhakrishnan, K., Nethaji, D., Agrawal, M., **Wang, Z., ***Bruno, A., Soci, C., Tng, L., and Ang, K.S. (2016). Responsivity drop due to conductance modulation in GaN metal-semiconductor-metal Schottky based UV photodetectors on Si(111). Semiconductor Science and Technology, 31, 095003.

105. **Yin, J., **Kumar, M., Lei, Q., Ma, L., ***Kumar, R.S.S., ***Gurzadyan, G.G., ^Soci, C. (2015). Small-size effects on electron transfer in P3HT/InP quantum dots. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 26783.
106. **Wang, Z., Zhao, J., Frank, B., **Ran, Q., ***Adamo, G., Giessen, H., ^Soci, C. (2015). Plasmon-polaron coupling in conjugated polymer on infrared nanoantennas. Nano Letters, 15, 5382.
107. ^Migas, D.B., Borisenko, V.E., Rusli, Soci, C. (2015). Revising morphology of <111>-oriented silicon and germanium nanowires. Nano Convergence, 2, 16.
108. ^Migas, D.B., Filonov, A.B., Yatsyna, D. A., Rusli, Soci, C. (2015). Role of edge facets on stability and electronic properties of III–V nanowires. Nano Convergence, 2, 14.
109. **Chin, X.Y., **Cortecchia, D., **Yin, J., ***Bruno, A., ^Soci, C. (2015). Lead iodide perovskite light-emitting field-effect transistor. Nature Communications, 6, 7383.
110. Couteau, C., ***Larrue, A., **Wilhelm, C., de Rossi, A., Soci, C. (2015). Nanowire lasers. Nanophotonics, 4, 90.
111. **Yin, J., **Cortecchia, D., **Krishna, A., Chen, S., Mathews, N., Grimsdale, A., ^Soci, C. (2015). Interfacial charge transfer anisotropy in polycrystalline lead iodide perovskite films.  Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 6, 1396.
112. ***,^Gholipour, B., Bastock, P., Craig, C., Khan, K., Hewak, D, Soci, C. (2015). Amorphous metal-sulphide microfibers enable photonic synapses for brain-like computing. Advanced Optical Materials, 3, 635.
113. **,^Lova, P., Manfredi, G., Boarino, L., Comite, A., Laus, M., Patrini, M., Marabelli, F., ^Soci, C., ^Comoretto, D. (2015). Polymer distributed Bragg reflectors for vapor sensing. ACS Photonics, 2, 537.
114. Yang, D., ***,^Nguyen, D.M., Soci, C., Dinh, X.Q., Tang, M., Shum, P.P. (2015). Full bandwidth measurement of supercontinuum spectral phase coherence in long pulse regime. Fiber and Integrated Optics, 34, 66.
115. ***,^Raavi, S.S.K., **Yin, J., Grancini, G., Soci, C., Soma, V.R., Lanzani, G., and Giribabu, L. (2015). Femtosecond to microsecond dynamics of Soret-band excited novel Corroles. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119, 28691.
116. **Krishna, A., Sabba, D., **Yin, J., ***Bruno, A., Boix, P.P., Gao, Y., Dewi, H.A., ***Gurzadyan, G.G., Soci, C., ^Mhaisalkar, S.G., ^Grimsdale, A.C. (2015). Facile synthesis of a furan-arylamine hole transporting material for high efficiency mesoscopic perovskite solar cells. Chemistry – A European Journal, 21, 15113.
117. Eginligil, M., Cao, B., **Wang, Z., Shen, X., Cong, C., Shang, J., Soci, C., ^Yu, T. (2015). Dichroic spin-valley photocurrent in monolayer molybdenum disulphide. Nature Communications, 6, 7636.
118. Roger, T., ***Vezzoli, S., Bolduc, E., Heitz, J., Leach, J., Jeffers, J., ***Couteau, C., Soci, C. Zheludev, N., ^Faccio, D. (2015). Coherent perfect absorption in deeply subwavelength films in the single-photon regime. Nature Communications, 6, 7031.

119. ^Liu, H., **Wang, Z., Huang, J., Liu, Y.J., Fan, H.J., Zheludev, N.I., Soci, C. (2014). Plasmonic nanoclocks. Nano Letters, 14, 5162.
120. **Panahandeh-Fard, M., **Yin, J., Kurniawan, M., **Wang, Z., Leuong, H.F., Sum, T.C., ^Soci, C. (2014). Ambipolar charge photogeneration and transfer at GaAs/P3HT heterointerfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 5, 1144.
121. ***Wu, K., García de Abajo, J., ^Soci, C., Shum, P.P., Zheludev, N.I. (2014). An optical fibre network oracle for NP-complete problems. Light: Science & Applications, 3, e147.
122. **Chin, X.Y., **Yin, J., **Wang, Z., Caironi, M., ^Soci, C. (2014). Mapping polarons in polymer FETs by charge modulation microscopy in the mid-infrared. Scientific Reports, 4, 3626.
123. ***Wu, K., ^Soci, C., Shum, P.P., Zheludev, N.I. (2014). Computing matrix inversion with optical networks. Optics Express, 22, 295.
124. **Dai, X., ***Zhang, S., **Wang, Z., ***Adamo, G., Hai, L., Huang, Y., Couteau, C., ^Soci, C. (2014). GaAs/AlGaAs nanowire photodetector. Nano Letters, 14, 2688.
125. **Dai, X., Nguyen, B.M., Hwang, Y., Soci, C., ^Dayeh, S.A. (2014). Novel heterogeneous integration technology of III-V layers and InGaAs FinFETs to silicon. Advanced Functional Materials, 4, 4420.
126. **,§Krishna, A., §Dharani, S., §Li, H., **Yin, J., Boix, P.P., Soci, C., ^Mhaisalkar, S., ^Grimsdale, A.C. (2014). Novel hole transporting materials based on triptycene core for high efficiency mesoscopic perovskite solar cells. Chemical Science, 5, 2702.

127. ^Liu, H., Leong, E.S.P., **Wang, Z., Si, G.Y., Zheng, L., ^Liu, Y., Soci, C. (2013). Multiple and multipolar Fano resonances in plasmonic nanoring oligomers. Advanced Optical Materials, 1, 978.
128. **Yin, J., Migas, D.B., **Panahandeh-Fard, M., **Wang, Z., Chen, S., **Lova, P., ^Soci, C. (2013). Charge redistribution at P3HT/GaAs heterointerfaces with different surface polarity. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 4, 3303.
129. Ma, L., Zhang, K., Kloc, C., Sun, H., Soci, C., Michel-Beyerle, M.E., and ***,^Gurzadyan, G.G. (2013). Fluorescence from rubrene single crystals: Interplay of singlet fission and energy trapping. Physical Review B, 87, 201203(R).
130. Ma, L., Galstyan, G., Zhang, K., Kloc, C., Sun, H., Soci, C., Michel-Beyerle, M.E., ***,^Gurzadyan, G.G. (2013). Two-photon-induced singlet fission in rubrene single crystal. Journal of Chemical Physics, 138, 184508.

131. Dayeh, S.A., Liu, X.H., **Dai, X., Huang, J.Y., Picraux, S.T., Soci, C. (2012). Rocking chair defect generation in nanowire growth. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 053121.
132. ***,^Diesinger, H., **Panahandeh-Fard, M., **Wang, Z., Baillargeat, D., Soci, C. (2012). Enhancing photocurrent transient spectroscopy by electromagnetic modeling. Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 053103.
133. ***Larrue, A., **Wilhelm, C., Vest, G., Combrié, S., De Rossi, A., ^Soci, C. (2012). Monolithic integration of III-V nanowire with photonic crystal microcavity for vertical light emission. Optics Express, 20, 7758.
134. **Wilhelm, C., ***Larrue, A., **Dai, X., Migas, D., ^Soci, C. (2012). Anisotropic photonic properties of III-V nanowires in the zinc-blende and wurtzite phase. Nanoscale, 4, 1446.
135. Jin, K., Li, Y., **Wang, Z., Peng, H., Lin, W., Kyaw, A.K.K., Jin, Y., Jin, K., Sun, X., Soci, C., ^Wu, T. (2012). Tunable photovoltaic effect and solar cell performance of self-doped perovskite SrTiO3. AIP Advances, 2, 042131.
136. Guan, C., Xia, X., ***Meng, N., Zeng, Z., Cao, X., Soci, C., Zhang, H., ^Fan, H.J. (2012). Hollow core–shell nanostructure supercapacitor electrodes: gap matters. Energy & Environmental Science, 5, 9085.
137. Guan, C., Li, X., **Wang, Z., Soci, C., Zhang, H., Fan, H.J. (2012). Nanoporous walls on macroporous foam: rational design of electrode to push areal pseudocapacitance. Advanced Materials, 24, 4186.

138. **Dai, X., Dayeh, S.A., Veeramuthu, V., ***Larrue, A., Wang, J., Su, H., ^Soci, C. (2011). Tailoring the Vapor-Liquid-Solid growth toward the self-assembly of GaAs nanowire junctions. Nano Letters, 11, 4947.

2010 and earlier
139. Soci, C., Zhang, A., Bao, X.-Y., Kim, H., ^Lo, Y., ^Wang, D. (2010). Nanowire Photodetectors. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10, 1430.
140. Dayeh, S.A., Soci, C., Bao, X.-Y., ^Wang, D. (2009). Advances in the synthesis of InAs and GaAs nanowires for electronic applications. Nano Today, 4, 347.
141. §Wei, W., §Bao, X.-Y., Soci, C., Ding, Y., Wang, Z.-L., ^Wang, D. (2009). Direct heteroepitaxy of vertical InAs nanowire array on Si substrates for broadband photovoltaics and photodetection. Nano Letters, 9, 2926.
142. Soci, C., Bao, X.-Y., Aplin, D.P.R., ^Wang, D. (2008). A systematic study on the growth of GaAs nanowires by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition. Nano Letters, 8, 4275.
143. Bao, X.-Y., Soci, C., Susac, D., Aplin, D.P.R., Wei, W., Chen, C.-Y., Dayeh, S.A., Kavanagh, K.L., ^Wang, D. (2008). Heteroepitaxial growth of vertically aligned GaAs nanowires on Si (111) substrates by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition. Nano Letters, 8, 3755.
144. ^Zhang, A., You, S., Soci, C., Liu, Y., Wang, D., Lo, Y.-H. (2008). Silicon nanowire detectors showing phototransistive gain. Applied Physics Letters, 93, 121110.
145. Dayeh, S.A., Soci, C., Yu, P.K.L., ^Wang, D., ^Yu, E.T. (2007). Influence of surface states on the extraction of transport parameters from InAs nanowire Field Effect Transistors. Applied Physics Letters, 90, 162112.
146. §Soci, C., §Zhang, A., Xiang, B., Dayeh, S.A., Aplin, D.P.R., Park, J., Bao, X.Y., Lo, YH., ^Wang, D. (2007). ZnO nanowire UV photodetectors with high internal gain. Nano Letters, 7, 1003.
147. Xiang, B., Wang, P., Zhang, X., Dayeh, S.A., Aplin, D.P.R., Soci, C., Yu, D., ^Wang, D. (2007). Rational synthesis of p-type zinc oxide nanowire arrays using simple chemical vapor deposition. Nano Letters, 7, 323.
148. Hwang, I.-W., Soci, C., ^Moses, D., Zhu, Z., Waller, D., Gaudiana, R., Brabec, C.J., ^Heeger, A.J. (2007). Ultrafast electron transfer and decay dynamics in a small band gap bulk heterojunction material. Advanced Materials, 19, 2307.
149. ^Soci, C., Comoretto, D., Marabelli, F., Moses, D. (2007). Anisotropic photoluminescence properties of oriented poly(p phenylene-vinylene) films: effects of dispersion of optical constants. Physical Review B, 75, 075204.
150. Soci, C., Hwang, I.-W., Moses, D., Zhu, Z., Waller, D., Gaudiana, R., Brabec, C.J., ^Heeger, A.J. (2007). Photoconductivity of a novel low-bandgap conjugated polymer. Advanced Functional Materials, 17, 632.
151. Hwang, I.-W., Xu, Q.-H., Soci, C., Jen, A., ^Moses, D., Heeger, A.J. (2007). Ultrafast spectroscopic study of photoinduced electron transfer in oligothienylenevinylene: fullerene composite. Advanced Functional Materials, 17, 563.
152. Peet, J., Soci, C., ^Moses, D., ^Bazan, G.C. (2006). Method for increasing the photoconductive response in conjugated polymer/fullerene composites. Applied Physics Letters, 89, 252105.
153. ^Moses, D., Soci, C., Chi, X., Ramirez, A.P. (2006). Mechanism of carrier photogeneration and carrier transport in molecular crystal tetracene. Physical Review Letters, 97, 067401.
154. ^Gong, X., Soci, C., Yang, C.Y., Heeger, A.J., Xiao, S. (2006). Enhanced luminous efficiency from polymer Light-Emitting Diodes by blending with polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39, 2048.
155. ^Fukumura, T., Soci, C., Moses, D., Heeger, A.J., Gibbons, W.M., and Reppy, M.G.P. (2006). Alignment of liquid crystalline polyfluorene films by an optically aligned polymer layer. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45, L33.
156. ^Swensen, J., Soci, C., Heeger, A.J. (2005). Light emission from an ambipolar semiconducting polymer Field-Effect Transistor. Applied Physics Letters, 87, 253511.
157. Soci, C., ^Moses, D., Xu, Q-H., Heeger, A.J. (2005). Charge carrier relaxation dynamics in highly ordered poly(p-phenylene vinylene): effects of carrier bimolecular recombination and trapping. Physical Review B, 72, 245204.
158. Pavarini, E., Andreani, L. C., Soci, C., Galli, M., Marabelli, F., Comoretto, D. (2005). Band structure and optical properties of opal photonic crystals. Physical Review B, 72, 045102.
159. Comoretto, D., Ottonelli, M., Musso, G.F., Dellepiane, G., Soci, C., Marabelli, F. (2004). Triplet excitons in acyl and alkyl substituted polycarbazolyldiacetylenes: a spectroscopical and photophysical study. Physical Review B, 69, 115215.
160. Martinelli, L., Grilli, E., Migas, D.B., Miglio, L., Marabelli, F., Soci, C., Geddo, M., Grimaldi, M.G., Spinella, C. (2002). Luminescence from -FeSi2 precipitates in Si. Physical Review B, 66, 85320.
161. ^Moses, D., Soci, C., Miranda, P., Heeger, A.J. (2001). The role of photoemission in the “photoconductivity” of semiconducting polymers. Chemical Physics Letters, 350, 531.

Articles in Preparation

1.   Martinelli, F., Brosseau, P., Vetlugin, A., Petrovic, M., Soci, C.(2023). Waveguide-integrated superconducting single photon detectors.

2.   Krishnamoorthy, H.N.S.,Adamo, G. Hütt, F., Yin, J.,Dubrovkin, A.M., Giessen, H., Zheludev, N.I., Soci, C. (2023). Topological insulator interbandpolaritonics.

3.   Dubrovkin,A.M.,Adamo, G., N.I. Zheludev, N.I., Soci, C. (2023). Photogalvanics of chiral topologicalinsulator metamaterials.

4.   Marangi, M., Wang, Y.,Wu, M., Tjiptoharsono, F., Kuznetsov, A., Adamo, G., Soci, C. (2023). Enhancing cooperativityof molecular J-aggregates by resonantly coupled dielectric metasurfaces.

Books (Edited)

1.    Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, andSystems 2021. Edited by C. Soci, M.T. Sheldon, M. Agio, Proc. of SPIE, Volume11806 (ISBN: 978151064451, DOI: 10.1117/12.2606470).

2.    Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, andSystems 2020. Edited by C. Soci, M.T. Sheldon, M. Agio, Proc. of SPIE, Volume11471 (ISBN: 9781510637481, DOI: 10.1117/12.2581631).

3.    Quantum Nanophotonic Materials, Devices, andSystems 2019. Edited by C. Soci, M.T. Sheldon, M. Agio, Proc. of SPIE, Volume11091 (ISBN: 9781510628755, DOI: 10.1117/12.2551445).

4.    Quantum Photonic Devices 2018. Edited by C.Soci, M. Agio, K. Srinivasan. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10733 (ISBN:9781510620377, DOI: 10.1117/12.2515638).

5.    Quantum Photonic Devices 2017. Edited by C.Soci, M. Agio, K. Srinivasan. Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 10358 (ISBN:9781510611733, DOI: 10.1117/12.2297037).

6.    Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules,Nanostructures and Interfaces, G.G. Gurzadyan, G. Lanzani, C. Soci, T. C. SumEd., 2014, World Scientific Publishing Series in Optics and Photonics, Vol. 8(Hardcover ISBN 978-981-4556-91-0, eBook ISBN: 978-981-4556-93-4, DOI:10.1142/8959).

Book Chapters (Authored)

1.       Light-emitting field-effecttransistors based on metal halide perovskites, M. Klein, A. Bruno, C. Soci, Metalhalide perovskites for generation, manipulation and detection of light,“Photonic Materials and Applications” Series, J. Martínez-Pastor, X.Guichuan, P. Boix (Eds.), 2022, SPIE and Elsevier, ISBN: 9780323916615.

2.       Perovskite metamaterialsand metasurfaces, G. Adamo, J. Tian, H.S.N. Krishnamoorty, D. Cortecchia, G.Long, C. Soci, Halide Perovskites for Photonics, A. Vinattieriand G. Giorgi (Eds.), 2021, AIP Publishing, ISBN: 9780735423602.

3.       Charge transport inorganometal halide perovskite, F. Maddalena, P.P. Boix, N. Mathews, C. Soci, S. Mhaisalkar, OrganometalHalide Perovskite Photovoltaics: Fundamentals and Device Architectures, N.-G.Park, M. Grätzel, T. Miyasaka (Eds.), 2016, Springer, ISBN:‎ 978-3319351124.

4.       Compound semiconductornanowire photodetectors, X. Dai, M. Tchernycheva, C. Soci, Semiconductors and Semimetals: SemiconductorNanowires, S.A. Dayeh, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, C. Jagadish (Eds.), 2016, Academic Press, ISBN: 9780128040164; eBook ISBN:9780128041444.

5.       Nanoimprint lithography:toward functional photonic crystals, P. Lova and C. Soci, Organic & Hybrid Photonic Crystals, D.Comoretto (Ed.), 2015, Springer, ISBN: 978-3-319-16579-0, pp. 187-212.

6.       Advanced III-V nanowiregrowth toward large-scale integration, X. Dai, A. Olivier, C. Wilhelm, S.A.Dayeh, C. Soci, SemiconductorNanowires - Materials, Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, J.Arbiol and Q. Xiong (Eds.), 2014, Woodhead Publishing Group, ISBN:978-1-78242-253-1, e-Book ISBN: 978-1-78242-253-2.

7.       Photoinduced chargetransfer dynamics at hybrid GaAs/P3HT interfaces, J. Yin, M. Kumar, M.Panahandeh-Fard, Z. Wang, F. Scotognella, C. Soci, Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules, Nanostructures and Interfaces, G.G. Gurzadyan, G. Lanzani, C. Soci, T. C. Sum (Eds.), 2014, World ScientificPublishing, ISBN: 978-981-4556-91-0.

8.       Singlet fission in organiccrystals, L. Ma, C. Kloc, C. Soci, M.E. Michel-Beyerle, G.G. Gurzadyan, Ultrafast Dynamics in Molecules,Nanostructures and Interfaces, G.G. Gurzadyan, G. Lanzani, C. Soci, T.C.Sum (Eds.), 2014, World Scientific Publishing, ISBN: 978-981-4556-91-0.

9.       Ultrafast charge carrierdynamics in organic (opto)electronic materials, H. Diesinger, E.A. Chan,J. Yin, C. Soci, Handbook oforganic materials for optical and optoelectronic devices: Properties andapplications, O. Ostroverkhova (Ed.), 2013, Woodhead Publishing, ISBN:0-85709-265-0.

10.    Optical properties andelectronic states in anisotropic conjugated polymers: intra- and inter-chaineffects, D. Comoretto, V. Morandi, M. Galli, F. Marabelli, C. Soci, Functional supramolecular architectures fororganic electronics and nanotechnology, F. Cacialli and P. Samorì (Eds.),2011, Wiley-VCH, ISBN: 978-3-527-32611-2, pp. 567-588.

11.    Optical probes ofelectronic states in highly anisotropic polymeric semiconductors, V. Morandi,C. Soci, M. Galli, F. Marabelli, D. Comoretto, Highlights on spectroscopies of semiconductors and nanostructures, Guizzetti,Patrini, Andreani, Marabelli (Eds.), 2007, Il Nuovo Cimento, ISSN: 1122-1437,pp. 75-86.


Patents Granted
·       WO 2022/245285: Method of detecting photons and photon detectorarrangement, A.N. Vetlugin, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (Filing 2022-13-05 • Publication 2022-11-24).
·       WO 2022/039674 A1; US 2023/0305190-A1: A layer, an electronicdevice, a method of controlling spin transport in the layer, Cesare SOCI, Giorgio ADAMO,Mustafa EGINLIGIL, SUN Xinxing, Harish Natarajan Swaha KRISHNAMOORTHY, NikolayIvanovich ZHELUDEV (Priority 2020-08-18 • Filed 2021-08-18 • Published2023-09-28).
·       US16/321,159; US 2020/0209414-A1: Apparatus for radiation detection, MuhammadDanang BIROWOSUTO, Daniele CORTECCHIA, Cesare SOCI (Priority 2016-07-28 •Filing 2017-07-28 • Publication 2020-07-02).
·       WO 2018/021975-A1; US 2023/11733404-B2: Apparatus for electro-magneticwave detection, Muhammad Danang BIROWOSUTO, Daniele CORTECCHIA, Cesare SOCI (Priority2016-07-28 • Filed 2017-07-28 • Granted 2023-08-22 • Published 2023-08-22).
·       US 10151858-B2;US 2017/0276836: Device including halide perovskite structure, methods of forming andoperating the same; Cesare SOCI, BehradGHOLIPOUR, Giorgio ADAMO, Daniele CORTECCHIA (Priority 2016-03-28 • Filing 2017-03-28 • Grant 2018-12-11 •Publication 2018-12-11).
·       US 9711760-B2;US 2017/0005296: Light-emitting device, method of forming and operating the same,Cesare SOCI, Xin Yu CHIN, Daniele CORTECCHIA, Annalisa BRUNO, Jun YIN,Francesco MADDALENA (Priority 2015-06-30• Filing 2016-06-30 • Grant 2017-07-18 • Publication 2017-07-18).
·       US 2016/0149145-A1: Perovskites for optoelectronic applications; S.G. Mhaisalkar, T.Baikie, N. Mathews, P.P. Boix, C. Soci, D. Cortecchia (Priority 2014-11-24 •Filing 2015-11-24 • Publication 2016-05-26). ·       US 8932940-B2;US 2011/0253982; WO 2010/062644: Vertical group IlI-V nanowires on silicon,heterostructures, flexible arrays, and fabrication, D. Wang, W. Wei, X.-Y. Bao,C. Soci (Priority 2008-10-28 • Filing 2009-10-28 • Grant 2015-01-13 •Publication 2015-01-13).
·       US 8426224-B2; US 2011/0163292; WO 2008/140611: Nanowire array-based light emitting diodes and lasers, D. Wang, X.-Y.Bao, B. Xiang, C. Soci, D. Aplin (Priority 2006-12-18 • Filing 2007-12-18 •Grant 2013-04-23 • Publication 2013-04-23).

Patents Licensed
·       US 8440997-B2; US 2014/0103295; US 2010/0295019;WO 2008/143727: Nanowire photodetector and image sensor with internal gain, D. Wang, C. Soci,Y.-H. Lo, A. Zhang, D. Aplin, L. Wang, S. Dayeh, X.-Y. Bao (Priority 2007-02-27• Filing 2008-02-26 • Grant 2013-05-14 • Publication 2013-05-14).
·       US 8318532-B2; US 2009/0032808: Enhancing performance characteristics of organic semiconducting films byimproved solution processing; G.C. Bazan, A. Mikhailovsky, D. Moses, T.Q.Nguyen, J. Peet, C. Soci (Priority 2006-12-01 • Filing 2007-12-03 • Grant2012-11-27 • Publication 2012-11-27).

Patents Filed
·       2022-360-01-SG PRV: Perovskite light-emitting metatransistor; CesareSOCI; KLEIN Maciej Marcin; Giorgio ADAMO (provisional Singapore patentapplication No. 10202260212S filed on 25 November 2022).
·       2021-256-01-SG PRV: Phase-change tunable laser, C. Soci, J. Tian, G.Adamo, R.J. Paniagua-Dominguez, A.I. Kuznetsov (provisional Singapore patent application No. 10202106643R filed on 18June 2021).
·       PAT/261/14/15/SG PRV: Mid-IR plasmonic antenna to polaron coupling for organic solar cells, organicphotodetectors, and other organic electronic applications, C. Soci, Z. Wang, H.Giessen (provisional Singapore patent filed).
·       ETPL ref: SRC/Z/08371, 2014: Lithography assisted fiber nanomanufacturing for single andmultimaterial nanowire mass production, C. Soci, B. Gholipour, C. Long, D.Hewak, P. Bastock, K. Khan, C. Craig, disclosed to NTU (provisional Singaporepatent filed).
·       ETPL ref: SRC/Z/08419, 2014: Plasmonic nanowire continuum light source, C. Soci, B. Gholipour, V.Nalla, N. Zheludev, D. Hewak, P. Bastock, K. Khan, C. Craig, disclosed to NTU(provisional Singapore patent filed).

Edited Conference Contributions (Proceedings)

1.      Halide perovskite metasurfaceswith tunable exciton-polariton electroluminescence, **Y. Wang, ***J. Tian, ***M. Klein, ***G. Adamo, S.T. Ha, C.Soci, Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, ck_10_4 (2023).

2.    Perovskite quantum dottopological laser based on a one-dimensional cavity, ***J. Tian, **Q.Y. Tan, **Y. Wang, Y. Yang, G. Yuan, ***G.Adamo, C. Soci, Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023, ck_14_4(2023).

3.      Photocurrent nanoimaging ofstructural and spin-momentum locking chiralities in topological insulators, ***A.M. Dubrovkin, ***G. Adamo, L. Wang, Q.J. Wang, N.I.Zheludev, C. Soci, Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023,eg_3_2 (2023).

4.      Exciton-polaritonelectroluminescence from electrically driven halide perovskite metatransistors, **Y. Wang, ***J. Tian, ***M. Klein, ***G. Adamo, S.T. Ha, C.Soci, OSA Technical Digest, FF2D. 5 (2023).

5.      Distributed detection ofquantum light: efficient photon number resolution without optical modemultiplication, ***A.N.Vetlugin, **S. Dong, **F. Martinelli, C. Soci, OSATechnical Digest, FM2E. 4 (2023).

6.      An etchless integration platformfor superconducting nanowire single photon detectors, **F. Martinelli, D.M.Z. Koh, **S. Dong, ***A.N. Vetlugin, ***H.N.S.Krishnamoorthy, C. Kurtsiefer, C. Soci, OSA Technical Digest,SM3P. 4 (2023).

7.      Structural and spin-momentumlocking chiralities in topological insulators by photocurrent nanoimaging, ***A.M. Dubrovkin, ***G. Adamo, L. Wang, Q.J. Wang, N.I.Zheludev, C. Soci, OSA Technical Digest, FF1D. 6(2023).

8.      Perovskitequantum dot topological laser in the visible, ***J. Tian, **Q.Y. Tan,**Y. Wang, Y. Yang, G. Yuan, ***G. Adamo, C. Soci, OSATechnical Digest, SF3L.7 (2023).

9.      Non-local quantum metrologywith entangled photons and geometric phase, ***A.N. Vetlugin, ***R. Guo, C. Soci, N.I.Zheludev, OSA Technical Digest, FTu4A. 7 (2023).

10.   Perovskitechiral metasurface with giant optical chirality, X. Zhai, H. Wang, A.A.Alekseevich, ***G. Adamo, ***J. Tian, M.V. Gorkunov, C. Soci, G.Long, Proc. of the SPIE,  PC123220E (2022).

11. Modellingquantum photonics with a transmon of the IBM quantum computer, ***A.Vetlugin, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, Quantum 2.0,Paper QM3A.5 (2022).

12. Coherent light absorption and photon number discrimination, ***A.Vetlugin, ***R. Guo, **F. Martinelli, N. Zheludev, C. Soci, Proc. of the SPIE, PC122060D (2022).

13. Single photon detection in micron wide NbTiN bridges, ***M. Petrovic,L. Shen, **S. Dong, **F. Martinelli, D.M.Z. Koh, ***H. Krishnamoorthy, C.Kurtsiefer, C. Soci, Proc. of the SPIE, PC122060 (2022).

14. Modeling quantum optics of metasurfaces on the IBM quantum computer: thephoton-transmon analogy, ***A. Vetlugin, C. Soci, N.Zheludev, Proc.of the SPIE, PC121950 (2022).

15. Double-pulseoperation enhances brightness of hybrid perovskite light emitting transistor,***M. Klein, B.W.H. Cheng, L. Jia, ***A. Bruno, C. Soci, OSATechnical Digest, JW1A.53 (2021).

16. All-dielectrichalide perovskite metasurfaces with giant chirality, ***G. Long, ***G. Adamo,***J. Tian, *E. Feltri, ***H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, ***M. Klein, C.Soci, OSA Technical Digest, STu1C.2 (2021).

17. Mirror-symmetricpatterning of topological insulator reverses photogalvanic currents, ***X.Sun, ***G. Adamo, ***E. Mustafa, ***H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, N.I. Zheludev, C.Soci, OSA Technical Digest, JW1A.56 (2021).

18. AntiHong-Ou-Mandel Interference on a lossy beamsplitter, ***A.N. Vetlugin,***R. Guo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, OSA Technical Digest,FF2I.8 (2021).

19. Deterministicgeneration of entanglement in quantum networks by distributed coherentabsorption, ***A.N. Vetlugin, ***R. Guo, C. Soci, N.I.Zheludev, OSA Technical Digest, STh1D.1 (2021).

20. Pancharatnam-Berryphase and non-local control of light dissipation, *** A.N. Vetlugin, ***R.Guo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, OSA Technical Digest,FTh1N.1 (2021).

21. Enhancedluminescence of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in epsilon-near-zero waveguide, J. So,G.H. Yuan, C. Soci, N. Zheludev, OSA Technical Digest,FM3K.3 (2021).

22. Synchronizedinjection of charge carriers in perovskite light emitting transistors, ***M.Klein, B. Cheng, J. Li, ***A. Bruno, C. Soci, Proceedingsof CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, DOI: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542169.

23. Controlof photogalvanic currents in topological insulator metamaterials, ***X. Sun,***G. Adamo, ***M. Eginligil, ***H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, N.I. Zheludev, C.Soci, Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, Doi:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542467.

24. Non-localcontrol of light dissipation with Pancharatnam-Berry phase, ***R. Guo,***A.N. Vetlugin, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, Proceedingsof CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, DOI: 10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542678.

25. DistributedCoherent absorption in quantum networks for deterministic entanglementgeneration, ***A.N. Vetlugin, ***R. Guo, C. Soci, N.I.Zheludev, Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, DOI:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9541610.

26. Focused-ion-beamimplantation of luminescence centers in gallium nitride in optical telecomfrequency band, J.-K. So, C. Soci, W. Gao, N.I. Zheludev,Proceedings of CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, DOI:10.1109/CLEO/Europe-EQEC52157.2021.9542578.

27. Quantumlight control by dissipative interference, ***A.N. Vetlugin, ***R. Guo,***G. Adamo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, Proc. of the SPIE,11471, 114710S (2020).

28. Reshapinghybrid perovskites emission with flexible polymer microcavities, **P. Lova,P. Giusto, F. Di Stasio, G. Manfredi, G.M. Paternò, D. Cortecchia, C. Soci,D. Comoretto, EPJ Web of Conferences, 230, 00006 (2020).

29. Phasechange perovskite metasurfaces, ***G. Adamo, J. Tian, M. Degani, H.N.S.Krishnamoorthy, D. Cortecchia, M. Klein, C. Soci, OSATechnical Digest, SF3F.5 (2020).

30. Topologicalinsulator chalcogenides for infrared dielectric metamaterials, ***H.N.S.Krishnamoorthy, ***G. Adamo, **J. Yin, V. Savinov, N.I. Zheludev, C.Soci, OSA Technical Digest, FTh1B.4 (2020).

31. Superconductor-basedlight detection, *K. Kavetsky, ***H. Krishnamoorthy, C. Soci,M. Lim, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting2020 (undergraduate research).

32. CsPbBr3perovskite quantum dots as single photon sources, *G. Nelson, ***G.Adamo, C. Soci, M. Lim, Bulletin of the American PhysicalSociety, APS March Meeting 2020 (undergraduate research).

33. Quantumstate filtering of dual-rail photons with fiberized plasmonic metamaterial, **S. Yanikgonul, ***A. Vetlugin, ***R. Guo, A. Xomalis, ***G.Adamo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev,OSA Technical Digest, FTu3D.7 (2019).

34. All-opticalintra and inter neuronal communication protocol platform, **M. Ramos, V.Bharadwaj, B. Sotillo, G. Galzerano, ***B. Gholipour, S. M. Eaton, C. Soci. OSA Technical Digest,NoM3D.6 (2018).

35. Lightemission enhancement of 2D materials in monomer vs. dimer nanoantennae, *M.H.Tahersima, ***M.D. Birowosuto, Z. Ma, W.C. Coley, M. Valentin, S.N.Alvillar, C.  Soci, L. Bartels,V.J. Sorger. OSA Technical Digest, JTu3A.25 (2018).

36.  Identifying mirror symmetry density withdelay in spiking neural networks, J. George, C. Soci, V. Sorger,Proc. of the SPIE, 107510L (2018).

37.  Thedynamics of nickelidation for self-aligned contacts to InGaAs channels, R.Chen, **X. Dai, K.L. Jungjohann, W.M. Mook, J. Nogan, C. Soci, S.Dayeh, ECS Transactions, 80, 53 (2017).

38.  Opticalantenna enhanced spontaneous emission from CVD-grown monolayer WS2,*M.H. Tahersima, ***M.D. Birowosuto, Z. Ma, W.C. Coley, M. Valentin,I-H. Lu, K. Liu, Y. Zhou, A. Martinez, I. Liao, B. Davis, J. Martinez, S.Naghibi, D. Martinez-Ta, A. Guan, A.E. Nguyen, C. Soci, E. Reed, L.Bartels, V.J. Sorger, OSA Technical Digest, JTh2A.44(2017).

39.  Novelparadigm for integrated photonics circuits: transient interconnection network, E.Fazio, A. Belardini, L. Bastiani, M. Alonzo, M. Chauvet, N.I. Zheludev,C. Soci, Proc. of the SPIE,10130, 1013006 (2017).

40.  Plasmonicsof topological insulators at optical frequencies, **J. Yin, ***H.N.S.Krishnamoorthy, ***G. Adamo, A.M. Dubrovkin, ***J.-K. So, Y. Chong, N.I.Zheludev, C. Soci, OSATechnical Digest, JSIV1.1 (2017).

41.  Nanopatterning-enhancedperovskite luminophore, ***G. Adamo, ***B. Gholipour, *K.C. Lew, **D.Cortecchia, ***H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, ***A. Bruno, ***J.-K. So, ***M.D.Birowosuto, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci,OSA Technical Digest, JSV3.3 (2017).

42.  Plasmonicproperties of superconducting niobium in the optical part of the spectrum, C.Y.Liao, ***H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J.-Y. Ou, K. Delfanazari, C.Huang, ***G. Adamo, E. Plum, K.F. MacDonald, Y.D. Chong, C. Soci, F.Kusmartsev, D.P. Tsai, N.I. Zheludev, OSA Technical Digest,EH-2.2 (2017).

43.  AC-drivenperovskite light-emitting field-effect transistors, ***F. Maddalena,**X.Y. Chin, **D. Cortecchia, ***A. Bruno, C.Soci, OSA Technical Digest JSV-1.2 (2017).

44.  Smallpolarons in 2D perovskites, **D. Cortecchia, **J. Yin, ***M.D.Birowosuto, ***S.-Z.A. Lo, ***G. Gurzadyan, ***A. Bruno, J.-L. Brédas, C. Soci, OSA Technical Digest,JSV-2.3 (2017).45.  New materials formetamaterials: perovskites, phase change chalcogenides, and topologicalinsulators, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, OSA TechnicalDigest, IM4A.5 (2016).

46.  Perovskitemetamaterials, ***B. Gholipour, ***G. Adamo, **D. Cortecchia, ***H.N.S.Krishnamoorthy, **J. Yin, N.I. Zheludev, C.Soci. OSA Technical Digest, SM1R.4 (2016).

47.  Plasmonicmetal-cored fibres, ***B. Gholipour, ***D.M. Nguyen, P. Bastock, *L.Cui, V. Nalla, C. Craig, K. Khan, D. Hewak, N. Zheludev, C. Soci. OSA Technical Digest, SM3P.4 (2016).

48.  Reconfigurablehyperbolic metamaterial with negative refraction, ***H.S. Krishnamoorthy,***B. Gholipour, N. Zheludev, C. Soci.OSA Technical Digest, SW4-R.3 (2016).

49.  Visiblerange plasmons in topological insulators, A. Dubrovkin, **J. Yin, ***G.Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, Q. Wang, C. Soci, L. Wang, N.Zheludev. OSA Technical Digest, FW4B.3 (2016).

50.  Remotecontrol of coherent light absorption with entangled photons, **C. Altuzarra,***S. Vezzoli, J. Valente, C. Soci, D. Faccio, ***C. Couteau, N. Zheludev.OSA Technical Digest, JTu5A.23 (2016).

51.  HybridZnO:polystyrene nanocomposite for all-polymer photonic crystals, **P. Lova,G. Manfredi, L. Boarino, M. Laus, G. Urbinati, T. Losco, F. Marabelli, V.Caratto, M. Ferretti, M. Castellano, C. Soci, D. Comoretto,Phys. Stat. Sol. C, 12, 158 (2015).

52.  Electronicand optical properties of plasmonic topological insulators: **J. Yin,**Z. Wang, ***K. Wu, ***G. Adamo, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci. OSA Technical Digest, EI-1.3 (2015).

53.  CH3NH3PbI3Perovskite light emitting field-effect transistor: **X.Y. Chin, **D.Cortecchia, **J. Yin, ***A. Bruno, C.Soci. OSA Technical Digest, CE-12.3 (2015).

54.  Nanowirein photonic crystal visible light source: **C. Wilhelm, S. Combrié,M. Iqbal, G. Lehoucq, Q. Xiong, C. Soci, A. De Rossi. OSA TechnicalDigest, CK-3.4 (2015).

55.  Sub-wavelengthlocalization of a single photon: G. Yuan, ***S. Vezzoli, **C. Altuzarra,E.T.F. Rogers, ***C. Couteau, C. Soci, Z. Shen, N.I. Zheludev. OSA TechnicalDigest, EG-3.5 (2015).

56.  Planarfabrication assisted fiber nanowire manufacturing. *L. Cui, ***B.Gholipour, P. Bostock, K. Khan, C. Craig, D.W. Hewak, C. Soci. OSATechnical Digest, CE_2_6 (2015).

57.  Broadbandall-optical fiber transistors: ***B. Gholipour, J.Y. Ong, P. Bastock, K.Khan, C. Craig, D.W. Hewak, C. Soci.OSA Technical Digest, CD-P.11 (2015).

58.  Singlemode - multimode infrared optical switching based on phase change materialscored optical fibers: ***D.M. Nguyen, ***B. Gholipour, *L. Cui, C. Soci. OSA TechnicalDigest, CD-P.24 (2015).

59.  P3HT-coatedcoreless silica fiber for in-line photodetection: ***D.M. Nguyen, **Z.Wang, *L. Cui, C. Soci. OSA TechnicalDigest, CI-P.1 (2015).

60.  Photonsas ants: a stigmergic photonic network: **W. Hu, ***K. Wu, P. Shum, N.Zheludev, C. Soci. OSA TechnicalDigest, CI-P.2 (2015).

61.  Femtosecond to nanosecond excited states dynamics of novel Corroles, ***S.S.K.Raavi, **J. Yin, G. Grancini, L. Giribabu, C. Soci, S.V. Rao.OSA Technical Digest, M3B.5 (2014).

62.  2014 InternationalConference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA): Computing withcomplex optical networks, ***K. Wu, ***B. Gholipour, **W. Hu, P.P. Shum,N. Zheludev, C. Soci (invitedtalk). IEEE Proceedings, pages 321-322 (2014).

63.  2014 Conference onLasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): QELS – Fundamental Science, San Jose(California), 8-13 June 2014: Using nonlinear optical networks foroptimization: primer of the ant colony algorithm, **W. Hu, ***K. Wu,P.P. Shum, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci.OSA Technical Digest, FM1D.8 (2014)

64.  2014 Conference onLasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): QELS – Fundamental Science, San Jose(California), 8-13 June 2014: Plasmonic nanowire continuum light source, ***B.Gholipour, V. Nalla, P. Bastock, K. Khan, C. Craig, D. W. Hewak, N. I.Zheludev, C. Soci. OSATechnical Digest, SF1N.4 (2014).

65.  2014 Conference onLasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): QELS – Fundamental Science, San Jose(California), 8-13 June 2014: Plasmonic properties and photoinduced reflectanceof topological insulator, **Z. Wang, **J. Yin, ***G. Adamo, A. Sulaev,L. Wang, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci.OSA Technical Digest, FM4C.7 (2014).

66.  2014 Conference onLasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): QELS – Fundamental Science, San Jose(California), 8-13 June 2014: Four-wave mixing and Bragg scattering in resonantseed modulation instability in optical fiber, ***D.M. Nguyen, D. Yang,C. Soci, X.Q. Dinh, M. Tang, P.P. Shum. OSA Technical Digest,SM4N.4 (2014).

67.  2014 Conference onLasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO): QELS – Fundamental Science, San Jose(California), 8-13 June 2014: Chalcogenide microfiber photonic synapse, ***B.Gholipour, P. Bastock, K. Khan, C. Craig, D. W. Hewak, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. OSA Technical Digest,JW2A.32 (2014).

68.  2013 EuropeanConference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe), 12-16 May 2013, Munich,Germany: Fiber non-Turing all-optical computer for solving complex decisionproblems, ***K. Wu, J. García de Abajo, C.Soci, P.P. Shum, N.I. Zheludev. OSATechnical Digest, CI-5.2(2013).

69.  2011 IEEE TopicalMeeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), Singapore, October 18-21, 2011:Electromagnetic modeling and optimization of photoconductive switches forterahertz generation and photocurrent transient spectroscopy, ***H.P.Diesinger, *M. Panahandeh-Fard, D. Baillargeat, C. Soci. Proc. of the 2011 IEEE MWP, pages 373-376(2011).

70.  Conferenceon Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2008, San Jose (California), May 4-9 2008:Planar and vertical Si nanowire photodetectors, A. Zhang, S. You, C.Soci, D. Wang, Y.-H. Lo. OSA Technical Digest, CFH5 (2008).

71.  Conferenceon Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2007, Baltimore, Maryland, May 6–11, 2007:High gain ZnO nanowire phototransistor, A. Zhang, C. Soci, B. Xiang, J.Park, D. Wang, Y.H. Lo. OSA Technical Digest, CMY2 (2007).

72.  34thConference on the Physics and Chemistry of Semiconductor Interfaces (PCSI-34),Salt Lake City, Utah, January 14-18, 2007: Transport properties of InAsnanowire Field-Effect Transistors: the effects of surface states, S.A. Dayeh,C. Soci, P.K.L. Yu, E.T. Yu, D. Wang.J. Vac. Sci. Tech. B, 25, 1432 (2007).

73.  TheInternational Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics,San Diego, California, August 13-17, 2006: Charge carrierphotogeneration and transport properties of a novel low-bandgap conjugatedpolymer for organic photovoltaics, C. Soci, I-W.Hwang, C.Y. Yang, D. Moses, Z. Zhu, D. Waller, R. Gaudiana, C.J. Brabec, A.J.Heeger. Proc. of the SPIE, 6334, 63340D (2006).

74.  TheInternational Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Photonic West 2006, SanJose, California, January 21-26, 2006: Light emission from an ambipolarsemiconducting polymer Field-Effect Transistor, J.S. Swensen, C. Soci, A.J.Heeger. Proc. of the SPIE 6117, 61170R (2006).

75.  Conferenceon Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)/Quantum Electronics and Laser ScienceConference (QELS), Long Beach (California), May 21-26, 2006: The Light-EmittingField Effect Transistor: a novel optoelectronic device concept, A.J.Heeger, J. Swensen, C. Soci. OSATechnical Digest, CTuDD1 (2006).

76.  Int.Conference on Synthetic Metals (ICSM) 2004, Wollongong (Australia), June28-July 2, 2004: Effects of bimolecular recombination and charge-trapping onthe transient photoconductivity of poly(p-phenylene vinylene), C. Soci, D. Moses and A. J.Heeger. Synthetic Metals, 153, 145 (2005).

77.  Int.Conference on Synthetic Metals (ICSM) 2004, Wollongong (Australia), June28-July 2, 2004: Aligned rrP3HT film: structural order and transportproperties, C.Y. Yang, C. Soci, D. Mosesand A.J. Heeger. Synthetic Metals, 155, 639 (2005).

78.  Int.Conference on Synthetic Metals (ICSM) 2004, Wollongong (Australia), June28-July 2, 2004: Polarized optical and photoluminescence properties of highlyoriented poly(p-phenylene-vinylene), D. Comoretto, C. Soci, F.Marabelli, A. Mikhailovsky and D. Moses. Synthetic Metals, 153,281 (2005).

79.  TheInternational Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics2004, Denver (Colorado), August 2-6, 2004: Polarized photoluminescence ofhighly oriented poly(p-phenylene-vinylene), C. Soci, D. Comoretto, F. Marabelliand D. Moses. Proc. of the SPIE, 5517, 98 (2004).

80.  TheInternational Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics2004, Denver (Colorado), August 2-6, 2004: Spectroscopic and photophysicalinvestigations on polydiacetylenes with different ordering of the Ag and Buexcited states, D. Comoretto, M. Ottonelli, G.F. Musso, G. Dellepiane, C. Soci, F. Marabelli. Proc.of the SPIE, 5516, 106 (2004).

81.  TheInternational Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics2004, Denver (Colorado), August 2-6, 2004: Morphology, band structure andoptical properties of artificial opals, D. Comoretto, E. Pavarini,M. Galli, C. Soci, F. Marabelli, L.C. Andreani.Proc. of the SPIE, 5511, 135 (2004).

82.  Fifthinternational topical conference on optical probes of conjugated polymers andorganic & inorganic nanostructures (Optical Probes 2003), Venezia (Italy),February 9-14, 2003: Terahertz generation from poly(p-phenylene vinylene)photoconductive antenna, C. Soci and D.Moses. Synthetic Metals, 139, 815 (2003).

83.  Fifthinternational topical conference on optical probes of conjugated polymers andorganic & inorganic nanostructures (Optical Probes 2003), Venezia (Italy),February 9-14, 2003: Morphology and optical properties of bare andpolydiacetylenes-infiltrated opals, D. Comoretto, F. Marabelli, C.Soci, M. Galli, E. Pavarini, M. Patrini and L.C.Andreani. Synthetic Metals, 139, 633(2003).

84.  Fifthinternational topical conference on optical probes of conjugated polymers andorganic & inorganic nanostructures (Optical Probes 2003), Venezia (Italy),February 9-14, 2003: The photophysics of triplet excitons in substitutedpolycarbazolyldiacetylenes, D. Comoretto, M. Ottonelli, G.F. Musso, G.Dellepiane, C. Soci, and F.Marabelli. Synthetic Metals, 139, 889 (2003).

85.  EuropeanMaterials Research Society (E-MRS) 2002 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg (France),June 18-21, 2002: Photoinduced absorption spectra in polydiacetylenes for nonlinear optical applications, D. Comoretto, M. Ottonelli, G.F. Musso, M.Alloisio, D. Cavallo, C. Cuniberti, C. Dell'Erba, G. Dellepiane, C. Soci, A.Rastelli, F. Marabelli. Synthetic Metals, 138, 75 (2003).

86.  TheInternational Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) 46th Annual MeetingInternational Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, CA, July29-August 3, 2001: Mechanism of carrier photoexcitation in semiconductingpolymers: the role of electron photoemission in "photoconductivity"measurements, D. Moses, P.B. Miranda, C. Soci, A.J.Heeger. Proc. of the SPIE, 4465, 55 (2002).

87.  MaterialsRes. Society (MRS) 2001 Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), April16-20, 2001: Mechanism of carrier photoexcitation in semiconducting polymers:the role of electron photoemission in "photoconductivity"measurements, D. Moses, P.B. Miranda, C. Soci, and A.J.Heeger. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 665, 3 (2001).

Unedited Conference Contributions (Presentations)

1. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: Material science breakthroughs in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors, M. Sidorova, C. Soci (invited talk).
2. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: Polarization sensitive superconducting single photon detector array for quantum state tomography, P. Brosseau, A. Vetlugin, S. Dong, C. Soci (talk).
3. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: Superfluorescent J-aggregates coupled to dielectric metasurfaces, M. Marangi, Y. Wang, M. Wu, F. Tjiptoharsono, A. Kuznetsov, G. Adamo, C. Soci (talk).
4. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: Enhancing the compositionally-tunable emission of hybrid perovskite quantum dots by resonant metasurfaces, Q.Y. Tan, M. Marangi, M. Wu, F. Tjiptoharsono, A. Kuznetsov, G. Adamo, C. Soci (talk).
5. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: Fast tuning of perovskite metasurface lasing via microheaters, T. Meiler, Y. Wang, S. Srivastava, G. Adamo, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, A. Kuznetsov, C. Soci (talk).
6. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: Exciton-polariton electroluminescence from perovskite metasurface, Y. Wang, J. Tian, M. Klein, G. Adamo, S.T. Ha, C. Soci (talk). 7. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: Optimization of NbTiN deposition for superconducting single-photon detectors, Shuyu Dong*, Filippo Martinelli*, Pierre Brosseau*, Mariia Sidorova*, Anton Vetlugin*, Darren Ming Zhi Koh*, Christian Kurtsiefer*, Cesare Soci* (talk). 8. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2023, Singapore, 27-29 September 2023: NbTiN nanowires on the SOI platform for integrated quantum photonics, F. Martinelli, S. Dong, A. Vetlugin, D. Koh, C. Kurtsiefer, C. Soci (poster).
9. 7th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (2023 Metamaterials Congress), Crete, Greece, 11-16 September 2023: Interplay between optical and electronic chiralities in topological insulator metamaterials, A.M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q. Wang, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
10. META 2023, Paris, 18-21 July 2023: Nontrivial application of coherent quantum absorption, A.N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, S. Dong, F. Martinelli, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
11. Photonics 2023, Bangalore, India, 5-8 July 2023: Interband polaritonics in topological insulators, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, T. Jingyi, A. Dubrovkin, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
12. 10th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP10), Houston, Texas, 21-26 May 2023: Fast tuning of perovskite metasurfaces via microheaters, T. Meiler, D. Eschimese, M. Klein, Y. Wang, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, A. Kuznetsov, C. Soci (poster).
13. Single Photon Workshop 2022 (SPW 2022), KIST, Seoul, South Korea, 31 October – 4 November 2022: Photon number resolving detection of light without optical mode multiplication, A.N. Vetlugin, F. Martinelli, M. Petrovic, C. Soci (talk).
14. Single Photon Workshop 2022 (SPW 2022), KIST, Seoul, South Korea, 31 October – 4 November 2022: A bound state in the continuum platform for integrated superconducting nanowire single photon detector, F. Martinelli, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, A.N. Vetlugin, M. Petrovic, C. Soci (talk).
15. Single Photon Workshop 2022 (SPW 2022), KIST, Seoul, South Korea, 31 October – 4 November 2022: Photon-transmon analogy: modeling optical experiments on a quantum computer, A. Vetlugin, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
16. Single Photon Workshop 2022 (SPW 2022), KIST, Seoul, South Korea, 31 October – 4 November 2022: Superconducting single-photon detectors for the infrared region, S. Dong,  M. Petrović, L. Shen, H. Krishnamoorthy, C. Kurtsiefer, C. Soci (poster).
17. Single Photon Workshop 2022 (SPW 2022), KIST, Seoul, South Korea, 31 October – 4 November 2022: Color-tunable single photon emission from mixed-cation perovskite quantum dots, Q.Y. Tan, M. D'Amato, Q. Glorieux, A. Bramati, C. Soci (poster).
18. IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore, 28-30 September 2022: : From coherent absorption to coherent detection of quantum light, A.N. Vetlugin, F. Martinelli, R. Guo, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (invited talk).
19. IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore, 28-30 September 2022: Color-tunable single photon emission from mixed-cation perovskite quantum dots, Q.Y. Tan, M. D'Amato, Q. Glorieux, A. Bramati, C. Soci (talk)
20. IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore, 28-30 September 2022: Superconducting nanowire single photon detectors integrated on etchless polymer waveguides, F. Martinelli, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, A.N. Vetlugin, M. Petrovic, C. Soci (talk).
21. IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore, 28-30 September 2022: Superconducting single-photon detectors for the infrared region, S. Dong,  M. Petrović, L. Shen, H. Krishnamoorthy, C. Kurtsiefer, C. Soci (talk.)
22. IPS Meeting 2022, Singapore, 28-30 September 2022: Exciton polaritons in J-aggregates coupled to dielectric metasurfaces, M. Marangi, J. Tian, M. Klein, G. Lanzani, C. Soci (poster).
23. 16th International Conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO16), Victoria, BC, Canada, 29 August - 2 September 2022: Helicity-dependent photocurrent nanoimaging on topological insulators. A.M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q.J. Wang, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
24. 4th International Workshop on Quantum and Topological Nanophotonics (QTN 2022), Singapore 28-30 April 2022: Modelling quantum photonics on the IBM quantum computer, A.N. Vetlugin, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (invited talk).
25. Nanometa 2022, 28-31 March 2022, Seefeld, Austria:  Simulating quantum nanophotonics on the IBM quantum computer, A.N. Vetlugin, C. Soci, N. I. Zheludev. (invited talk).
26. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2021, Singapore, 30 September-1 October 2021: Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel effect with bosons and fermions, A.N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, C. Soci, and N. I. Zheludev (invited talk). 27. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2021, Singapore, 30 September-1 October 2021: Photocurrent nanoimaging on topological insulators at optical frequencies, A.M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q.J. Wang, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
28. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2021, Singapore, 30 September-1 October 2021: Perovskite metasurfaces with giant chirality, G. Adamo, J. Tian, G. Long, H. Liu, M. Klein, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, H. Wang, H. Liu, C. Soci (talk).
29. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2021, Singapore, 30 September-1 October 2021: Pulsed perovskite light-emitting transistors, M. Klein, B. Cheng, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
30. IPS (Institute of Physics Singapore) Meeting 2021, Singapore, 30 September-1 October 2021: Dynamic control of spontaneous emission rate using active hyperbolic metamaterials, L. Lu, H. Krishnamoorthy, M. Wu, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, C. Soci, R.E. Simpson (talk)
31. 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2021, New York, 20-25 September 2021: All-dielectric perovskite metasurfaces with giant chirality, G. Adamo, J. Tian, G. Long, H. Liu, M. Wu, M. Klein, J. Deng, N.S.S. Ang, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, H. Liu. A.I. Kuznetsov, C. Soci (talk). 32. 15th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena, Metamaterials 2021, New York, 20-25 September 2021: Phase-change tunable perovskite metasurface laser, J. Tian, G. Adamo, G. Long, H. Liu, M. Klein, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, J. Deng, N.S.S. Ang, H. Wang, H. Liu, C. Soci (talk).
33. METANANO 2021, Tiblisi, Georgia, 13-17 Sept 2021: Active halide perovskite metadevices, G. Adamo, J. Tian, G. Long, H. Liu, M. Klein, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, J. Deng, N.S.S. Ang, H. Wang, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, H. Liu, A.I. Kuznetsov, C. Soci (invited talk).
34. Materials for Humanity (MH21), online meeting, 6-9 July 2021: Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel effect with coherent perfect absorbers, A.N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, C. Soci, N. I. Zheludev (talk).
35. Materials for Humanity (MH21), online meeting, 6-9 July 2021: Interband polaritonics with topological insulators, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, F. Hütt, J. Yin, A.M. Dubrovkin, H. Giessen, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
36. Materials for Humanity (MH21), online meeting, 6-9 July 2021: Hybrid perovskite metasurfaces with giant optical activity, G. Adamo, G. Long, J. Tian, E. Feltri, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, M. Klein, C. Soci (talk).
37. Materials for Humanity (MH21), online meeting, 6-9 July 2021: Phase-change tunable perovskite microlaser, J. Tian, G. Adamo, H. Liu, M. Wu, M. Klein, J. Deng, N.S.S. Ang, R. Paniagua-Domínguez, H. Liu, A.I. Kuznetsov, C. Soci (talk).
38. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 1-5 August 2021: Superconducting microbridge single photon detectors with improved temporal response, M. Petrovic, L. Shen, S. Dong, F. Martinelli, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, C. Kurtsiefer, C. Soci (talk).
39. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 1-5 August 2021: Anti-Hong-Ou-Mandel effect with entangled photons and lossy beamsplitter, A.N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, C. Soci, N. I. Zheludev (talk).
40. 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2021), Warsaw, Poland, 20-23 June 2021: Phase change reprogrammable visible photonics, L. Lu, P. Moitra, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, V. Valuckas, S.F.G. Reniers, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, A.I. Kuznetsov, Y. Jiao, C. Soci, R.E. Simpson (invited talk)
41. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, Virtual Conference, 21-25 June 2021: Phase-change tunable laser, J. Tian, G. Adamo, B. Kanta Lakshmi, M. Wu, M. Klein, J. Deng, N.S.S. Ang, R. Paniagua-Domínguez, H. Liu, A.I. Kuznetsov, C. Soci (talk).
42. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, Virtual Conference, 21-25 June 2021: Giant optical chirality in all-dielectric halide perovskite metasurfaces, G. Long, G. Adamo, J. Tian, E. Feltri, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, M. Klein, C. Soci (talk).
43. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2021, Virtual Conference, 21-25 June 2021: A. N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, C. Soci, N. I. Zheludev. (2021, June). Anti Hong-Ou-Mandel interference with a dissipative beamsplitter (talk).
44. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: M. Klein, L. Jia, S.G. Mhaisalkar, A. Bruno, C. Soci, Perovskite light-emitting field-effect transistors operating at room temperature.
45. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: G. Adamo, J. Tian, M. Degani, B. Chaudhary, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, D. Cortecchia, M. Klein, C. Soci,  Spectral control of perovskite optical properties with metasurfaces (talk).
46. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, J. Yin, A. Dubrovkin, V. Savinov, N. Zheludev, C. Soci, Exploiting the rich dielectric function of chalcogenide topological insulators for nanophotonics (talk).
47. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: L. Shen, A. Aigner, J. Lee, C. Soci, C. Kurtsiefer, Contactless characterization of superconducting films.
48. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: L. Lu, P. Moitra, R. Paniagua-Dominguez, V. Valuckas, S.F.G. Reniers, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, A.I. Kuznetsov, Y. Jiao, C. Soci, R. Simpson.
49. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: E.A. Chan, C. Zhu, C. Rendon Barraza, G. Yuan, Y. Chong, C. Soci, N. Zheludev, Recent progress in deep learning fiber imaging and label free super-resolution imaging.
50. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: A. Vetlugin, R. Guo, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N. Zheludev, Manipulation of single photon quantum states by coherent perfect absorption in a fiber network (invited talk).
51. IPS Meeting 2020 (Reloaded), 21 December 2020++: S. Yanikgonul, G. Ruixiang, A. Xomalis, A.N. Vetlugin, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, Phase stabilization of a coherent fibre network by single-photon counting.
52. SPIE Optics & Photonics, Virtual Conference, August 2020: A.N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, Quantum light control by dissipative interference (talk).
53. Italian National Conference on the Physics of Matter (FisMat 2019), Catania, 30 September-4 October 2019: Reshaping hybrid perovskite emission with flexible polymer microcavities, P. Lova, P. Giusto, F. Di Stasio, G. Manfredi, G.M. Paternò, D. Cortecchia, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (talk).
54. 13th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials 2019), 16-21 September 2019, Rome, Italy: Metamaterials for classical and quantum data processing in all-optical fiber information networks (invited talk).
55. Optical Microsystems (OµS’19), Anacapri, Island of Capri, Italy, 9-11 September 2019: Stigmergic reinforcement learning using all-optical solitonic x-junctions, E. Fazio, M. Alonzo, A. Belardini, A. Bile, C. Soci (talk).
56. Optical Microsystems (OµS’19), Anacapri, Island of Capri, Italy, 9-11 September 2019: Active reflection and refraction of soliton waveguides on electric interfaces, E. Fazio, M. Alonzo, M. Chauvet, A. Belardini, C. Soci (poster).
57. Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS 2019), 27-31 May 2019, Nice, France: Improved thermal stability of MAPbI3 perovskite via mixed-dimensional approach, B. Chaudhary, T.M. Koh, B. Febriansyah, A. Bruno, N. Mathews, S.G. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (talk).
58. 8th Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium, 3-6 July 2019, Singapore: Structural engineering of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites based on imidazolium-type cations, W.P.D. Wong, A.J. Carver, X.-Y. Chin, S.A. Morris, D. Walker, C. Soci, A.C. Grimsdale, J.V. Hanna (talk).
59. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: Topological insulators, a broadband platform for infrared metamaterials, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
60. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: Cathodoluminescence of quantum and energy-related materials, J. So, C. Soci, N. Zheludev (talk).
61. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: Influence of processing methods on stability of mixed dimensional perovskite solar cells, B. Chaudhary, A. Bruno, T.M. Koh, C. Soci, S.G. Mhaisalkar (talk).
62. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: High Q-factor controllable phononic modes in hybrid phononic-dielectrics, Q. Bo, A.M. Dubrovkin, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, Q. Wang, C. Soci, Y. Zhang, J. Teng, Q.J. Wang (talk).
63. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: Modulating energy cascading efficiency of Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites for high performance light emitting diodes, N. Yantara, A. Bruno, A. Iqbal, N.F. Jamaludin, C. Soci, S. Mhaisalkar, N. Mathews (talk).
64. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: High performance large area hybrid perovskite nanocrystal LED, X.Y. Chin, A. Bruno, A. Brown, N. Yantara, L. Martinez-Sarti, V. Chirvony, J. So, C. Soci, M. Grätzel, H. Bolink, N. Mathews, S. Mhaisalkar (talk).
65. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: Naphthylmethylammonium-methylammonium based mixed-dimensional perovskite solar cells with improved thermal stability, B. Chaudhary, T.M. Koh, B. Febriansyah, A. Bruno, N. Mathew, S.G. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (poster).
66. 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore 23-28 June 2019: Structural engineering of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites based on imidazolium-type cations, W.P.D. Wong, A.J. Carver, X.Y. Chin, S.A. Morris, C. Soci, A.C. Grimsdale, J.V. Hanna (poster).
67. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 March 2019: Chalcogenide topological insulators, a broadband platform for metamaterials in the infrared, H. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
68. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 March 2019: Coherent fibre network stabilized with single-photons, S. Yanikgönül, R. Guo, A.N. Vetlugin, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
69. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 March 2019: Metamaterial absorber for dual-rail photonic qubit filtering, A. Vetlugin, S. Yanikgönül, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, G. Adamo, N. Zheludev (talk).
70. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 March 2019: Thermally evaporated perovskite solar cells, A. Bruno, J. Li, K. Vergeer, X.Y. Chin, H. Dewi, H. Wang, C. Soci, N. Mathews, S. Mhaisalkar (talk).
71. IPS Meeting 2019, Singapore, 13-15 March 2019: Femtosecond mid-infrared spectroscopy of polaron dynamics in a 3D hybrid perovskite, K. Stallhofer, M. Nuber, W.P.D. Wong, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, C. Soci, H. Iglev (poster presentation).
72. APS March Meeting 2019, 4-8 March 2019, Boston, Massachusetts: Perovskite films on plasmonic metamaterials, A. Acey, G. Adamo, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, C. Soci, M.J. Lim (talk).
73. 7th International Topical meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2019), 3-6 January 2019, Seefeld, Austria: Spectral control in metal halide perovskites metasurfaces, G. Adamo, D. Cortecchia, B. Chaudhary, M.D. Birowosuto, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (poster).
74. 7th International Topical meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2019), 3-6 January 2019, Seefeld, Austria: Ultrafast surface state dynamics of topological insulators metamaterials at optical frequencies, H. Hedayat, S. Vezzoli, X. Sun, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Cerullo, C. Dallera, E. Carpene, N.I. Zheludev, G. Adamo, C. Soci (talk).
75. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), 8-12 October 2018, TU Delft, the Netherland: Reshaping white light emission from 2D perovskites with flexible photonic crystals, P. Lova, D. Cortecchia, H. Krishnamoorthy, P. Giusto, C. Bastianini, A. Bruno, D. Comoretto, C. Soci (talk).
76. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), 8-12 October 2018, TU Delft, the Netherland: Structure-controlled optical thermoresponse in 2D perovskites, D. Cortecchia, S. Neutzner, J. Yin, T. Salim, A.R.S. Kandada, A. Bruno, Y.M. Lam, J. Martí-Rujas, A. Petrozza, C. Soci  (talk).
77. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), 8-12 October 2018, TU Delft, the Netherland: Time-resolved optical spectroscopy of Polythiophene Nanoparticles for biological applications, I. Bargigia, E. Zucchetti, A.S.K.R. Kandada, M. Moreira, C. Bossio, W. Wong, P. Miranda, P. Decuzzi, C. Soci, C. D'Andrea, G. Lanzani (talk).
78. 12th International Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena (Metamaterials 2018), 27 August-1 September 2018, Espoo, Finland: Coherent perfect absorption and switching in a fiberized quantum network with plasmonic metadevice, A.N. Vetlugin, R. Guo, A. Xomalis, S. Yanıkgönül, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
79. Quantum Technology International Conference (QTech2018), 5-7 September 2018, Paris, France: Plasmonic coherent perfect absorption and switching in a fiberized quantum network, Vetlugin, S. Yanikgönül, A. Xomalis, R. Guo, G. Adamo, C. Soci, N. Zheludev (talk).
80. 256th ACS Meeting, 19-23 August 2018, Boston, Massachusetts: Probing Ultrafast energy cascading kinetics in Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites, A. Iqbal, N. Yantara, A. Bruno, N.F. Jamaludin, S. Mhaisalkar, N. Mathews, C. Soci (talk).
81. SPIE Photonics Europe 2018, 22-26 April 2018, Strasbourg, France: Control of perovskite luminescence with metamaterials, G. Adamo, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, D. Cortecchia, J.-K. So, M.D. Birowosuto, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (invited talk).
82. MRS Spring Meeting 2018, 2-6 April 2018, Phoenix (Arizona), USA: Nanostructured perovskites: unlocking size dependent effects for high performance light-emitting devices, S. Mhaisalkar, N. Mathews, T.C. Sum, C. Soci, T. White (invited talk).
83. MRS Spring Meeting 2018, 2-6 April 2018, Phoenix (Arizona), USA: Bilayer 2D/3D perovskites and surface passivation for enhanced solar cell stability, S. Mhaisalkar, N. Mathews, T.C. Sum, C. Soci, T. White (invited talk).
84. IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore, 7-9 March 2018: Small molecule and hybrid perovskites light harvesting capacitors, G. Bondelli, F. Maddalena, C. Soci, P. Grilli, G. Lanzani (talk).
85. IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore, 7-9 March 2018: Thermally stable and efficient mixed dimensional methyl and naphthalenemethylammonium based perovskite solar cells, B. Chaudhary, T.M. Koh, B. Febriansyah, A. Bruno, N. Mathews, S. Mhaisalkar, Cesare Soc (talk).
86. IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore, 7-9 March 2018: Inhibited ionic motion in mixed-cation solar cells, A. Bruno, G. Han, W. Hao, F. Maddalena, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (talk).
87. IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore, 7-9 March 2018: Topological insulator metamaterials, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, F. Hutt, H. Giessen, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
88. IPS Meeting 2018, Singapore, 7-9 March 2018: Nanophotonic quantum devices realized in fibers and on chips, R. Guo, A.N. Vetlugin, M.V. Shestakov, S. Yanikgönül, V. Nalla, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
89. MRS Fall Meeting 2017, 6 November-1 December, Boston, Massachusetts, USA: Evidence of ultrafast photo-induced mixing of excitonic spin states in two-dimensional lead halide perovskites, S. Neutzner, F. Thouin, D. Cortecchia, V.A. Dragomir, C. Soci, A. Petrozza, S.M.A. Ram, S. Kandada, C. Silva (talk).
90. International Workshop on UV Materials and Devices (IWUMD 2017), 14-18 November 2017, Fukuoka, Japan: AlGaN-based UV-photodetector heterostructure on Si (111) substrate grown by PA-MBE, Y. Zheng, M. Agrawal, K. Radhakrishnan, N. Dharmarasu, G.S. Karthikeyan, A.G. Unil Perera, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
91. Professional Lighting Design Convention (PLDC 2017), 1-4 November 2017, Paris, France: Lighting design for paintings in indoor settings, N. Ong, M. Reiser, C. Soci, S. Silveira, A. Nanetti (talk).
92. ISOM 2017 International Symposium, 22 - 25 October 2017, Shimane, Japan: Control of Light Emission in Nanostructured Perovskite Metamaterials, G. Adamo, D. Cortecchia, B. Chaudhary, H . N . S. Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, A. Bruno, J. K. So, M. D. Birowosuto, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci (invited talk).
93. KSIEC Fall Meeting 2017, 8-10 November 2017, Busan, South Korea: Metamaterials platforms for hybrid perovskites, G. Adamo, B. Chaudhary, D. Cortecchia, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, A. Bruno, J.K. So, M. D. Birowosuto, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (invited talk).
94. 3rd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO-2017), 17-21 September 2017, Oxford, UK: Inhibited Ionic Motion in Mixed-Cation Solar Cells, A. Bruno, G. Han, W. Hao, F.  Maddalena, D.  Cortecchia, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (poster).
95. 3rd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO-2017), 17-21 September 2017, Oxford, UK: Phase transition in multidimensional perovskites and related structural effects on the optoelectronic properties, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, S. Neutzner, J. Yin, A.R.S. Kandada, J. Martí-Rujas, A. Petrozza, C. Soci (poster).
96. Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), 17-21 September 2017, Washington, District of Columbia, USA: Light emission enhancement of 2D materials in monomer vs. dimer nanoantennae, M. Tahersima, M.D. Birowosuto, Z. Ma, W. Coley, M. Valentin, S.N. Alvillar, C. Soci, L. Bartels, V. Sorger (poster).
97. 1st International Museum Lighting Symposium & Workshop, 11-12 September 2017, London, UK: Artificial lighting design for paintings in indoor settings with selected Nanyang paintings as a case study, N. Ong, M. Reiser, C. Soci, S. Silveira, A. Nanetti (talk).
98. Metamaterials’2017, 28 August-2 September 2017, Marseille, France: Luminescence control in color tunable perovskites metasurfaces, G. Adamo. B. Gholipour, K.C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, A. Bruno, J.-K. So, M.D. Birowosuto, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
99. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, August 6-10, 2017: Hybrid perovskite light-emitting field-effect transistors, F. Maddalena, X.Y. Chin, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk). 100. CLEO Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2017), 31 July-4 August 2017, Singapore: Optical range plasmonics of a niobium metamaterial around the superconducting transition temperature, C.Y. Liao, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J.Y. Ou, E. Plum, K.F. MacDonald, C. Soci, F.V. Kusmartsev, D.P. Tsai, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
101. CLEO Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR 2017), 31 July-4 August 2017, Singapore: Perovskite X-ray scintillators and photon-to-current X-ray detectors, M.D. Birowosuto, D.  Cortecchia, W. Drozdowski, C. Dang, H. Wang, C. Soci (invited talk).
102. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Hybrid perovskite AC-driven light-emitting field-effect transistors, F. Maddalena, X.Y. Chin, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk).
103. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Ultrafast polaron dynamics in two-dimensional perovskites, S.-Z.A. Lo, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk).
104. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Controlling ionic motion in hybrid perovskite solar cells by temperature and electrical poling, A. Bruno, D. Cortecchia, X.Y. Chin, F. Maddalena, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (talk).
105. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Small polarons in layered hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, S.-Z.A. Lo, G.G. Gurzadyan, A. Bruno, J.-L. Bredas, C. Soci (talk).
106. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Incorporation of long chain alkyl amines to stabilize the black phase of cesium and formamidinium lead halide perovskites, B. Chaudhary, T.M. Koh, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (talk).
107. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Novel broadband emitting 2D-hybrid organic inorganic perovskite, I. Neogi, A. Bruno, T. Wee, R. Ganguly, T.C. Sum, C. Soci, N. Mathews, S.G. Mhaisalkar (poster).
108. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Enhancing the infrared absorption of hybrid organic–inorganic perovskites using a high-Q plasmonic absorber cavity, G. Dayal, A. Solanki, X.Y. Chin, T.C. Sum, C. Soci, R. Singh (talk).
109. 9th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2017), Singapore 18-23 June 2017: Plasmonic response of superconducting niobium In the optical spectral range, C.Y. Liao, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J.-Y. Ou, K. Delfanazari, C. Huang, G. Adamo, E. Plum, K.F. MacDonald, Y.D. Chong, C. Soci, F. Kusmartsev, D.P. Tsai, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
110. Sungkyun International Solar Forum (SISF 2017), 14-16 June 2017, Seoul, Korea: Perovskite nanocrystals: exploitation of confinement effects for solar cells and light-emitting devices, S.G. Mhaisalkar, N. Mathews, T.C. Sum, C. Soci, T.J. White (invited talk).
111. Ceramics for Energy (CEn 2017) – 2nd International Forum on Ceramics and Inorganic Materials, Faenza, Italy, 7-9 June 2017: Light emitting properties of hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia and C. Soci (invited talk).
112. 8th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei, Taiwan, 22-26 May 2017: Color tunable perovskite metamaterials, G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, K.C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, J.K. So, M.D. Birowosuto, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
113. 8th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei, Taiwan, 22-26 May 2017: Optical range plasmonics around superconducting transition temperature of niobium metamaterial, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, C.Y. Liao, V. Savinov, J.-Y. Ou, E. Plum, K.F. MacDonald, C. Soci, F. Kusmartsev, D.P. Tsai, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
114. MRS Spring Meeting, Phoenix (Arizona), 17-21 April 2017: All-chalcogenide plasmonic and dielectric phase-change metadevices, B. Gholipour, D. Piccinotti, J. Yao, A. Karvounis, J. Yin, C. Soci, B.E. Hayden, K.F. MacDonald, N.I. Zheludev (invited talk).
115. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Small polarons in white-emitting 2D perovskites, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, S.-Z.A. Lo, G.G. Gurzadyan, A. Bruno, J.-L. Brèdas, C. Soci (invited talk).
116. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Control of luminescence in perovskite metamaterials, G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, K.C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, A. Bruno, J.-K. So, M.D. Birowosuto, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (invited talk).
117. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Optical plasmonic response of niobium around the superconducting transition temperature, C.Y. Liao, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Savinov, J.Y. Ou, K. Delfanazari, C. Huang, G. Adamo, E. Plum, K.F. MacDonald, Y.D. Chong, C. Soci, F.V. Kusmartsev, D.P. Tsai, N.I. Zheludev (invited talk).
118. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Cathodoluminescence mpectroscopy of multidimensional organic-inorganic perovskites, K.C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, J. So, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk).
119. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Laser-written waveguide network as optical oracle, M.R. Vázquez, V. Bharadwaj, B. Sotillo, S.-Z.A. Lo, R. Ramponi, N.I. Zheludev, S.M. Eaton, C. Soci (talk).
120. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Hybrid perovskite light-emitting field-effect transistors, F. Maddalena, X.Y. Chin, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk). 121. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Temperature and electrical poling effects in hybrid perovskite solar cells, A. Bruno, D. Cortecchia, X.Y. Chin, F. Maddalena, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (poster).
122. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Ultrafast dynamics of self-trapped carriers in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites, S.-Z.A. Lo, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
123. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Polaron formation and transport dynamics in MAPbI3, W.P.D. Wong, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, Z. Wang, X.Y. Chin, A.C. Grimsdale, C. Soci (poster).
124. IPS Meeting 2017, Singapore, 22-24 February 2017: Black phase stabilization of formamidinium and cesium lead halide perovskites by incorporation of long chain alkyl amines, B. Chaudhary, T.M. Koh, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (poster).
125. 6th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2017), Seefeld, 4-7 January, 2017: Luminescence of all-dielectric solution-processed perovskite metamaterial, G. Adamo, B. Gholipour, M.D. Birowosuto, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, D. Cortecchia, K.C. Lew, J.-K. So, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (poster).
126. 6th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2017), Seefeld, 4-7 January, 2017: Plasmonic response of chalcogenides and switchable all-dielectric metamaterials, B. Gholipour, D. Piccinotti, J. Yao, A. Karvounis, J. Yin, C. Soci, B.E. Hayden, K.F. MacDonald, N.I. Zheludev (poster).
127. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (Massachusetts), 27 November-2 December, 2016: Strain-assisted broadband photoluminescence in two-dimensional hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, S. Neutzner, A.R.S. Kandada, E. Mosconi, F. De Angelis, C. Soci, A. Petrozza (talk).
128. 26th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC), 24-28 October 2016, Singapore: MAPbI3 solar cell efficiency at cryogenic temperatures, A. Bruno, D. Cortecchia, X.Y. Chin, K. Fu, F. Maddalena, P.P. Boix, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (talk).
129. 26th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference (PVSEC), 24-28 October 2016, Singapore: Effect of precursor stoichiometry and device architecture on the characteristics of methylammonium lead iodide perovskite field-effect transistors, F. Maddalena, X.Y. Chin, K.C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, U.S. Binte Eliase, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk).
130. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM) 2016, 26-30 September 2016, Berlin, Germany: Label-free vapor selectivity in poly (p-phenylene oxide) (PPO) photonic crystal sensors, P. Lova, C. Bastianini, M. Patrini, P. Rizzo, G. Guerra, M. Iodice, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (poster).
131. 2nd International Conference on Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics (PSCO), 26-28 September 2016, Genova, Italy: Role of structural distortion in photoluminescence broadening of hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, S. Neutzner, A.R.S. Kandada, E. Mosconi, F. De Angelis, C. Soci, A. Petrozza (poster).
132. Metamaterials 2016, 17-22 September 2016, Crete, Greece: All-chalcogenide phase-change plasmonics, B. Gholipour, A. Karvounis, J. Yin, C. Soci, K. Macdonald, N. Zheludev (talk).
133. 14th International Conference of Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO-14), 4-8 September 2016, Hamamatsu, Japan: Visible range plasmons in chalcogenide topological insulators, A. M. Dubrovkin, J. Yin, G. Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, Q.J. Wang, C. Soci, L. Wang, N. I. Zheludev (poster).
134. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, 28 August - 1 September, 2016: Polaron-mediated white-light emission in layered hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, P. Lova, G. Gurzadyan, S. Mhaisalkar, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
135. The International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM 2016), Singapore, 4-8 July, 2016: Dislocation induced conduction modulation in GaN Schottky based MSM photodetectors grown on Si(111) by ammonia-molecular beam epitaxy, Ravikiran L., K. Radhakrishnan, D. Nethaj, M. Agrawal, A. Ranjan, Z. Wang, A. Bruno, C. Soci, L. Tng, K.S. Ang (talk).
136. International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16), 28 June - 1 July 2016, Swansea, United Kingdom: Multidimensional perovskites & carrier dynamics considerations for PV / light-emitting devices, S. G. Mhaisalkar, P. Boix, N. Mathews, T. C. Sum, C Soci, T. J. White (invited talk).
137. International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16),  28 June - 1 July 2016, Swansea, United Kingdom: Role of polaronic excitons in white-light emitting hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, P. Lova, S. Mhaisalkar, G.G. Gurzadyan, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk).
138. International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV16),  28 June - 1 July 2016, Swansea, United Kingdom: Low-temperature efficiency enhancement of MAPbI3 mesoporous solar cells, A.  Bruno, D. Cortecchia,  X.Y Chin, F. Kunwu, P.P. Boix, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (talk).
139. Nature Conference on Materials for Energy 2016, 11-14 June 2016, Wuhan, China: Multidimensional perovskites and carrier dynamics considerations for solar cells and light-emitting devices, S. G. Mhaisalkar, N. Mathews, T. C. Sum, C. Soci, T. J. White (keynote talk).
140. Europolymer Conference 2016 - Block Copolymers for Nanotechnology Applications for Nanotechnology Applications (EUPOC 2016), 22-26 May 2016: Label free selectivity in polymer photonic crystals sensors, P.  Lova, C. Bastianini, M. Patrini, P. Rizzo, G. Guerra, M. Iodice, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (poster).
141. 5th Sungkyun International Solar Forum (SISF) 2016, 25-27 May 2016, Seoul, Korea: Multidimensional perovskites for photovoltaic and light-emitting devices, S.G. Mhaisalkar, P.P. Boix, N. Mathews, T.C. Sum, C. Soci, T.J. White (invited talk).
142. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Switching negative refraction in a hyperbolic metamaterial, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, B. Gholipour, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
143. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Experimental and theoretical evidence of the visible range plasmons in topological insulators, A.M. Dubrovkin, J. Yin, G. Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, L. Wang, Q.J. Wang, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
144. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: “Remote Control” of coherent absorption with quantum metamaterials, C. Altuzarra, S. Vezzoli, J. Valente, C. Soci, D. Faccio, C. Couteau, N. Zheludev (talk).
145. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Optical nonlinearity in plasmonic metal-cored fibres, B. Gholipour, D.M. Nguyen, P. Bastock, L. Cui, V. Nalla, C. Craig, K. Khan, D. Hewak, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (poster).
146. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Methylammonium lead iodide perovskite field-effect transistors, F. Maddalena, X.Y. Chin, K.C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, U.S. Binte Eliase, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
147. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Charge modulation mapping of ambipolar polymer field-effect transistors, X.Y. Chin, G. Pace, C. Soci, M. Caironi (poster).
148. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Implementation of optical oracle in laser written waveguide network, M. Vazquez, V. Bharadwaj, B. Sotillo, D.M. Nguyen, S. Eaton, C. Soci (poster).
149. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite nanostructures, K.C. Lew, D. Cortecchia, X.Y. Chin, P. Lova, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
150. IPS Meeting 2016, 7-8 March 2016, Singapore: Plasmonic enhancement of spontaneous emission in metal-perovskite slabs, M.D. Birowosuto, D. Cortecchia, K.C. Lew, P. Lova, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
151. 7th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP7), May 31 – June 5, 2015, Jerusalem (Israel): Topological insulator metamaterials for ultrafast, broadband optical switching, C. Soci, S. Vezzoli, G. Adamo, J.-Y. Ou, J.-K. So, Z. Wang, J. Yin, Z. Wang, V. Nalla, H. Sun, L. Wang, N. Zheludev (talk).
152. 1st Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics conference (PSCO), Lausanne (Switzerland), September 27-29, 2015: Perovskite optoelectronics: multidimensional perovskites for photovoltaics and light-lmitting devices, S.G. Mhaisalkar, P.P. Boix, N. Mathews, T.C. Sum, C. Soci, H.V. Demir, T. J. White (invited talk).
153. 1st Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics conference (PSCO), Lausanne (Switzerland), September 27-29, 2015: Perovskite light emitting transistor, X.Y. Chin, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, A. Bruno, C. Soci (talk).
154. 1st Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics conference (PSCO), Lausanne (Switzerland), September 27-29, 2015: (EDBE)PbX4 perovskite white emitting devices, D. Cortecchia, Z. Wang, M.J. Young, J. Yin, C. Shi, P. Lova, G. Gurzadyan, A. Bruno, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci (poster).
155. 1st Perovskite Solar Cells and Optoelectronics conference (PSCO), Lausanne (Switzerland), September 27-29, 2015: Solution processable perovskite-polymer microcavities, P. Lova, D. Cortecchia, C. Bastianini, H.N.S. Krishnamoorthy, D. Comoretto, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster)
156. 6th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics,  4-7 August 2015, New York, USA: Sub-wavelength super-oscillation in the single photon regime, G. Yuan, S. Vezzoli, C. Altuzarra. E.T.F. Rogers, C. Couteau, C. Soci, Z. Shen, N.I. Zheludev (poster).
157. 5th Molecular Materials Meeting, 3-5 August 2015, Singapore: Multidimensional perovskites: Extraordinary materials for photovoltaics and light-emitting devices, S.G. Mhaisalkar, P.P. Boix, N. Mathews, T.C. Sum, H.V. Demir, C. Soci, T.J. White (invited talk)
158. Golden Jubilee Chemistry Conference, 6-8 August 2015, Singapore: Highly luminescent multi-dimensional perovskites for photovoltaics and light-emission, S.G. Mhaisalkar, P.P. Boix, N. Mathews, T.C. Sum, H.V. Demir, C. Soci, T.J. White (invited talk).
159. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Photons as Ants: Plasticity in a stigmergic photonic network, W. Hu, K. Wu, P.P. Shum, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
160. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Electronic and plasmonic properties of topological insulator crystals, J. Yin, Z. Wnag, W. Wu, G. Adamo N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
161. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Photocurrent studies of spin-valley coupled transition metal dichalcogenides, M. Eginling, B.-C. Cao, X. Shen, Z. Wang, C. Cong, J. Shang, C. Soci. T. Yu (talk).
162. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Ultrafast spatial mode modulator using phase change material cored optical fibers, D.M. Nguyen, B. Gholipour, L. Cui, C. Soci (talk).
163. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Chalcogenide fiber transistors, B. Gholipour, J.Y. Ong, P. Bastock, C. Craig, K. Khan, D. Hewak, C. Soci (talk). 164. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Planar-fiber nanomanufacturing, L. Cui, B. Gholipour, P. Bastock, C. Craig, K. Khan, D. Hewak, C. Soci (invited talk).
165. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: 100 THz broadband optical switching with plasmonic metamaterial, V. Nalla, S. Vezzoli, J. Valente, C. Soci, H. Sun, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
166. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Sub-wavelength super-oscillation in the single photon regime, G. Yuan, S. Vezzoli, C. Altuzarra. E.T.F. Rogers, C. Couteau, C. Soci, Z. Shen, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
167. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Enhancing charge transport in n-type OFETs by dielectric surface treatment, X.Y. Chin, A. Luzio, Z. Wang, J. Yin, D. Fazzi, M. Caironi, C. Soci (poster).
168. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Novel amorphous hole transporting materials based on triptycene and adamantane core for high efficiency mesoscopic perovskite solar cells, A. Krishna, D. Sabba, H. Li, J. Yin, P.P. Boix, C. Soci, S. Mhaisalkar, A. Grimsdale (poster).
169. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Mid-infrared plasmon-polaron coupling in organic semiconductors, Z. Wang, J. Zhao,B. Frank, Q. Ran, G. Adamo, H. Giessen, C. Soci (talk).
170. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Coherent perfect absorption of a single photon in a metamaterial, S. Vezzoli, C.Altuzarra, T. Roger, J. Valente, E. Bolduc,  J. Heitz, J. Leach, J. Jeffers, C. Soci, C. Couteau, N.Zheludev, D. Faccio (poster).
171. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Lead-free (CH3NH3)2CuClxBr4-x hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, H.A. Dewi, J. Yin, S. Chen, T. Baikie, P.P. Boix, S. Mhaisalkar, C. Soci, N. Mathews (talk).
172. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Multiple exciton generation in low-dimensional PbSe nanostructures, M. Kumar, A. Bruno, J. Yin, Z. Wang, P. Lova, G.G. Gurzadyan, C. Soci (poster).
173. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Role of edge facets on stability and electronic properties of III-V nanowires, D.M. Migas, A. Filonov, D. Yatsyna, Rusli, C. Soci (invited talk).
174. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2015, 28 June – 3 July 2015, Singapore: Dimensionality effects on charge transfer at polymer/III-V heterointerfaces, J. Yin, M. Kumar, Q. Lei, G.G. Gurzadyan, C. Soci (talk).
175. European Polymer Federation Congress 2015, 21-26 June 2015, Dresden, Germany: Vapor sensing by all-polymer 1D planar photonic crystals, P. Lova, M. Patrini, F. Marabelli, G. Manfredi, A. Comite, M. Laus, L. Boarino, G. Ianniello, P. Rizzo, C. Daniel, G. Guerra, C. Soci, D. Comoretto.
176. NanoMeeting 2015, 26-29 May 2015, Minsk (Belarus): Role of edge facets on stability and electronic properties of III-V nanowires, D.B. Migas, A.B. Filonov, D.A. Yatsyna, Rusli, C. Soci (talk).
177. 4th International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science, 20-22 May 2015, Riva del Garda, Italy: Polymer photonic crystal structures, E. Bozzoni, S. Congiu, S. Gazzo, R. Knarr III, G. Manfredi, D. Comoretto, P. Lova, C. Soci, G. Ianniello, P. Rizzo (talk).
178. Communication networks beyond the capacity crunch - further discussion, 13-14 May, The Royal Society at Chicheley Hall, London: Beyond the crunch with specialty fibers, B. Gholipour, D.M. Nguyen, L. Cui, V. Nalla, K. Wu, H. Wenchao, P. Bastock, K. Khan, C. Craig, D. W. Hewak, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
179. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France: Dimensionality effects on multiple exciton generation in PbSe nanostructures, M. Kumar, A. Bruno, J. Yin, P. Lova, Z. Wang, G Gurzadyan, C. Soci (talk). 180. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France: Hybrid nanoplasmonic colloidal systems for the enhancement of the optical response of carbon nanotubes, M. Gläske, A. Bruno, M. Kumar, G. Gurzadyan, C. Soci, T. Bisswanger, R. Bandstaetter, S. Vaitiekienas, P. Kusch, S. Reich, A. Setaro (talk).
181. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France: 2D copper perovskites: toward green hybrid solar cells, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, H.A. Dewi, J. Yin, S. Chen, T. Baikie, P.P. Boix, S. Maisalkar, C. Soci, N. Mathews (talk).
182. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France: Polymer photonic crystal vapor sensors, P. Lova, M. Patrini, F. Marabelli, G. Manfredi, A. Comite, L. Boarino, M. Laus, G. Ianniello, P. Rizzo, C. Daniel, G. Guerra, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (talk).
183. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France: Electroluminescence from CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite light emitting devices, X.Y. Chin, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster).
184. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France: Enhanced carrier mobility in n-type OFETs by semiconductor-dielectric interface treatment, X.Y. Chin, A. Luzio, Z. Wang, J. Yin, D. Fazzi, M. Caironi, C. Soci (poster).
185. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2015, 11-15 May 2015, Lille, France: Charge formation and dynamics in PbS hybrid nanocomposites, A. Bruno, C. Borriello, T. Di Luccio, C. Minarini, M. Kumar, R.S.S. Kumar, C.Soci (poster).
186. The International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV) 2015,  10-13 May 2015, Rome: Multiple exciton generation in 0D, 1D and 2D PbSe nanostructures, M. Kumar, A. Bruno, J. Yin, P. Lova, Z. Wang. G. Gurzadyan, C.Soci (talk).
187. The International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics (HOPV) 2015,  10-13 May 2015, Rome: Charge Generation Enhancement inPbS:P3HT Blends for hybrid solar cells, A. Bruno, C. Borriello, T. Di Luccio, C. Minarini, M. Kumar, Y. Jun, C. Soci (talk).
188. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Ultrafast electron transfer from P3HT to InP quantum dots: ligand and size effects, J. Yin, M. Kumar, Q. Lei, L. Ma, R.S.S. Kumar, C. Soci (talk). 189. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Black GaAs, P. Lova, V. Robbiano, A. Bruno, F. Cacialli, D. Comoretto, C. Soci (talk).
190. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Vapor sensing by 1D-polymer photonic crystal, P. Lova, G. Manfredi, L. Boarino, A. Comite, M. Laus, M. Patrini, F. Marabelli, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (talk).
191. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Synthesis and characterization of two-dimensional copper-based hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, H.A. Dewi, J. Yin, S. Chen, K. Thyrumal, R.R. Prabhakar, T. Baikie, P.P. Boix, S. Maisalkar, N. Mathews, C. Soci (talk).
192. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Effect of ligands exchange on charge dynamics in PbS:P3HT hybrid systems for solar cells applications, A. Bruno, C. Borriello, T. Di Luccio, C. Minarini, M. Kumar, R.S.S. Kumar, C. Soci.
193. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Multiple exciton generation in low dimensional PbSe nanostructures, M. Kumar, A. Bruno, P. Lova, G. Gurzadyan, C. Soci (poster).
194. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Plasmon-polaron coupling in conjugated polymer on resonant nanoantennas, Z. Wang, J. Zhao, B. Frank, Q. Ruan, Y. Jun, G. Adamo, H. Giessen, C. Soci (poster).
195. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Insights into interfacial energetics and charge transfer between lead iodide perovskite and organic charge transporting layer, J. Yin, D. Cortecchia, A. Krishna, S. Chen, N. Mathews, A.C. Grimsdale, C. Soci (poster).
196. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015:  Improving charge transport in n-type OFETs by chemical modification of the semiconductor-dielectric interface, X.Y. Chin,  A. Luzio, Z. Wang, J. Yin, D. Fazzi, M. Caironi, C. Soci (poster).
197. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 6-10 April, 2015: Lead-based hybrid perovskite field-effect transistor, X.Y. Chin, D. Cortecchia, A. Bruno, C. Soci (poster). 198. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Perovskite light emitting field-effect transistor, X.Y. Chin, D. Cortecchia, J. Yin, A. Bruno, C. Soci: (invited talk).
199. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Super-oscillation of single photon beyond the diffraction limit, G. Yuan, S. Vezzoli, C. Altuzarra, E. Rogers, C. Couteau, C. Soci, Z. Shen, N. Zheludev (talk).
200. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Coupling of polarons in conjugated polymers to resonant IR nanoantennas, Z. Wang, J. Zhao, B. Frank, Q. Ran, G. Adamo, H. Giessen, C. Soci (talk).
201. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Plasmonic properties of topological insulator crystals by first principle studies, J. Yin, Z. Wang, W. Wu, G. Adamo, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
202. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Ultra-fast mode switching on Ge-Sb-Te cored optical fibers, D.M. Nguyen, B. Gholipour, L. Cui, C. Soci (poster). 203. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Carrier multiplication in low dimensional PbSe nanostructures, M. Kumar, A. Bruno, A. Chaturvedi, P. Lova, Z. Wang, G. Gurzadyan, C. Soci (poster).
204. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Metamaterial coherent plasmonic absorption with a single photon, C. Altuzarra, S. Vezzoli, T. Roger, E. Bolduc, J. Valente, J. Heitz, J. Jeffers, J. Leach, C. Couteau, C. Soci, N. Zheludev, D. Faccio (poster).
205. IPS Meeting 2015, 4-6 March 2015, Singapore: Plasticity in a stigmergic photonic network, W. Hu, K. Wu, P. Shum, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (poster).
206. The 9th International Conference on Computational Physics (ICCP9), 7-11 January 2015: Dimensionality effects on charge transfer at polymer/III-V heterointerfaces for hybrid photovoltaic applications, Y. Jun and C. Soci (talk).
207. 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2015), Seefeld, 5-8 January, 2015: Plasmon-polaron coupling in organic semiconductors, Z. Wang, J. Zhao, B. Frank, Q. Ran, G. Adamo, H. Giessen, C. Soci (talk).
208. 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2015), Seefeld, 5-8 January, 2015: Metamaterial coherent plasmonic absorption with a single photon, C. Altuzarra, S. Vezzoli, T. Roger, E. Bolduc, J. Valente, J. Heitz, J. Jeffers, J. Leach, C. Couteau, C. Soci, N. Zheludev, D. Faccio, T. Roger (talk).
209. 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2015), Seefeld, 5-8 January, 2015: Ultrafast optical switching of topological insulator plasmonic metamaterial, S. Vezzoli, G. Adamo, Z. Wang, V. Nalla, A. Sulaev, H. Sun, L. Wang, C. Soci, N. Zheludev (poster).
210. 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2015), Seefeld, 5-8 January, 2015: Single-photon super-oscillation, G. Yuan, S. Vezzoli, C. Altuzarra, E. Rogers, C. Couteau, C. Soci, Z. Shen, N. Zheludev (poster).
211. 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (Nanometa 2015), Seefeld, 5-8 January, 2015: Plasmonic nanowire-cored silicate fiber spaser, D.M. Nguyen, B. Gholipour, L. Cui, V. Nalla, D. Hewak, N.Zheludev, C. Soci (poster).
212. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (Massachusetts), November 30-December 5, 2014: Topological insulator BSTS as a broadband switchable metamaterial, J.Y. Ou, J.K. So, G. Adamo, Z. Wang, J. Yin, S. Vezzoli, V. Nalla, L. Wang, C. Soci, N. Zheludev (talk).
213. MRS Fall Meeting, Boston (Massachusetts), November 30-December 5, 2014: Low band-gap fused thiophene molecular donor for solution processed small molecular organic photovoltaics, Y. Abe, H. Li, A.C. Grimsdale, C. Soci, Y.M. Lam (poster).
214. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Berlin, September 15-19, 2014: Interfacial modeling of lead iodide perovskite and organic charge transporting heterostructures, J. Yin, D. Cortecchia, A. Krishna, S. Chen, N. Mathews, A.C. Grimsdale, C. Soci (talk).
215. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Berlin, September 15-19, 2014: "Green” 2D hybrid perovskites for perovskite-based solar cells, D. Cortecchia, H.A. Dewi, D. Sabba, T. Baikie, C. Soci, N. Mathews (talk).
216. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Berlin, September 15-19, 2014: Solvent vapors sensing by hybrid polymer 1D photonic crystals, P. Lova, G. Manfredi, A. Comite, L. Boarino, M. Laus, M. Patrini, F. Marabelli, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (talk).
217. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Berlin, September 15-19, 2014: Exciton diffusion length of P3HT determined by GaAs quencher, J. Yin, M. Kumar, L. Ma, R.S.S. Kumar, G. Gurzadyan, C. Soci (poster).
218. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Berlin, September 15-19, 2014: Morphological and optical characterization of CuO, D. Cortecchia, D.G. Figueroa del Valle, I. Kriegel, T. He, J. Yin, M. Panahandeh-Fard, M. Kumar, H. Sun, F. Scotognella, C. Soci (poster).
219. European Optical Society Annual Meeting (EOSAM), Berlin, September 15-19, 2014: Study on the transient absorption of CuO/ZnO thin film heterojunction, D. Cortecchia, D.G. Figueroa del Valle, I. Kriegel, T. He, J. Yin, M. Panahandeh-Fard, M. Kumar, H. Sun, F. Scotognella, C. Soci (poster).
220. 35th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), Guangzhou (China), August 25-28, 2014: UV and visible plasmonics of topological insulator, J.Y. Ou, J.K. So, Z. Wang, J. Yin, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, C. Soci, L. Wang, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
221. The International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Optics & Photonics, San Diego, August 17-21, 2014: Polaron photogeneration in P3HT-PCBM bulk heterojunctions revealed by infrared photoinduced absorption spectroscopy, M. Panahandeh Fard, Z. Wang, M. Kumar, C. Soci (poster).
222. 32nd International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors (ICPS), Austin (Texas), August 10-15, 2014: Photocurrent studies of excitons in monolayer molybdenum disulphide phototransistors by light polarization, M. Eginligil, B. Cao, X. Shen, Z. Wang, C. Soci, T. Yu (poster).
223. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, May 26-30, 2014: Ultrafast electron transfer from P3HT to pyridine-capped InP quantum dots, J. Yin, M. Kumar, Q. Lei, M. Panahandeh-Fard, D. Cortecchia, Z. Wang, R.S.S. Kumar, C. Soci (talk).
224. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, May 26-30, 2014: Metal-assisted chemical etching of GaAs for light management in photovoltaic devices, P. Lova, V. Robbiano, F. Cacialli, D. Comoretto, C. Soci (talk).
225. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2014, Lille, May 26-30, 2014: Hybrid ZnO:polystyrene nanocomposite for all-polymer photonic crystals, P. Lova, L. Boarino, M. Laus, G. Urbinati, F. Marabelli, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (poster).
226. 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Singapore, May 20-23, 2014: Coherent modulation of light and single photons with graphene and plasmonic metamaterials, T. Roger, J. J.F. Heitz, N. Westerberg, G. Gariepy, E. Bolduc, J. Jeffers, J. Leach, C. Altuzarra, C. Couteau, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, D. Faccio (invited talk).
227. 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Singapore, May 20-23, 2014: High-order plasmonic modes in nanoclocks, H. Liu, H. Fan, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
228. 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Singapore, May 20-23, 2014: All-polymer 1D photonic crystals, P. Lova, G. Manfredi, L. Boarino, M. Laus, G. Urbinati, T. Losco, F. Marabelli, V. Caratto, M. Ferretti, M. Castellano, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (talk).
229. 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Singapore, May 20-23, 2014: Ultrafast broadband modulation of plasmonic topological insulator, G. Adamo, Z. Wang, J. Yin, V. Nalla, S. Vezzoli, A. Sulaev, L. Wang, H. Sun, C. Soci, N. Zheludev (talk).
230. 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Singapore, May 20-23, 2014: Highly collimated broadband emission from plasmonic nanowire embedded in fiber, B. Gholipour, V. Nalla, P. Bastock, K. Khan, C. Craig, D. Hewak, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (poster).
231. 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META’14), Singapore, May 20-23, 2014: CMOS-compatible switchable plasmonic perfect absorber in the mid-infrared, A. Tittl, B. Gholipour, L. Cui, C. Soci, H. Giessen (poster).
232. MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), 21-25 April 2014: Crystallization kinetics of Sb2S3 thin films, W. Dong, M. Krbal, X.Y. Chin, B. Gholipour, C. Soci, R. Zhao, R.E. Simpson (poster).
233. SinBeRISE Annual Workshop 2014, Singapore, March 27, 2014: Two-dimensional hybrid perovskites, D. Cortecchia, T. Baikie, S. Dharani, L.Y. Ming, N. Mathews, C. Soci (poster).
234. APS March Meeting 2014, 3-7 March 2014, Denver (Colorado): Investigating photoresponse in graphene by light polarization, M. Eginligil, B.C. Cao, Z.L. Wang, C. Soci, T. Yu (talk).
235. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: GaAs/AlGaAs nanowires for optoelectronics, A. Olivier, C. Wilhelm, C. Couteau, C. Soci (poster).
236. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Broadband emission from hybrid silicate plasmonic nanowire fiber, B. Gholipour, V. Nalla, P. Bastock, K. Khan, C. Craig, D. Hewak, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
237. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Integration of a III-V nanowire in a silicon nitride photonic crystal, C. Wilhelm, S. Combrie, G. Lehoucq, A. De Rossi, C. Soci (talk).
238. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: III-V core-shell nanowire photodetector, X. Dai, S. Zhang, Z. Wang, G. Adamo, H. Liu, Y. Huang, C. Couteau, C. Soci (poster).
239. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: CuO/ZnO heterojunctions, D. Cortecchia, D.G. Figueroa Del Valle, I. Kriegel, T. He, J. Yin, M. Panahandeh-Fard, M. Kumar, H. Sun, F. Scotognella, C. Soci (poster).
240. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Charge modulation spectroscopy of p-type and n-type conjugated polymers, X.Y. Chin, J. Yin, Z. Wang, A. Luzio, D. Fazzi, M. Caironi, C. Soci (poster).
241. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Pyridine-capped InP quantum dots as electron acceptors for polymer photovoltaics, J. Yin, M. Kumar, Q. Lei, M. Panahandeh-Fard, D. Cortecchia, Z. Wang, S.S. Kumar Raavi, C. Soci (talk).
242. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Optical properties of topological insulator, Z. Wang, J. Yin, G. Adamo, V. Nalla, S. Vezzoli, A. Sulaev, L. Wang, H. Sun, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
243. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Polaron photogeneration in polymer bulk heterojunctions: influence of film morphology, M. Panahandeh-Fard, Z. Wang, J. Yin, M. Kumar, C. Soci (talk). 244. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Interpretation of resonant seeding effect in modulation instability in optical fibers, D. M. Nguyen, D. Yang, C. Soci, X.Q. Dinh, M. Tang, P.P. Shum (talk). 245. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Combinatorial mapping of multipole modes in nanoclocks, H. Liu, H. Fan, N. Zheludev, C. Soci (talk).
246. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Singlet fission in organic crystals: femtosecond spectroscopy, M. Lin, C. Kloc, C. Soci, H. Sun, M.E. Michel-Beyerle, G. Gurzadyan (talk).
247. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Black GaAs, P. Lova, V. Robbiano, F. Cacialli, D. Comoretto, C. Soci (poster).
248. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: All-polymer distributed Bragg reflectors, P. Lova, L. Boarino, M. Laus, F. Marabelli, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (talk). 249. IPS Meeting 2014, 26-28 February 2014, Singapore: Ultrafast charge photogeneration in low band-gap semiconducting polymer based solid-state dye sensitized solar cell, S.S. Kumar Raavi, G. Grancini, J. Yin, A. Petrozza, H. Snaith, C. Soci, G. Lanzani (talk).
250. 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC 2013), Singapore, 15 to 18 December, 2013: Photodarkening in chalcogenide fibers: observation and applications, B. Gholipour, P. Bastock, C. Craig, K. Khan, W. Zilong, D. Hewak, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci.
251. 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC 2013), Singapore, 15 to 18 December, 2013: Ligand Effects on Charge Separation and Electronic Properties of InP Quantum Dots, J. Yin, M. Panahandeh-Fard, S. Chen, C. Soci (poster).
252. 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC 2013), Singapore, 15 to 18 December, 2013: Polaron photogeneration in polymer bulk heterojunctions revealed by infrared photoinduced absorption spectroscopy, Z. Wang, J. Yin, M. Panahandeh Fard, C. Soci (poster).
253. 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC 2013), Singapore, 15 to 18 December, 2013: Photocurrent spectroscopy of a core-shell GaAs/AlGaAs nanowire heterostructure, X.  Dai, S. Zhang, Z. Wang, G. Adamo, H. Liu, Y. Huang, C. Couteau, C. Soci (poster).
254. 4th Asian Spectroscopy Conference (ASC 2013), Singapore, 15 to 18 December, 2013: Charge modulation spectroscopy of p-type and n-type polymer FETs, X.Y. Chin, J. Yin, Z. Wang, A. Luzio, D. Fazzi, M. Caironi, C. Soci (poster).
255. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June 30-July 5, 2013: Kinetics of interfacial charge transfer at P3HT:GaAs heterointerfaces, M. Panahandeh-Fard, J. Yin, M. Kurniawan, Z. Wang, M. Kumar, T.C. Sum, C. Soci (talk).
256. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June 30-July 5, 2013: Hybrid ZnO nanocomposite-polymer Distributed Bragg Reflectors, P. Lova, L. Boarino, D. Antonioli, M. Laus, G. Urbinati, F. Marabelli, C. Soci, D. Comoretto (talk).
257. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June 30-July 5, 2013:  All-fiber optical computer for solving NP-complete decision problems, K. Wu, J. García de Abajo, C. Soci, P.P. Shum, N.I. Zheludev (talk).
258. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June 30-July 5, 2013: Molecular dynamics simulations of photoexcited charge transfer and recombination processes at GaAs/P3HT interfaces, J. Yin, D.B. Migas, M. Panahandeh-Fard, Z. Wang, S. Chen, C. Soci (poster).
259. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June 30-July 5, 2013: Infrared Charge-Modulation Microscopy of polymer FETs: X.Y. Chin, Z. Wang, J. Yin, M. Caironi, C. Soci (talk).
260. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June 30-July 5, 2013: Photocurrent study of locally grown and solution-deposited carbon nanotubes, P. Franck, Z. Wang, D. Baillargeat, C. Soci, B.K. Tay (talk).
261. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2013, Singapore, June 30-July 5, 2013: Photocurrent Studies of Bilayer Graphene, M. Eginligil, B. Cao, Z. Wang, C. Soci, Y. Ting (talk).
262. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013, Strasbourg, May 27-31, 2013: Ultrafast charge transfer at P3HT:GaAs heterointerfaces, M. Panahandeh-Fard, J. Yin, M. Kurniawan, Z. Wang, T.C. Sum, C. Soci (talk).
263. E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013, Strasbourg, May 27-31, 2013: P3HT/GaAs heterointerfaces: a first‐principle study of polar GaAs(111)B and nonpolar GaAs(110), J. Yin, M. Panahandeh-Fard, D.B. Migas, Z. Wang, S. Chen, C. Soci (poster).
264. IPS Meeting 2013, Singapore, 4-6 March 2013: High-repetition-rate low-noise mode-locked fiber lasers at 1.55µm, K. Wu, C. Soci, N.I. Zheludev, P.P. Shum (invited talk).
265. IPS Meeting 2013, Singapore, 4-6 March 2013: Super high-order plasmon modes in nanostructures and their application in plasmonic biosensors, H. Liu, Z. Wang, C. Soci, N. Xiang (invited talk).
266. IPS Meeting 2013, Singapore, 4-6 March 2013:  P3HT/GaAs heterointerfaces: a first-principle study of polar GaAs(111)B and nonpolar GaAs(110) surfaces, J. Yin, D.B. Migas, M. Panahandeh-Fard, Z. Wang, S. Chen, C. Soci (talk).
267. IPS Meeting 2013, Singapore, 4-6 March 2013: Ultrafast charge transfer dynamics in P3HT-GaAs heterointerfaces, M. Panahandeh-Fard, J. Yin, M. Kurniawan, Z. Wang, M. Kumar, T.C. Sum, C. Soci (talk).
268. IPS Meeting 2013, Singapore, 4-6 March 2013: Electro-induced Infrared Active Vibrational Mode mapping of polymer FETs, X.Y. Chin, Z. Wang, J. Yin, M. Caironi, C. Soci (poster).
269. 40th Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces (PCSI-40), Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA, January 20-24, 2013: A novel approach for high performance InAs FinFETs on silicon, X. Dai, Y. Hwang, B-M. Nguyen, W. Tang, C. Soci, and S.A. Dayeh (talk and poster).
270. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2012 Fall Meeting, Boston, November 25-30, 2012: Absorbance properties of poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) doped by iron(III) chloride, C. Altuzarra, H. Diesinger, and C. Soci (poster). 271. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2012 Fall Meeting, Boston, November 25-30, 2012: Mapping the charge carrier density in polymer FETs by infrared charge modulation spectroscopy, X.Y. Chin, Z.L. Wang, J. Yin, M. Caironi, and C. Soci (talk).
272. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2012 Fall Meeting, Boston, November 25-30, 2012: Charge transfer at the P3HT:GaAs heterointerface, M. Panahandeh-Fard, J. Yin, M. Kurniawan, Z.L. Wang, T.C. Sum, C. Altuzarra, and C. Soci (poster).
273. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2012 Fall Meeting, Boston, November 25-30, 2012: Energy-level alignment at the GaAs-P3HT interface: first-principle studies, J. Yin, M. Panahandeh-Fard, S. Zhang, C. Altuzarra, Z.X. Shen, and C. Soci (poster). 274. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2012 Fall Meeting, Boston, November 25-30, 2012: Elasto-electrostatic coiling of vertically grown semiconducting nanowires, K. Taheri, X. Dai, C. Soci, and M. Upmanyu (talk).
275. CINT 2012 Users Conference, Albuquerque, 19-20 September, 2012: A novel approach for high performance InAs FINFETs on silicon, X. Dai, B.M. Nguyen, Y. Hwang, C. Soci, and S. A. Dayeh (poster). 276. SolarFuel12 Conference, Mallorca, Spain, 25-27 March 2012: Novel CdS sensitized hierarchical TiO2 nanostructure for photoelectrochemical hydrogen production, M. Balandeh, J. Luo, A. Tacca, A. Mezzetti, C. Soci, C. Cheng, L. Meda, H.J. Fan, F. Di Fonzo (poster).
277. IPS Meeting 2012, Singapore, 23-24 February 2012: Optical anisotropy of III-V nanowires, C. Wilhelm, A. Larrue, X. Dai, D. Migas, C. Soci (talk).
278. IPS Meeting 2012, Singapore, 23-24 February 2012: Self-assembly and electrical properties of GaAs nanowire junctions, X. Dai, S. Dayeh, N. Meng, A. Larrue, H. Su, C. Soci (talk).
279. IPS Meeting 2012, Singapore, 23-24 February 2012: Charge Modulation spectroscopy of conjugated polymers in the medium infrared, X.Y. Chin, Z. Wang, J. Yin, H.P. Diesinger, M. Carioni, C. Soci (poster).
280. IPS Meeting 2012, Singapore, 23-24 February 2012: Anisotropic charge carrier photogeneration and transport in rubrene single crystals, Z. Wang, X.Y. Chin, K.K. Zhang, C. Kloc, C. Soci (poster).
281. IPS Meeting 2012, Singapore, 23-24 February 2012: Enhancing photocurrent transient spectroscopy by electromagnetic modeling, M. Panahandeh-Fard, Z. Wang, E.A. Chan, H.P. Diesinger, C. Soci (poster).
282. Nanyang Assistant Professorship (NAP) Symposium 2011, Singapore, 24 November 2011: III-V nanowire optoelectronics, C. Soci (poster).
283. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2011 Fall Meeting, Boston (Massachusetts), November 28-December 2, 2011: Fast transient photocurrent of organic semiconductors: from modeling to devices, H.P. Diesinger, M.P. Fard, E. Sevin, D. Baillargeat, C. Soci (talk).
284. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2011 Fall Meeting, Boston (Massachusetts), November 28-December 2, 2011: Self-assembled GaAs nanowire junctions, X. Dai, S.A. Dayeh, N. Meng, A. Larrue, H. Su, C. Soci (poster).
285. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011: Y-junction GaAs nanowires by a novel VLS growth mechanism, V. Veeramuthu, Dai Xing, S. Dayeh, H. Su, C. Soci (talk).
286. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011: GaAs nanowire Field-Effect-Transistors for RF applications, X. Dai, J. Wang, A. Larrue, H. Wang, C. Soci (talk).
287. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011: Coupling of III-V nanowires with photonic crystal cavities for vertical light emission, A. Larrue, C. Wilhelm, G. Lehoucq, S. Combrie, A. De Rossi, C. Soci (talk). 288. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011: Modelling of photoconductive switches for picosecond transient photocurrent measurements of organic semiconductors, M. Panahaneh Fard, E. Sevin, H. Diesinger, D. Baillargeat, C. Soci (talk).
289. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011: Hierarchical anatase-phase TiO2 nanostructures: fabrication and function for photoelectrochemical water splitting, F. Di Fonzo, C. Cheng, A. Li Bassi, C. Soci, H.J. Fan (talk).
290. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011: Intercalation of transition metal dichalcogenides single crystals, T. Minglin, Z. Wang, F. Wei, C. Soci, C. Kloc (talk).
291. Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT) 2011, Singapore, June 26-July 1, 2011: Tailoring of perylene-TCNQ band gap by formation of charge transfer compounds, K.J. Tan, H.Jiang, F. Wei, K. Zhang, Z. Wang, S. Liang, W.H.Kan, C. Soci, C. Kloc (poster).
292. International Conference on Modern Materials Technologies (CIMTEC) 2010 – 5th Forum on New Materials, Montecatini Terme (Italy), June 13-18, 2010: Nanowire photodetectors and photovoltaics, C. Soci, A. Zhang, W. Wei, Y. Jing, H. Kim, Y.H. Lo, D. Wang (poster).
293. TMS 2010 Electronic Materials Conference, Notre Dame (Indiana), June 23-25, 2010: High responsivity vertical Si nanowire photodetector arrays, Y. Jing, C. Soci, K. Sun, M. Chandrangsu, A. Ohoka, D. Wang (talk). 294. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2008 Fall Meeting, Boston (Massachusetts), December 1-5, 2008: Epitaxial growth of GaAs and InGaAs nanowires by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition for optoelectronic applications, C. Soci, X-Y Bao, C.-Y. Chen, D. Aplin, D. Wang (poster).
295. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2008 Fall Meeting, Boston (Massachusetts), December 1-5, 2008: Vertically aligned GaAs nanowires on Si (111) substrate, X.-Y. Bao, C. Soci, D. Aplin, D. Susac, K. Kavanagh, D. Wang (poster).
296. Electronic Materials Conference (EMC) 2008, Santa Barbara (California), June 25-27, 2008: Epitaxial growth of GaAs nanowires on Si for optoelectronics, C. Soci, X.-Y. Bao, D. Wang (talk).
297. Electronic Materials Conference (EMC) 2008, Santa Barbara (California), June 25-27, 2008: Ultrahigh sensitivity nanowire UV photodetectors, C. Soci, A. Zhang, B. Xiang, S.A. Dayeh, D. Aplin, X.-Y. Bao, Y.-H. Lo, D. Wang (talk).
298. Nanotechnology Conference (NSTI) 2007, Santa Clara (California), May 20-24 2007: Ultrahigh sensitivity zinc oxide nanowire UV detectors, C. Soci, A. Zhang, B. Xiang, J. Park, S. Dayeh, X. Bao, Y. Lo and D. Wang (poster).
299. Nanotechnology Conference (NSTI) 2007, Santa Clara (California), May 20-24 2007: Rational synthesis of p-type zinc oxide nanowire arrays, B. Xiang, P.I. Wang, X. Zhang, S.A. Dayeh, D.P.R. Aplin, C. Soci D. Yu and D. Wang (poster).
300. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2007 Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), April 18-21, 2007: Ultrahigh sensitivity zinc oxide nanowire UV detectors, C. Soci, A. Zhang, B. Xiang, S.A. Dayeh, D.P.R. Aplin, X.Y. Bao, Y.H. Lo, D. Wang (poster).
301. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2007 Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), April 18-21, 2007: Rational synthesis of p-type zinc oxide nanowire arrays, B. Xiang, P. Wang, X. Zhang, S. Dayeh, D. Aplin, C. Soci, D. Yu, D. Wang (poster).
302. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2006 Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), April 18-21, 2006: Light emission from an ambipolar semiconducting Polymer Field-Effect Transistor, J.S. Swensen, C. Soci and A.J. Heeger (talk).
303. Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2006, Long Beach, California, May 21–26, 2006: The Light-Emitting Field Effect Transistor: a novel optoelectronic device concept, A.J. Heeger, J.S. Swensen, C. Soci (invited talk).
304. American Physical Society (APS) 2003 Annual March Meeting, Austin (Texas), March 3-7, 2003: The effects of structural disorder on the threshold field for exciton quenching in poly(phenylene vinylene), D. Moses, R. Schmechel, C. Soci,  A.J. Heeger (talk).
305. 5th International topical conference on optical probes of conjugated polymers and organic & inorganic nanostructures (Optical Probes 2003), Venezia (Italy), February 9-14, 2003: The effects of structural disorder on the exciton binding energy and the carrier recombination dynamics in poly(phenylene vinylene), D. Moses, R. Schmechel, C. Soci, A.J. Heeger (invited talk).
306. Materials Res. Society (MRS) 2002 Spring Meeting, San Francisco (California), April 1-5, 2002: Transient terahertz emission from conjugated polymer photoconductive antenna, D. Moses and C. Soci (talk)
307. MROS 2006 Symposium, University of California at Santa Barbara: Light emission from an ambipolar semiconducting polymer Field-Effect Transistor, J.S. Swensen, C. Soci, and A.J. Heeger (poster)
308. Recent Advances in Nonlinear Optics and Ultrashort Pulse Generation, Pavia (Italy), June 15-16, 2003: The photophysics of triplet excitons in polydiacetylenes, D. Comoretto, M. Ottonelli, G.F. Musso, G. Dellepiane, C. Soci, and F. Marabelli (talk).
309. INFM 2002 Meeting, Bari (Italy), June 24-28, 2002: Polydiacetylenes for photonic applications, D. Comoretto, M. Ottonelli, G.F. Musso, G. Dellepiane, C. Soci, F. Marabelli (talk).
310. IV Convegno Nazionale Materiali Molecolari Avanzati per Fotonica ed Elettronica, Cagliari (Italy), September 20-22, 2001: Il ruolo della fotoemissione di elettroni nella “fotoconducibilità” dei polimeri coniugati, C. Soci, D. Moses, P. Miranda, A.J. Heeger (poster).


We are a spectroscopy group in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University.
As part of the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, we contribute to a vibrant scientific community advancing the synthesis and characterization of molecular and nanoscale materials. We have also strong ties with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, where we focus on fabrication and modeling of nanoscale devices.

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