Optical Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials  Cesare Soci  SitesGo OSON Research


Dr. Alexander Dubrovkin is currently a Senior Research Fellow & Project Leader at the Centre forDisruptive Photonic Technologies (CDPT) at Nanyang Technological University,Singapore. He was honoured with Koroteev award for his MSc diploma (2007) and obtained his PhD (2010) from the Faculty of Physics & International LaserCenter at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia. His work was mainly focused on near-field regularities in light spatial distributions emerging in various nanosystems, including optical spirals and voids, and continued during a year of service as a Junior Research Fellow. Subsequently he joined as aResearch Fellow the Laboratory MOLTECH-Anjou at the University of Angers,France, working on azopolymers patterning under far and near-field illumination. Since 2013 he has been leading the experimental effort inNear-Field Nanophotonics and Nano-optoelectronics at CDPT.He is mostly interested in discovery and application of strong light-matter interactions at the nanoscale, low-dimensional materials, quantum and topological devices and next generation of highly-integrated nanophotonic technologies.

Plenary and Keynote Presentations

1. (Plenary) A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Towards theultimate limits of phonon-polaritons confinement. Global Nanophotonics (GNP),Palawan, Philippines, 6–8 December 2017.

Invited Presentations

1.      (Invited)G. Adamo, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, X. Sun, A. M. Dubrovkin, M. Eginligil, N. I. Zheludev, C.Soci.Topological insulator metamaterials. EPS symposium on the third generationmetamaterials (METAMATERIALS 3.1), Cetraro, Italy, 1–5 August 2022.
2.       (Invited) X. Sun, G. Adamo, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, A. M. Dubrovkin, M. Eginligil, N. I. Zheludev, C.Soci. Controlling the circular photogalvanic effect in topological insulator metamaterials. 15thInternational Congress on Artificial Materials for Novel Wave Phenomena(METAMATERIALS 2021), New York, USA, 20–25 September 2021.
3.       (Invited) A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Highly-confined surface phonon polaritonsin semiconductor metamaterial interfaces. 10th International Conference onMetamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2019), Lisbon, Portugal,23–26 July 2019.
4.       (Invited) A. Dubrovkin, B.Qiang, N. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Highly confined phonon polaritons in 2Dmaterials and CMOS compatible materials. The Excitonics and PolaritonicsInternational Conference (EPIC2018), Singapore, 5–7 December 2018.
5.       (Invited) Q. Wang, X. Yu, A. Dubrovkin. Mid-infrared optoelectronics in 2D materials. The 13th Pacific Rim Conferenceon Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2018), Hong Kong, 29 Jul – 3 Aug 2018.
6.      (Invited) A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Highly-confinedand tunable surface phonon polaritons in few-nm thin semiconductors. Instituteof Physics Singapore Meeting (IPS), Singapore, 7–9 March 2018.
7.      (Invited) A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Ultra-confinedlow-loss polariton waves in molecular layers of MoS2 for opticalinterconnect and nano-resonators. Progress In Electromagnetics ResearchSymposium (PIERS), Singapore, 19–22 November 2017.

Journal Papers

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications:

1.     H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, C. Soci. Topological insulator metamaterials. Chemical Reviews 123, 4416–4442 (2023).

2.     B.Qiang, A. M. Dubrovkin, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy,Q. Wang,Q. J. Wang,N. I. Zheludev.Germanium-on-carborundum surface phonon-polariton infrared metamaterial.Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2001652. (2021).

3.     A. M. Dubrovkin, U. Chattopadhyay, B.Qiang, O. Buchnev, Q. J. Wang, Y. Chong, N. I. Zheludev. Near-field mapping ofthe transverse-magnetic edge mode of a topological valley slab waveguide at λ =1.55 μm. Applied Physics Letters 116, 191105 (2020) - Selectedas Featured & covered by Scilight article, May 2020.

4.     A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, T. Salim, D.Nam, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang.Resonant nanostructures for highly-confined and ultra-sensitive surfacephonon-polaritons. NatureCommunications11, 1863 (2020).

5.     B.Qiang, A. M. Dubrovkin, H. N. S.Krishnamoorthy, Q. Wang, C. Soci, Y. Zhang, J. Teng, Q. J. Wang. High Q-factorcontrollable phononic modes in hybrid phononic-dielectric structures.AdvancedPhotonics1, 026001 (2019).

6.     L.Jiang, T. Yin, A. M. Dubrovkin, Z. Dong, Y. Chen, W.Chen, J. K. W. Yang, Z. Shen. In-planecoherent control of plasmon resonances for plasmonic switching and encoding. Light:Science & Applications8, 21 (2019).

7.     A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S.Krishnamoorthy, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Ultra-confined surfacephonon polaritons in molecular layers of van der Waals dielectrics.Nature Communications 9, 1762 (2018).

8.     J.Yin, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, A. M. Dubrovkin, Y. D. Chong, N. I.Zheludev, C. Soci. Plasmonicsof Topological Insulators at Optical Frequencies. NPG Asia Materials 9, e425 (2017).

9.     A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, J. Yin, L. Wang, C.Soci, Q. J. Wang, N. I.Zheludev. Visible Range Plasmonic Modes on Topological InsulatorNanostructures. Advanced OpticalMaterials 5, 1600768(2017).

10.   A. M. Dubrovkin, J. Tao, X. C. Yu, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. The reduction of surface plasmonlosses in quasi-suspended graphene. ScientificReports 5, 09837 (2015).

11.   S.Zheng, L. Sun, T. Yin, A. M. Dubrovkin, F. Liu, Z. Liu, Z. X. Shen, H. J. Fan. Monolayers of WxMo1-xS2alloy heterostructure with in-plane composition variations. Applied Physics Letters 106, 063113 (2015).

12.   A. M. Dubrovkin, R. Barillé, E. Ortyl, S. Zielinska. Near-field optical control ofdoughnut-shaped nanostructures. OpticsCommunications 334, 147–151 (2015).

13.   J.Tao, X. Yu, B. Hu, A. Dubrovkin, Q. J. Wang. Graphene-based tunable plasmonic Bragg reflector with a broadbandwidth. Optics Letters 39,271–274 (2014).

14.   A. M. Dubrovkin, R. Barillé, E. Ortyl, S. Zielinska. Photoinduced doughnut-shapednanostructures. Chemical Physics Letters599, 7–11 (2014).

15.   A. M. Dubrovkin, A. A. Ezhov, V. M. Kozenkov, S. A. Magnitskiy, N. M. Nagorskiy, V. I. Panov.Effect of unmodulated laser light on the nanostructure of a thin solid AD-1 azodye film. Quantum Electronics 40,286–287 (2010).

16.   A. M. Dubrovkin, A. A. Ezhov, S. A. Magnitskii, D. V. Malakhov, N. M. Nagorskii, V. I. Panov, S.V. Savinov. Formation of spatial spiral light structures by a polymernanocylinder. JETP Letters 88,564–568 (2009).

17.   A. M. Dubrovkin, A. A. Ezhov, S. A. Magnitskiy, D. V. Malakhov, V. I. Panov, S.V. Savinov.Near-field 3D mapping of spiral light structures formed by a polymernanocylinder. Laser Physics 18,1429–1434 (2008).

18.   A. M. Dubrovkin, Y. Jung, V. M. Kozenkov, S. A. Magnitskii, N. M. Nagorskiy. Nonlinear inducedpolarization dependent scattering in solid state azo-dye films. Laser Physics Letters 4, 275–278(2007).


1.      A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q. J. Wang, N.I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Interplay between optical electronicchiralities in topological insulator metamaterials. Metamaterials 2023, Crete, Greece, 11–14 September 2023.

2.      A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, L. Wang, Q. J.Wang, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Photocurrent nanoimaging ofstructural and spin-momentum locking chiralities in topological insulators. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023,Munich, Germany, 26–30 June 2023.

3.      A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo. L. Wang, Q. J. Wang, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Visualization of structural and spin-momentum locking chiralities inphotocurrent on topological insulators. CLEO 2023, San Jose, USA, 7–12 May 2023.

4.      A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q. J. Wang, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Surface photocurrent nanoimaging ontopological insulators. 2nd International Conference on Materials for Humanity(MH 22), Singapore, 19–21 September 2022.

5.      A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q. J. Wang, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Photocurrent nanoimaging ontopological insulators at optical frequencies. Institute of Physics MeetingSingapore (IPS Meeting 2021), Singapore, 30 Sept – 1 Oct 2021.

6.      A. M. Dubrovkin, U. Chattopadhyay, B. Qiang, O. Buchnev, Q. J. Wang, Y. Chong, N. I. Zheludev.Near-field imaging of the transverse-magnetic edge mode of topological valleyslab waveguides in the telecom range. The 16th International Conference on Near-Field Optics, Nanophotonics and Related Techniques (NFO16 Online Event), Victoria,Canada, 17–21 August 2020.

7.      A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, T. Salim, D. Nam, N. I. Zheludev, Q.J. Wang. Planar resonators supporting extremely confined phonon-polariton. The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2020), San Jose, USA, 10–15 May2020.

8.      H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, J. Yin, A. Dubrovkin,V. Savinov, N. Zheludev, C. Soci. Exploiting the rich dielectric function of chalcogenide topological insulators for nanophotonics. Institute of Physics Singapore Meeting (IPS), Singapore, 26–28 February 2020.

9.      A. M. Dubrovkin, U. Chattopadhyay, B. Qiang, Q. J. Wang, Y.Chong, N. I. Zheludev. Near-field nanoimaging of topologically nontrivial waveguiding in the telecom band. 3rd International Workshop on Quantum andTopological Nanophotonics (QTN), Singapore, 12–14 December 2019.

10.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, T. Salim, D. Nam, N. I. Zheludev, Q.J. Wang. Mid-IR phonon resonance for nanophotonics. 3rd International Workshopon Quantum and Topological Nanophotonics (QTN), Singapore, 12–14 December 2019.

11.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang.Resonators and metamaterials based on highly-confined surface phononpolaritons. 10th International Conference on Materials for AdvancedTechnologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore, 23–28 June 2019.

12.   A. M. Dubrovkin, U. Chattopadhyay, B. Qiang, Q. J. Wang, Y.Chong, N. I. Zheludev. Topologically nontrivial waveguiding resolved bynear-field microscopy in telecom range. 10th International Conference onMaterials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019), Singapore, 23–28 June 2019.

13.   B. Qiang, A. M. Dubrovkin,H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, Q. Wang, C. Soci, Y. Zhang, J. Teng, Q. J. Wang. HighQ-factor controllable phononic modes in hybrid phononic-dielectrics. 10thInternational Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT 2019),Singapore, 23–28 June 2019.

14.   A. M. Dubrovkin, U. Chattopadhyay, B. Qiang, Q. J. Wang, Y.Chong, N. I. Zheludev. Near-filed mapping of valley hall topological guiding at telecom frequency. Institute of Physics Singapore Meeting (IPS), Singapore,13–15 March 2019.

15.   A. M. Dubrovkin, U. Chattopadhyay, B. Qiang, Q. J. Wang, Y.Chong, N. I. Zheludev. Nanoimaging of topologically protected waveguide mode attelecommunication frequency. The 7th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonicsand Metamaterials (NANOMETA 2019), Seefeld, Austria, 3–6 January 2019.

16.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Highly-confined and tunable surface phonon polaritons in semiconductor metamaterials. Photonics@SG 2018, Singapore, 26 November 2018.

17.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Tunable highly-confined surface phonon polaritons in nm-thick semiconductors. The 15th international conference on Near-FieldOptics, Nanophotonics & Related Techniques (NFO 15), Troyes, France, 26–31August 2018.

18.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Ultra-confined surface phonon polaritons in molecularlayers of van der Waals dielectrics. 2nd International Workshop on Quantum andTopological Nanophotonics (QTN), Singapore, 5–7 April 2018.

19.   H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, F. Hütt, A. M. Dubrovkin,H. Giessen, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Topological insulator metamaterials. 2nd International Workshop on Quantum and Topological Nanophotonics (QTN),Singapore, 5–7 April 2018.

20.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Highly confined phonon polaritons in atomically thininterfaces. SPIE Optics + Photonics, San Diego, USA, 6–10 August 2017.

21.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Confined surface waves in 2D dielectric materials. CLEOPR 2017, Singapore, 31 Jul – 4 Aug 2017.

22.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Ultra confined polaritons in atomically layereddielectrics. The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and theEuropean Quantum Electronics Conference 2017 (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017), Munich,Germany, 25–29 June 2017.

23.   H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, G. Adamo, A. M. Dubrovkin,J.-K. So, Y. D. Chong, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Plasmonics of topologicalinsulators at optical frequencies. The European Conference on Lasers andElectro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference 2017(CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2017), Munich, Germany, 25–29 June 2017.

24.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Confined surface waves in van der Waals dielectrics. The 8th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei,Taiwan, 22–26 May 2017.

25.   J. Yin, G. Adamo, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, J.So, A. M. Dubrovkin,Y. Chong, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Plasmonics in topological insulators. The 8th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP8), Taipei,Taiwan, 22–26 May 2017.

26.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, N. I.Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Dielectric-loaded phonon polaritons. IPS Meeting,Yale-NUS, Singapore, 22–24 February 2017.

27.   A. M. Dubrovkin, B. Qiang, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. Confinedsurface waves in layered dielectric materials. The 6th International TopicalMeeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA 2017), Seefeld, Austria,4–7 January 2017.

28.   J. Yin, G. Adamo, H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, J.So, A. M. Dubrovkin, Y. Chong, N. I. Zheludev, C. Soci. Plasmonics of topological insulators. The6th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA2017), Seefeld, Austria, 4–7 January 2017.

29.   A. M. Dubrovkin, J. Yin, G. Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, Q. J.Wang, C. Soci, L. Wang, N. I. Zheludev. Mapping plasmonic response oftopological insulator nanostructures in the visible range. Quantum andTopological Nanophotonics Workshop (QTN), 7–9 December 2016, Singapore.

30.   A. M. Dubrovkin, J. Yin, G. Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, Q. J.Wang, C. Soci, L. Wang, N. I. Zheludev. Visible range plasmons in topological insulators. The 14th International Conference on Near-Field Optics,Nanophotonics, and Related Techniques (NFO-14), 4–8 September 2016, Hamamatsu,Japan.

31.   L. Jiang, T. Yin, Z. Dong, A. Dubrovkin, C. Qian,J. Yang, Z. Shen. Selective plasmon resonances under symmetric in-planeillumination. International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM) 2016, Singapore, 4–8 Jul 2016.

32.  A. M. Dubrovkin, J. Yin, G. Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, Q.Wang, C. Soci, L. Wang, N. I. Zheludev. Visible range plasmons in topologicalinsulators. CLEO 2016, San Jose, USA,5–10 June 2016.

33.   A. M. Dubrovkin, J. Yin, G. Adamo, Y. Kiasat, B. Qiang, L.Wang, Q. J. Wang, C. Soci, N. I. Zheludev. Experimental and theoreticalevidence of the visible range plasmons in topological insulators. Institute of Physics Singapore Meeting 2016, Singapore, 7–8 March 2016.

34.   L. Jiang, T. Yin, Z. Dong, A. M. Dubrovkin, C.Qian, J. K. W. Yang, Z. Shen. Control of plasmon resonances by symmetricin-plane illumination. Institute of Physics Singapore Meeting 2016, Singapore,7–8 March 2016.

35.   H. L. Liu, S. J. Zheng, T. T. Ying, L. Jiang, X. L. Wang, Z. Dong, A. M. Dubrovkin, Q. Chen, J. K. W. Yang, Z. X. Shen, H. J. Fan, N. I. Zheludev. Engineering luminescence in plasmonic andmetameterials nanostructures. TPI-LUXPhotonics Consortium Conference, Singapore, 16–17 February 2016.

36.   A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, Q. J. Wang, J. Yin, C. Soci, N. I. Zheludev. Topological insulator plasmonics. TPI-LUX Photonics Consortium Conference, Singapore, 16–17 February 2016.

37.  A M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, Q. J. Wang, L. Wang, N.I. Zheludev. Localization and propagation of visible range plasmons in Bi1.5Sb0.5Te1.8Se1.2 topological insulator. Nanophotonics inAsia 2015, Osaka, Japan, 10–11 December 2015.

38.   A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, Q. J. Wang, L. Wang, N. I.Zheludev. Near-field nano-imaging of visible plasmons in topological insulator.ICMAT-2015, Singapore, 28 Jun – 3 Jul 2015.

39.   A. M. Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, A. Sulaev, Q. J. Wang, L. Wang, N.I. Zheludev. Near-field detection of plasmonic modes in topological insulatornanostructures in the visible part of the spectrum. CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2015, Munich, Germany, 19–25 June 2015.

40.   A. M. Dubrovkin, J. Tao, X. C. Yu, N. I. Zheludev, Q. J. Wang. The reduction of plasmon losses in quasi-suspended graphene. Japan-Singapore International Workshop on Nanophotonics, Plasmonics and Metamaterials,Singapore, 11–12 December 2014.

41.   J. Tao, X. Yu, B. Hu, A. Dubrovkin,Q. J. Wang. Graphene-based tunable Bragg reflector with a broad bandwidth. CLEO 2014, San Jose, USA, 8–13 June 2014.

42.   A. M. Dubrovkin, R. Barillé, S. Zielinska, E. Ortyl. Near-fieldoptical modification of individual nano-objects. International Photonics and Optoelectronics Meetings (POEM): Nanophotonics, Nanoelectronics and Nanosensor2013, Wuhan, China, 25–26 May 2013.

43.   A. M. Dubrovkin, R. Barillé. One-scan study of thesize-dependent light localization by pure dye nano-doughnuts and nano-rings.International OSA Network of Students – 13 (IONS–13), Zurich-Lausanne, Switzerland, 9–12 January 2013.

44.   A. M. Dubrovkin, R. Barillé. Photoinduced nano-doughnut:formation and near-field optical modification. International OSA Network of Students – 12 (IONS–12), Naples,Italy, 4–7 July 2012.45.   V. M. Cherniavskii, A. M. Dubrovkin,S.A. Magnitskii. Near-field “Fourier optics”. International OSA Network ofStudents – 11 (IONS–11), Paris,France, 22–25 February 2012.

46.   V. M. Cherniavskii, A. M. Dubrovkin, S.A. Magnitskii. Near-field theory: view at electric and magnetic fieldstogether. International OSA Network of Students – 10 (IONS–10), Southampton, UK, 10–13 August 2011.

47.   A. M. Dubrovkin, S. A. Magnitskii, V. A. Nadtochenko. How to bore the light. International OSA Network of Students – 9 (IONS–9), Salamanca, Spain, 7–9 April 2011.

48.   A. M. Dubrovkin, V. V. Kiryushin, A. A. Monakhov, V. M.Cherniavski. On the static equilibrium of the interface between the fluids incontact with the solid boundary. Taiwan-Russian bilateral symposium on problems in advanced mechanics, Moscow, Russia, 5–11 September 2010.

49.   A. M. Dubrovkin, S. A. Magnitskii, V. A. Nadtochenko. Locallight intensity gaps formed by crystal-structured polymer films. InternationalConference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Lasers, Applications andTechnologies (ICONO/LAT–2010),Kazan, Russia, 23–26 August 2010.

50.   V. M. Cherniavski, A. M. Dubrovkin, S. A. Magnitskii.Low-frequency approximation in near-field optics. International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Lasers, Applications and Technologies (ICONO/LAT–2010), Kazan, Russia, 23–26August 2010.

51.   A. M. Dubrovkin. Local intensity gapformed by laser radiation passing through the crystal-structured polymer film.XVII International conference of students and young scientists on fundamentalscience Lomonosov–2010, Moscow,Russia, 13 April 2010.

52.   A. M. Dubrovkin, A. A. Ezhov, Y. Jung, V. M. Kozenkov, S. A.Magnitskii, N. M. Nagorskiy, V. I. Panov, S. V. Savinov. Sub-domain lightlocalization and molecular orientation in azo-dye solid-state nanostructured films. International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Lasers,Applications and Technologies (ICONO/LAT–2007),Minsk, Belarus, 28 May – 1 Jun 2007.

53.   A. M. Dubrovkin, A. A. Ezhov, S. A. Magnitskii, D. V. Malakhov,V. I. Panov, S. V. Savinov. of polarization dependentlight localization in the vicinity of transparent dielectric nanocylinder.International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics, Lasers, Applicationsand Technologies (ICONO/LAT–2007),Minsk, Belarus, 28 May – 1 Jun 2007.

54.   A. M. Dubrovkin. Features of cv laser radiation diffraction by atransparent dielectric nanocylinder. XIV International conference of students and young scientists on fundamental science Lomonosov–2007, Moscow, Russia, 12 April 2007.

55.   A. M. Dubrovkin. Light diffraction by asingle nanocylinder. 4th All-Russian School-Symposium Dynamic and Structure in Chemistry and Biology. Moscow region,Russia, 17–21 April 2006.

Patents, Preprints, Press Coverage and Methodical Guides

1.      A. Dubrovkin,Q. Bo, Q. Wang, N. I. Zheludev. Device For Confining SurfacePhonon-Polaritons And Method For Forming The Same. Patent numberSG10202104009WA, 29 November 2021.

2.      H. N. S. Krishnamoorthy, A. M.Dubrovkin, G. Adamo, C. Soci. Topological insulator metamaterials.Preprint: http://arxiv.org/abs/2301.07905.

3.      Alexander Dubrovkin. Photonics in Singapore: An International Experience.Optics & Photonics News 25,22–23 (2014).

4.      A. M. Dubrovkin,S. A. Magnitskii. Methodical guide foruniversity teachers: Features of running research in the area of laser physics for students from Myanmar. Physical Faculty press, Lomonosov Moscow State University (2011).

5.      A. M. Dubrovkin,S. A. Magnitskii, V. M. Cherniavskii. Regularities of spatial light structures formation by nano objects under laser illumination. Physical Faculty Preprint, Lomonosov Moscow State University, no.2/2010, 1–53 (2010).

6.     A. M. Dubrovkin,A. A. Ezhov, S. A. Magnitskii, D. V. Malakhov, N. M. Nagorskii, V. I. Panov, S.V. Savinov. Scanning optical near-field microscope investigation of the light diffraction by transparent nano objects. Physical Faculty Preprint, Lomonosov Moscow State University, no. 8/2007, 1–30 (2007).


We are a spectroscopy group in the School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of Nanyang Technological University.
As part of the Division of Physics and Applied Physics, we contribute to a vibrant scientific community advancing the synthesis and characterization of molecular and nanoscale materials. We have also strong ties with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, where we focus on fabrication and modeling of nanoscale devices.

Optical Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials  Cesare Soci  SitesGo OSON Research